>high schoolers that just started senior year are doing Calculus
Nice realism there TMS
High schoolers that just started senior year are doing Calculus
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my school had calc 1 in junior year, and calc 2 in senior.
>American "education"
>High Schoolers playing kid games
dude thats common even here in Mexico
Just because you had burger education doesn't mean the rest of the world does
that's exactly what happened at my school
What? Where are you from? I'm American and I had calculus in sophomore, junior, and senior year.
When I went through high school about 6 years ago, I never even knew how to derivate.
I still got accepted into a STEM degree on a good university.
I'm pretty sure that's normal
Don't reply, don't bump
True, i started calculus at freshman year.
I learned that shit in junior year dude.
bump :^)
I literally took Calculus AB as a senior. There were a bunch of juniors in my class, too.
I had a very shit high school education in a third world country.
And I only saw calculus on university.
So I guess that first world countries might have it.
>must be great being a spic or a nigger in burgerland
Mexico is far from being the shittiest third world country m8.
For example you are better than 90% of south america, 100% of africa and 60% of asia.
>inb4 everyone and their mother took calculus as a middle school student
I went to one of the most competitive highschools in the US and if you didn't learn all the math on your own then the most you could do was take Calculus 1 and 2 in Junior year and Calculus 3 and Elementary Linear Algebra in Senior year.
It's certainly common enough for many to finish up their senior year with calculus 1 or "AB," but it's also just as common for people to never see calculus until university.
But on Sup Forums everyone is a genius mathematician that took partial differential equations in 5th grade.
>his elementary school didn't teach number theory
>his middle school didn't teach real and complex analysis
>his high school didn't teach algebraic topology and manifolds
>still thinks he has the right to talk
Lmao look at this retard. Kill yourself.
I took calc 1 my freshman year and I live in the fucking Southern US.
I was in a mediocre school in south america and we had calculus in the second to last year.
I have completely forgotten almost everything about it (and a lot of geometry too) but I just don't get how MC could keep on failing so hard for so long. I can't say I would ace them but I'm fairly sure that I could get back to speed pass the tests in a month.
Calculus and "Advanced Functions" (shitty pre-calc) were mandatory Grade 12 courses if you want to take anything math related in University.
The only remotely hard thing about these courses was working with complex trig identities as it actually required a brain capable of abstract thought.
But quite a few people took Calc 1 in sophmore year and junior year.
>>It's certainly common enough for many to finish up their senior year with calculus 1 or "AB," but it's also just as common for people to never see calculus until university.
This. My city was sorta ghetto, and there were definitely some people that took AP calc 1 or 2, but that was like 15%-25% of students.
Well yeah as long as you keep practicing you could do that.
>The only remotely hard thing about these courses was working with complex trig identities as it actually required a brain capable of abstract thought.
You can't be serious. Take an intro to proofs class if you want something that actually remotely resembles abstract thought.
>But on Sup Forums everyone is a genius mathematician that took partial differential equations in 5th grade.
That and I'm also 6'3" with an 8 inch ween
What was MC's problem then? Did he really keep gossiping about highschool shit with glasses the entire time instead of studying?
I live in a 3rd world country and we just classed everything math between algebra and geometry in high school. What are the lessons of calculus
High schoolers do calc here in Canada
At my school, the classes you took depended on how stupid you were or weren't.
We had "Algebra B" for retards, algebra 1, 2, and geometry for regular students, calculus 1, 2, and trigonometry for college prep.
Keep in mind that this was in the sticks of northeast Arkansas, where our graduating class held 27 people.
I did take a similar class first year in uni. And it is nothing like anything in highschool that much is certain.
I was talking about highschool and how the calculus actually taught was very basic and that the only actual thinking, i.e. something you have to actually plan out and think over, something not based off a formula or concrete method, came from trig.
That's wrong though. You took a shitty calc class that only covered definitions and computations
Nipponese might never see calculus in high school, but many will end after taking the equivalent of pre-calc, trig, and calc 1.
So yes, it's realistic.
I went to an Amerifat public high school and I took Calc senior year
Do places outside of California not have AP classes or something?
OP is probably a dumbshit who didn't take APs.
Yeah but, like... not even having heard of them?
