>no shaft
>no kyoani
>instead we get this
Is this the worst season in years?
No shaft
we got ReLIFE, that almost makes me want to forgive the season. But you're right it's pretty weak.
Of course the highest selling series of the year is currently airing (LL, which will probably sell 20k+ )
I hope these threads become a bannable offense soon.
>kotaku being shit and wrong
If there's one thing that anchors me to this world, it's this immutable fact.
> kotaku
Off yourself for even visiting that clickbait site.
your face is a clickbait site.
That's a damn good anime and I'm totally not being paid to say that,
Everything but fujo shows got the fuck out of Love Live's way.
Fuck off frog poster.
You call that a frog post? Now this is frog posting
clearly i saved the picture from Sup Forums
you can tell from the image name
Fucking delete LL already
Idolshit belongs in the fucking trash
Retarded nip permavirgin losers keep eating the shit up
>not using a filename randomizer so people can't track you through images
>accepting a shit anime just because it's free.
I guess if you have nothing to eat you'll gladly eat shit off the street and not even complain a little bit about your situation.
Fuck off cuck
Nah mob psycho hasn't aired yet
Almost half of LL's audience is female. It's demographic reach is fucking huge.
>half female
What the fuck?
Why would women watch idolshit?
Is that really a thing?
Do you not understand when someone is being comical? I guess so you fucking anti social retard
>western website
if anything this is proof that Anime should never be mainstream, especially in the west.
Amanda to inuzuma
Prismatic 3rei
Alright season. But yeah, it's totally lacking some Trigger or Shaft. At least we'll get 2nd Kizu movie towards end of season
Same reason people watch harem or ecchi. Self insertion
Is this right user?
do women really want to be idols?
sounds like a shit career desu
It's the worst thread I've seen in hours.
They want to be pretty and well liked. In their heart they want to be Maki, in their real life they are Tomoko.
Is it even legal to fuck a frog?
>In their heart they want to be a JAV actress
Women confirmed pig disgusting for the millionth time.
>no kyoani
Haruhi S3 SOON
>endless 26
Please no
ReLife ended before the Spring season was over.
The E.T. of anime.
>no shaft
>no kyoani
People still think those meme studios are good? kek
Nice meme inside a meme.
Last season has no KyoAni or Shaft either. And we got Re:Zero, Habanero, Mayoiga, Kiznaiver.
You just named 4 trash anime. What was your point?
Winter had a kyoanus show (phantom sales) and was the worst season in the last 10 years.
Fuck you mate, I liked E.T.
Winter had Konosuba which made up for the absolute trash season.
Are they paid for selling their souls to the devil?
are they paid to say that?
Konosuba was badly animated DEENshit tho, if I wanted isekai pandering trash I would watch re:zero instead
welp, time for rewatch
Spotted the Triggerfag.
Very strange. I absolutely loved Knosuba but despise Re:Zero
back in the day when I first came to Sup Forums I sure didn't expect every other thread to be boatfucking general, aidorus or seasonal chuuni comedy shows being declared AOTY
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad
That the threads in which I meta are the best I've ever had
Shit thread
Do you realize being an idol an Japan is the American dream equivalent of wanted to grow up to be a rock star?
>doesnt like cute Chuuni girls
Why would you watch inferior isekai shit, user?
Stop advertising yourself here, you stupid retard. Useless mods.
Thats some nice autism you have there user.
Thanks Sup Forumsnon, you have some very nice autism as well
This season is depressingly dry. Only a couple ok shows new this season.
Sad that the best shows running this season are just from last season.
Hope this means next season will be fun.
Nothing truly terrible is ever bannable here.
It's crazy how fast the anime community just went to complete shit and home of the rock stupid around me over the last decade. It's particularly noticeable in the last couple years. Granted anime is on the fast track to becoming a schlock entertainment medium with no potential left for interesting storytelling or ideas so that might have something to do with it.
>Amaama to Inazuma
Best summer all summer until fall my friend.
I liked both, each for different reasons. What a time to be alive.
>no shaft
Ask your mum OP, I gave her plenty
>someone is so casual that he wanted Berserk animated by Shaft or KyoAni
Oh god I'm going to die from laughing too much
>not handing Berserk over to DEEN
Plebs, all of you.
I see kotaku managed to keep their amazing taste in anime since SAO.
It is the year of DEEN after all. They could do it justice.
Assblasted kotakufags detected.
ReLIFE sucks.
Kotaku still exist? I thought hulkster killed their entire network