We need to foment a Second US Civil War.
A giant free-for-all purge where only the strong survive.
Democrats vs Republicans, Sorosoids vs Nationalists, Libertarians vs Authoritarians
All against all
Niggers swinging from trees
Politicians and bankers getting massacred en masse
Death squads roaming the streets, firefights and executions on every street corner
It's the only way to cull the weak and parasitic elements of society
To cure a cancer, you must attack the body
When the cancer is gone, the body will be stronger than ever
We need more people like Stephen Paddock to push society to the brink
It is the only way to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Other urls found in this thread:

Antifa is going to start it for us on Nov 4 just be ready

Oh I'm ready, believe me
I've been preparing for SHTF for a long time

seek mental health. if you believe you are perfectly healthy then please tell others about your thoughts and see how they react. they will all realize that you need help, even if you're in denial. you're maybe 2-3 years away from a breakdown, probably paranoid schizophrenia

100% serious i've seen it before. tends to come out in young men especially

No we don't we need to get rid of people like you.

We need to get rid of Jews.

Nice try russiabot


Got front row seats to the carnage just no nuking Canada ok?

Everything he said is correct. Don't be a pussy

November 4th, antifa literally announced it to the entire world

You're at awareness level 2 or 3
You think you're sufficiently redpilled and you know what's going on in the world
If you choose to bury your head in the sand, that'll be the end of it
But if you choose to widen your view, eventually those red pills will turn to black pills, and you will come to realize that violence is the only answer.
Strength is the only real thing in the world
Laws, banks, politics, freedom - the foundation of everything is the threat of using strength.
You may think reason and debate may prevail, may compel people to act a certain way, but in the end, the only thing that people truly respect is strength and violence

Uuumm guys russia started this one to.

So go start your revolutuon. Beat the new high score. What’s stopping you, pussy?

Rough sex...
Me gusta.

I want to live in the aftermath, not die before it even begins

you weren't near the top in this world. You won't be anywhere near the top in the next. Accept your lot

of course you do. everyone wants to change the world but nobody wants to die. Thats why things rarely change in a meaningful way you stupid wop-dago.

I'm top 1% in the world and top 5% in the US
I'd say that's near the top
Don't see why I won't be even higher after SHTF, given that I'm prepared for it

420 lynch mob

I'm siding with the Republican Libertarian Nationalist Authoritarian Democrat Sorosoids.

this, except whoever wins gets killed too

start afresh, no more demons, just complete blank slate

There are too many variables and too many opportunities for failure to be at all confident of what that world would look like. Unless you have built a network of like-minded members you trust 100% with your life, lone wolves will get picked off easily.

And if you have such a network, and aren't lying about your wealth, what the fuck are you complaining about?

My dead grandmother gave me a newspaper in a dream that said "November 22, 2017" on it.


aww shiet

i'm up for fixing your capslock key

Elaborate on this, did the newspaper say anything or have anything on it?

>Soros approved

It takes a worthy cause to get people out of that mindset and actually make them want to die for something. You need to value something more than yourself and your family that you are willing to give up everything for, and when everyone is fighting for that same cause that's when the magic happens.
It's not often but when it happens it's glorious: The American Revolution, The rise of Nazi Germany, the Apollo space program, the Crusades driving off a swarm of mudslime degenerates, Magellan's circumnavigation of the world, etc.
When you have a worthy cause, combined with a strong authoritarian figure that can unite people around the cause, then people will want to change the world more than ensuring their own survival.

Well shit, that convinces me. Granny user would never lie.

I'm complaining, because if things go on as they are now - slowly getting worse and worse - maybe I will have a good life, but my children or grandchildren won't. Of course there's risk in war, but the alternative is the fate of the "boiling frog" for Western civilization. I want to prevent that while there's still an opportunity. If millions die, so be it. Better than hundreds of millions being enslaved

Oh wow yeah this isn't a slide thread at all, no sirree

Is it possible that we're being tricked?

That the REAL date is a day or two before or after? To catch us off guard?

It's what I'd do.

Still get prepared for the 4th though. I'd say be on alert for a week on either side.

You know if Stephen said he did this for antifa/white power this would have pretty much started a civil war.


I'm genuinely look forward to it.

The only way things are going to improve in this country to cleanse it with fire and blood.

I unironically love that fucking game. I pray everyday that it becomes reality.

No we don't.

It's October, not November

I live deep in the country in the reddest of states and am armed to the teeth and own land absolutely infested with deer. It can happen any day as far as I'm concerned. I just worry about urban and suburban anons.

Except his gf is a gook so no one would take him seriously.

Also, he shot up a country concert rather than a nigger jungle music fest, fagbar, or at the very least, a Rave.

>Wants a future for white children
>Uses a faggot that opened fire on a crowd of white people instead of targeting some shitty rap concert.

You are a retard.