Integration is taught in some European countries too.
Of course you only learn how to actually practically integrate rather than being taught the proper analytical foundation that leads up to the Riemann integral, so it's not like this is hard or anything.
Part of why I didn't find this show particularly believable that an adult who graduated from university is supposed to be struggling with this.
In BC and I never did. Fucking hated math. Was more of an essay kid.
>he was only taugt Riemann integration and thought that it was hard
The characters in the show all were doing it, it wasn't optional like it is in the US.
Desu I would struggle if I was thrown back into HS and had to take Calculus 2 again despite getting an A and a 5 on the BC exam.
And you must have went to a shitty high school if your teacher didn't spend time making you solve integrals as Riemann sums and just skipped straight to solving them practically.
But struggling with integrating a quadratic is pretty unbelievable for anyone who has ever taken calculus within the last 10 years.
Man i'm from Mexico, from a shitty school that even in my country has bad reputation and i got calculus in senior year and statistics .
From where are you?
If you are talking about the highschool class then yeah that's all they had to teach because once the "real" calculus starts you needed to learn things barely touched upon such as writing actual proofs beyond calculations+therefore statements and there wasn't enough time to teach everyone how to do so in addition to covering the basics.
I went back and checked onine for the course and I remembered the 5 month course was further divided into two parts: one half calculus and one half vectors. You can see the whole curriculum here if you want.
I don't think it's that crazy for someone in an academically-inclined private school to be doing relatively easy problems like those at the start of senior year
Some high schools in NY had Multivariable Caculus in senior year.
>And you must have went to a shitty high school if your teacher didn't spend time making you solve integrals as Riemann sums and just skipped straight to solving them practically.
You're a damn retard if you think Riemann integration sums are used to solve integrals. It's used to prove the existence and convergence of the integral and the values of almost all integrals you encounter in an intro course is found using the fundamental theorem.
This was one High School that I found had it
You guys have to remember. In the US, the calc sequence, along with linear algebra and differential equations, are COLLEGE COURSES
they are that mathematically illiterate.
No I forget what the actual name is but we had to replace shit with n, (n+1), etc and whatever before we ever learned how to properly integrate.
It doesn't really matter though because math is just a toolbox for anyone who isn't autistic.
Also, adding some English in there along with History would make a great educational plan for the intelligent and curious student.
It's ok if you're too stupid to understand the underlying framework, dear engineer. Now don't you have an ass you have to kiss in order to keep your codemonkey job? Why don't you move along?
>And you must have went to a shitty high school if your teacher didn't spend time making you solve integrals as Riemann sums and just skipped straight to solving them practically.
Obviously you are introduced to the vague idea of how integrals work, but you're not taught the underlying analytical foundation.
The concept of convergence, the possibility for infinite series to have a finite sum (I doubt most high schoolers could present me a mathematically rigorous proof that 0.999... = 1), the construction of real numbers from Dedekind cuts and their identity as equivalence classes of the limits of rational Cauchy sequences, all that is poorly understood when still in high school and not taught in great detail.
You only learn that properly in the first Analysis lectures in university.
We use these here in Ontario
>That troll image
See Even the "superior" Asian curriculum doesn't teach much beyond American schools, and basically nothing is different if you took advanced/accelerated/gifted/AP courses.
Fuck off back to /sci/ math major autismal. Muh 300k starting.
Fuck off Brayan.
>that reply
Poor compensating brainlet has to get one word in
Why are we bringing Brayan into this conversation
I wenr to a relatively ghetto school and there were dozens i think in calculus as juniors, most of them black and mexican. I say relatively because it was one of the safest mostly minority schools you'll see.
Oh look, it's another "Let's make uninformed assumptions about the US" thread. Fascinating, Euro gentlemen, tell me more about our country which you don't live in and have never visited. I've been to many of your countries, and even during a few months as a tourist, I guarantee I've absorbed more of your culture and norms than you have of ours.
Kekku. I'm a medfag not an engineer. I just took math for fun until it started getting boring (proofs).
All mexican highschoolers are named Brayan or Deyanira. It's common knowledge.
>there are people in this thread that took multivariable calculus in college and not in secondary school
I think you are talking about limits.
