Where/when the fuck is 3.0+1.0? Christ Anno, it's been four years since 3.0, just conclude your over budgeted sequels already.
Also; post your expectations/predictions ITT.
Rebuild 3.0+1.0
I expect it to be shit like the 3 movies before it
2.0 was alright even though nothing new that was established was paid off due to how much of a clusterfuck 3.0 was and how the Q was a COMPLETE FUCKING BAIT AND SWITCH.
Presumably it's coming after Shin Gojira, which I'm pretty hyped about..
It's gonna be a pretentious """artistic""" ending that'll raise more questions than it answers. People will write entire essays about how it's a social commentary on the current state of the anime industry or some other bullshit. Box office and BDs sell millions. There you have it, the future
EoE isn't hard to "get" but you sound like a fan of moe cartoons.
> 2.0 was alright
fuck no. don't get me wrong. as something seperate, it would've been amazing. But it simply wasn't evangelion-like...like Lain suddenly turning into a highshool comedy
It basically says "Fuck characters, here have some shiny action scenes", while NGE did the exact opposite. And I watch Eva mainly for it's characters.
And it's gonna be glorious and will fill hours, days, of my empty life.
Or Anno finally realizes, he is spawning the exact thing, he argues against, and suprises everyone with every single question being answered, leaving us in a void, that has the chance to drag us back to real life
This, I liked 3.0 for at least being honest and cutting to the weird shit like everyone wanted
2.0 was really just fanservice overload
But people like fanservice
>Mari falls out of the sky tits first on Shinji's face
While ridiculous it was fun
>Where/when the fuck is 3.0+1.0?
Godzilla ate it.
>post your expectations/predictions ITT
See pic related.
Ban EVA posters.
>3.0 for at least being honest and cutting to the weird shit like everyone wanted
>2.0 was really just fanservice overload
You must be severely retarded to realize that fanservice literally is what everyone wants, it's even in the name.
I hate the Rebuild movies but the fight against Sahaquiel gave me a boner
Not the same user. But is really isn't. It depends on the target audience.
Literal fanservice for someone who wants more NGE related stuff, would be a focus on the characters.
But we are getting into semantics here, since there are at least two different usages of the term in play.
>It depends on the target audience
Most Eva threads are shitposting sessions about muh waifu Rei VS muh waifu Asuka. This speaks volumes about what the "target audience" wants. Rebuild never was about what the audience wants anyway, it's about Anno telling the fanbase to fuck off.
2.0s fanservice is more in nature of the waifu/pairing bullshit
3.0 is more in nature of what people really find 'intriguing' about EVA, being the more surreal an psychological angle
Khara has been hiring animators recently.
By the end of last year; the studio hired animators (two confirmed) for something. Fans speculate that they are working on a trailer.
Their site says they're in stage 4 of production. Isn't that the final stage?
>2.0s fanservice is more in nature of the waifu/pairing bullshit
Sounds just like what most anime viewers want. I'd even argue those don't want anything else.
>3.0 is more in nature of what people really find 'intriguing' about EVA, being the more surreal an psychological angle
The only thing 3.0 has in common with the original Eva are characters moping like there's no tomorrow which makes pretty much all the movie has to offer, it doesn't even look like Eva anymore and characters have been hollowed to the extreme.
Kaoru kun love
I agree 3.0 did leave alot to be desired, I just like how it fastforwarded past whatever the fuck 2.0 was trying to do.
If anything 3.0 is just a 'buildup' movie for the next one, but whether Anno will pull it off or not remains undecided.
Stage 4 as in 4th movie?
did you google translated the page?
>I just like how it fastforwarded past whatever the fuck 2.0 was trying to do
What exactly? Both movies were made with the prime intend to destroy the original Eva, both succeeded through different ways.
>If anything 3.0 is just a 'buildup' movie for the next one
That's just an excuse for the movie plain sucking in its own right, the next one will also be made to destroy the original Eva. You don't make a 30 minutes worth of contents movie padded to 100 and call it "build up" for something else that's still not out years after, with no info and a director who changes his mind all the time about what kind of contents go into his works.
Put it however you want, I didn't say the movie was good, at the end of the day I thought it was more interesting than 2.0.
hear hear
It's Godzilla. The eva you're waiting for is none other than Godzilla.
But the Godzilla I'm waiting for is called Godzilla vs Kong, and Anno doesn't have his neurosis-riddled paws anywhere on that.
That's your problem.
You know Anno said at a conference that 4.0 could take 6 years, at the time people thought he was joking...guess not.
I remember 4 years
Whatever, I just hope it's good
>it's been four years since 3.0
>khara is almost a decade old
I've wasted my life
>tfw Anno could have directed like 3 or 4 original anime series in the time it took him to laze around and make the Rebuilds
Jesus fuck he has really wasted his time.
Well it would take a fucking long time to write yourself out of the corner that is the ending of 3.0
Riding the Godzilla wave, Anno decides to combine animation and long awaited Hollywood live action to create something between Mind Game and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
EVANGELION: 3D+2D coming in 2025!
He's probably gotten lazy since he feels EVA will preemptively overshadow everything else he does.
You think he actually had a hand in the Rebuilds? Nigga all he's done since 2000 was wipe his ass with Otaku cash and now make Godzilla, which is his true dream.
Who the fuck cares about Anno, Tsurumaki was also bogged down in this shit and couldn't make an original show
Don't think that Godzilla was preventing work on Eva or anything, Anno didn't so much as visit the studio in all of 2013 and may have only gone back in 2014 for Animator Expo and TIFF. There really might not be a script.
I know right. The preview at the end of 2.0 says everyone's in jail and they magically have an entire fleet at the beginning of 3.0. Can someone explain to me why Shinji ended up in a giant orbiting cube?
It's a Tessaract
SEELE put him there so that SEELE couldn't use him in their own plan.
It doesn't make sense
Shinji and Eva-01 were never Seele's plan, they're what Gendo used to jack the role Seele were preparing Mark.06 for. It's the subject of all their dialogue and most of Gendo's dialogue with Fuyutsuki until he gloats while they're being switched off.
Everything else still doesn't make sense.
My expectation is that we aren't going to hear nothing until 2017 and then we'll just wind up with a short trailer like the one we got for 3.0 Does anybody remember it? The one that's mostly just a voice over saying Shinji waking up in a "new world" next to a "new boy"? Then we may get a late 2017/2018 target release. Then probably won't hear nothing until 2018. I hope that isn't the case, but it's hard to think otherwise. Then we may get a dub by 2020.
My predictions is that the whole 3.0 + 1.0 thing is gonna be another death and rebirth movie.
The first half is basically what 3.0 was suppose to be, showing everything that happened before the time skip. Then the last half of the movie will be a rushed 4.0 ending. Or build up to a 5.0 announcement.
But that's my thoughts.