Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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xth for 疲れた
has anyone ever pirated Japanese: The Spoken Language
> 膣外射精されての喜びさ
yall get aroused by memes then huh
nice dubs
6th for kanji pazuru
私 master race here
俺 fags 帰れ
>not 我
I used boku when I was in japan, I was 24 years old. Did I do that correctly or how does that shit work I still don't know
ware ware wa legion desu
I just heard a nip girl today who used 俺等
おいら is cute as HECK desu
lobot lobotomy would be a fun jrock band name
How do you guys remember the Kanji? Sometimes I recognize the Kanji but forget what it means
nice namefagging :^)
thats like getting aroused at the word "sex" though user, i wont judge tho
ore is masculine and for middle to young adult age, boku is young male typically and 自信ないタイプ, watashi is neutral and atashi/watakushi are feminine, iirc.
what're you talking about I'm an anonymous user like the rest of you
Girls sometimes use ore and boku too.
I never said whether or not girls or boys were restricted on using them I just said what their affiliations with gender are
ore is masculine and if a girl uses it its kinda weird, boku is said by tomboys in anime alot
i know of a single male character that uses atashi as well
so it's not restricted it's just how they're seen gender-wise
Continue studying.
Read more.
Looks like a joke, but seriously just keep at it.
I'm getting at the point while doing my kanji deck that I'm getting the meaning of some stuff just from similar/past words.
Also, one trick I use is to use association with anything you remember or enjoy.
For example I always forget this 合板 but it only took me one look at 戦 to never forget it (because of 戦乙女).
わたくし isn't feminine, it's just formal
儂 is really the only way to go though
I know. When talking in a casual way, it doesn't really matter what you use.
well im a confident son of a bitch so im goin full ore next time i speak with an eleven
awser to the kanji puzzle was 6 by the way
わっち is my favorite of the archaic
holo and I think shinobu use it
or you could make one up
shinobu just uses わし the classic のじゃロリ pronoun
no ja is annoying cuz its always some old bitch
or like some female whoze really smart and is already 80 years old mentally like that grill from shimoneta or probably washu from tenchi muyo
Heh, nice meme.
By the way, what's the japanese equivalent of "meme"?
Neta I'd figure
なんだよ、お前? 本気で諦めたいならいいんだろう。誰かに勉強させられているワケないのじゃん?この世の中には、出来る人だけが成功するからな。自分に聞いてみろう。「俺、出来るのか?」自信持って答えられないなら諦めれば方がいいと思う。
old but cute
the real question is do you drink
Same here but it's almost 100% humidity.
>translated as Natsume-kun doesn't know anything
Shouldn't this be "knows everything/anything"?
>trusting translators
yeah the translator is a retard that failed beginner's grammar and assumed from anime that the ~でも pattern implies inversion
>don't need translators for porn anymore
>can literally just open raw doujins and read them off the bat
This feeling is fucking amazing. I'm so glad I decided to learn this language.
I'm almost there
Is there any merit in leaving production cards in your vocab decks? They were incredibly helpful in the beginning, but now that I can write somewhat comfortably and learn new words/kanji easier, they feel like a waste of time. Although, they still seem to have a beneficial effect on my retention.
any seeming benefits are merely a result of spending more time studying that word
Im so bored of anki
I have like five hundred hours logged over two years or so.
Im so sick of it.
All I do is watch like one episode of anime a day now.
It sucks the reps are piling up but whatever.
I feel so hopeless about this hobby. It was a waste of time.
Im going to be deaf anyway so why even give a shit about listening to Japanese and vocab is impossible to completely get everything without looking it up.
Also I wonder how finny is feeling now that his waifus everywhere now.
We'd love to have you over again. (lit., I hope you'll see fit to overlook our meager hospitality and come again.)
how does this even work?
I'll never be there...
>I'm going to be deaf anyway
wait what
I damaged my ears too much listening to grindcore and factory work.
Tell me im going to learn Japanese...i don't think I can do it...
are you asking about ず or the meaning of 懲りる?
if it's the latter look it up
if it's ず then you should have looked that up already too
ず is just a negative form that works like adverbially and can be used with に to mean "without doing [verb]"
You're going to get a better job, you'll get a hearing aid and you'll learn Japanese. Stop being such a whiny fucking defeatist, nobody likes that.
>Also I wonder how finny is feeling now that his waifus everywhere now.
It's not too bad. I get to shit on EOPs in the New Game threads for a day after a new episode airs and don't have to make ぞい子 images myself
日本語posting in New Game threads is truly the best way to drive away cancerous crossboarding Dogakobo-fags.
It's always weird seeing her everywhere to me. Because I used to only see her in two threads.
Is the anime any good?
I'm watching tales and love live sunshine this season and new game when I get the chance.
Didn't even think about hearing aids tbqh...
my article will explain it
just listen to post hardcore, you get the same "kill everything" mental bliss without needing loud volume
>factory work
you won't go deaf over time from that
This is referral spam everyone. Report and hide.
That's true, I suppose a similar effect could be achieved with just a lower multiplier. I suppose I just need to get over it and delete them at this point and spend the time saved on reading more. Especially now that Anki itself is starting to feel more and more useless.
>Is the anime any good?
For now anyways
I use a default ease of 140% and an interval modifier of 4x and I have 98% true retention.
>Is the anime any good?
Better than original so far
>Better than original so far
significantly so
Downloading now and will follow~~
I'm having trouble with this sentence.
Its mostly the が then は
The two translations that come to mind are:
>Because of redundancy of adjectives and modifiers, many sentences are improper for formal documents.
>Many sentences with redundant adjectives and modifiers are unfit for formal documents.
Am I even close? I've never encounterd a 'noun が noun' before.
sentences where tedious adjectives and modifiers are many are unsuitable for formal documents
german handles this kind of awkward construction with V2; japanese handles it with allowing relative clauses to use の instead of が; english handles it by allowing you to break the language's grammar's legs
It's not noun が noun, it's (noun が adjective)-noun.
Cat with a red head.
(Could also be "my head is a red cat," so like said you could remove some ambiguity by using の instead of が, but obviously not all of it. With の its second meaning would be "my head's red cat" instead.)
>english handles it by allowing you to break the language's grammar's legs
And then English turned into the perfect language for technical documentation.
I think I understand, but it is still confusing. Seems like it ends up as whichever way makes the most sense is the right way to translate it.
There's only one technically correct structure to translate it. There's a relative clause that states "There are a lot of tedious adjectives and modifiers". That relative clause is applied to "sentences". This modified "sentences" is then applied to the predicate "is/are unsuitable for formal documents".
You can change the wording of each part but you can't move pieces between the parts. That's where most translations fail and change the original meaning.
That's exactly how it ends up. Though it should calm you to know that no other way makes any amount of sense whatsoever in the context of your sentence.
why reading seems like putting togheter puzzle pieces?
I meant on the OP puzzle.
I feel you
>That feel when complete inability to learn any kind of language
>I will destroy you and every last writing-style-blind schizophrenic trollbait-posting ignoramus out there like you once the tao descends down on my crippled body and scarred soul to grant me my holy socratesean argumentative autist powers.
Great sentence dude, was a blast to read it.
ok /djt/, which one of you did this? Who should I thanks?
is this correct? today i ate ramen
yeah looks fine brah
How often do you brush your teeth /djt/ ?
for the sake of my own sanity please tell me this is bait
you have to ask?
Getting mixed vibes here. Also why is ramen in katakana anyway? Thanks for the help though.