Math sucks, failed Trig and never tried again in High School math. Now I took a year off after HS to get money and remember zero. Is college an option?
t. blogger
please ban me so i can have a reason to end my life.
>proofs are boring
Yeah that's what all brainlets say lel.
until they started getting hard*
No he isn't. He's talking about integrating polynomials using the fundamental theorem of calculus, which is pretty much the very first thing you do in the calc class I teach at the local primary school.
Too bad medicine makes more money than math! BTFO all the way back to /sci/ and /r/math!
just go to college for arts or something. major in education with a minor in some shitty science like geology.
All that money won't make you smart enough to handle proofs, oneesan
>tfw you took "consumer math" instead of calc
feels fantastic tbqhwu/a/senpai
oh fuck you
there was a time where I could do that with my eyes closed
not really, I forgot all about it today
>being a 7 year slave makes more money than a math major going straight into quantitative analysis
>being an overworked and constantly stressed out family doctor who doesn't even do anything major makes more money than a math grad working in Big Data
>being a retard handler makes more money than a math grad doing research in quantum computing
Lmao. This is the sort of delusions these brainlets must convince themselves of in order to sleep at night.
>failed trig and never tried again
I "passed" my math classes all the way up through trig with the lowest score you could possibly get for passing (60% flat). Then I decided to stop being retarded and got As in my calculus courses that I had to sign lock-in agreements to take and a 5 on the BC exam.
The answer is just stop being retarded.
Someone's never spoken to math grads from top ten schools that go straight into finance
I went to a high school where our math courses were catered to our preferred career paths. STEM bros got to take advanced algebra and calculus, and the rest rode the short bus.
Just fuck off already /sci/. No one thinks you're smart.
/lit/ is leagues smarter than you, and they're not nearly as obnoxious
Why C++ instead of C? Keep in mind, I'm not asking because C++ would be 'too hard', but because why would you immediately sully C with baked in classes (as opposed to having students manually constructing structures with associated vtables first in order to understand what is needed for polymorphism), half assed accidental template meta-programming and a grammar undecidable by a Turing machine?
Who cares?
>implying I'm not going to make 200k starting as a neurologist while you're being autistic for the same amount of time in school for your PhD in math and making less than half as much as I am
>implying you won't master out anyway
Just go back to your autism board desu.
Why does anime attract so many math majors with superiority complexes?
My brother of african-american descent.
I failed all my classes and never got past algebra 1
But at least I can draw anime tiddies
I only knew one and he was a smart motherfucker. This wasnt Mexico though,however, he had lived there previously. This is irrelevant I know
Sorry your liberal arts degree only got you a job at a Starbucks, /lit/-kun
>he thinks he's going to make 200k starting
Buddy you're gonna have a rough time
And this is coming from another medfag. Are you in medschool already
>still dreaming
Keep up the good "work" kek. I'm having a barrel of laughs here.
>Why does anime attract so many math majors with superiority complexes?
It was you who thought that you're above everyone else because you couldn't do proofs my little man. Lmao I bet you're a manlet too.
>/lit/ smarter than /sci/
Both boards are for idiots, you aren't going to find intellectuals on Sup Forums of all places.
>/lit/ is leagues smarter than you
>not nearly as obnoxious
>Definitely did this shit in highschool
>Was known to be one of the best students at maths in years since I did calculations instantly in my head
>Can't for the life of me remember how to do this anymore even though I can program circles around my work seniors now
I could never figure what the practical purpose of this and a bunch of other advanced maths stuff so they just dropped out of my head as the years went by. Seriously, what are these things used for o' math degree and higher holders?
I live in one of the shittiest countries, we still take calc 1 before senior.
What is the difference between the first episode that aired, and the batch that was released?
>implying I won't
I'll keep dreaming all the way to my paycheck.
See above.
>undecidable grammar
You want to run that by me again, Sup Forumsaylord?
The first episode had only the first episode while the batch had all thirteen episodes.
I had calculus in my high school in brazil.
I remeber absolutely nothing of the subject though. It was the last subject of the year and i already had enough grade to pass so i didn't give a shit.
>Mexico greater than most of South America
But yeah, calc in high school is not surprising. Only Amerifats would be surprised by that.
But how come the batch was released before everything had aired?