Are you guys ready for Valkyrie Drives with mecha?
>yfw when this will get into the next SRW
Regalia The Three Sacred Stars
Lolis, mecha, and plot. What could possibly go wrong?
The crappy director and writer of this show.
I really doubt it will sell with Macross and LoveLive this season.
>only other work in the directors seat is Infinite Stratos 2
Will he someone manage to make more anime original filler trash for an anime that doesn't even have source material to adapt from this time?
This is original show, so well.
Also the writer recent work was some of Mayoiga and M3 episodes.
Dat gothic lolita silver loli.
I'm watching it because it's a mecha, but I'm not really expecting much.
I'm basically just anticipating fanservice for the lead girl.
>Valkyrie Drive
That bad? Because VD was the epitome of dogshit.
I'll hope for Simoun but expect VD tier trash.
Sounds like it's gonna be a wild ride.
Please don't.
Do what? It could turn out to be comedy of the season. Nothing wrong with that.
The wild ride trainwreck threads of the season always turn out to be pure fucking trash.
>Yuri Lolis Mecha
Picked up.
It's not like circlejerk threads are any better. Much rather have that type of cancer than Reddit-tier threads.
Ironic trainwreck threads are reddit-tier.
There are people who unironically enjoy trainwrecks. What's the alternative then? You're expecting way too much from Sup Forums and anime in general.
Lesbians and 2D mecha are the only reasons i'll be on this ride.
Don't have high hopes for Actas 2D part.
Is this kinda like Kannazuki No Miko but with lesbians?
Literally came into this thread just to repost that. Fuck you.
I can only hope that the Mecha aren't being used as merely a backdrop for (shitty) drama. I won't get my hopes up but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
This thread should survive until the show airs.
Picked up for lolis and mechas.
Kannazuki No Miko was already half yuri. This is probably full yuri and with one loli for each mecha.
The shots in the PV looked good, and even if it's not great it's still better than CG mecha.
As long as it looks as good as stuff they did years ago (Koutetsushin Jeeg,and Mazinkaiser SKL),it'll be fine
Actas does 2D mecha just fine, but they haven't done anything like it recently. They did a pretty good job with lots of attention to detail in the 2D parts of GuP as well so at least they have recent experience in the cute girls department.
Also they should be rolling in money to fund this thanks to GuP.
>Koutetsushin Jeeg
That's interesting
Actually no.
Actas got jack for their work in GuP. They signed a contract for a fixed payment and allegedly they managed to lose money with GuP because of this. Either they were stupid and thought GuP wouldn't do too well, or they got jewed.
>Valkyrie Drives with mecha?
You suddenly have my attention. Are we talking about the same so-over-the-top-that-they're-clearly-doing-it-on-purpose levels of blatant fanservice? I'll definitely be watching it if that's true.
How gay are we talking here?
Will there be symmetrical docking?
>Actas does 2D mecha just fine, but they haven't done anything like it recently. They did a pretty good job with lots of attention to detail in the 2D parts of GuP as well so at least they have recent experience in the cute girls department.
Supposedly, they got the mech animators who did Buddy Complex on this
It's unlikely to have VD's kind of fanservice
I doubt it will go full yuri like Kannazuki no Miko or VD, actually I doubt their will be much fanservice at all. Probably only Kirara manga levels of yuribait. Which is the best kind of yuri.
We just don't know yet. Episode 1 airs today.
Nothing says it'll go beyond yuribait. Don't believe retarded anons
>Either they were stupid and thought GuP wouldn't do too well
That's hardly a stupid assumption to make. GuP's success came completely out of left field. It was supposed to be just another low budget title that would turn a profit if it sold jack shit. Nobody saw it coming.
At any rate, I doubt the contract for the movie looked the same as the contract for the tv show, considering the knowledge of how much money it would rake in.
No, I mean specifically the movie. They tweeted a few weeks ago that they actually didn't make a profit from the movie. That's why I said "stupid". After seeing how the show did, who would once again sign a contract for a fixed amount?
It's at least going to be girls wanting to protect other girls and blushing about it
The early screening event had seiyuu half-joking about it being "lez"
> Writer worked with Okada
Ugh...I guess we can expect no mecha then.
Reminds me of Simoun
>It's at least going to be girls wanting to protect other girls and blushing about it
I'll be surprised if they go farther than that. Seiyuu joke about that kind of stuff all the time with all girl cast shows like this. Granted this show is going to attract /u/fags to ruin the threads anyway so we might as well get some actual yuri out of it.
M3 had a good amount of mecha, and I think the show itself was decent (I realize only a few people agree with me, but that doesn't change my opinion)
If there's passionate staring into each other's eyes while one girl clasps the other girl's hands in her own and fiercely proclaims she'll give her life to protect her, I can probably drive to this.
They said it was lez, and not yuri, lez being about lesbians, and not cute girls doing cute things looking into each other eyes.
>inb4 nothing will happen
>va for silver haired girl is charlotte from vdm
She better be turbo gay.
Can i expect flop then? Japan seems not a fan of directly lesbian.
Hopefully there's no expy for the obnoxious pink haired bitch.
The sort of jokes made were correcting people using "lez" to tell them to say "yuri"
Subs sure come out early for this series. Guess I will check out the first episode first before deciding to watch it or not.
I still doubt anything will actually happen. Plus they'd be stupid to go actual yuri, because for whatever reason that always flops and only yuribait sells well.
Well, at least the seiyuu have fun.
But it'll probably go nowhere for the yuri part.
As much as I like the premise, I can't expect anything out of this staff
As long as I get cute girls and cool 2D mecha action, I'll be happy. I don't care if the plot is absolute shit.
Cross Ange got into SRW.
Miku got into SRW.
Anything is pretty much fair game at this point.
Kirby Robobot entry when?
This is 2D mechas + lolis + yuri, isn't it?
Count me in for the whole ride then, unless they manage to absolutely fuck up a premise like that.
How many episodes is this gonna have?
Titre original : Regalia The Three Sacred Stars (レガリア The Three Sacred Stars)
Genre : Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Durée : 13 épisodes
Synopsis : Il y a 12 ans, le Royaume de Rimguard a connu une affaire qui a laissé planer un étrange mystère. Les gens ont cependant commencé à l'oublier. Les jeunes soeurs Yui et Rena vivent une vie paisible au sein de l'Empire d'Enastria. Mais un jour, un robot géant attaque le pays. Cet événement un tournant décisif dans la vie des deux filles face à la spirale du destin.
My hype is immediately dead. I at least hoped this would be as fun as Lagrange's S1.
Picked the fuck u-
and dropped.
If CrossShit can get into SRW this better will too
How do they pilot the mecha?
Is it regular cockpit style or "naked floating in a technomagic abyss" style?
>he doesn't like all three
This faggot.
>cute lolis
Will watch
>fuck up
Some fat producer managed to fuck up a premise with mechas, lesbians and dragons so nothing is impossible in the land of anime failures.
That looks legit good
Silver couple a best too.
Nice, actually piloting
Personally i think the mecha design is pretty cool, but unfortunately the coloring is a mess.
10 mins
get in here niggas
It's not really fair to judge a writer based on works where they were neither the director or head writer. In the director's case, IS2 probably was his fault, but it's not like he had amazing source material to work with in the first place.
Thanks user.
It had Nana so it was okay.
We don't have a mysterious character voiced by Mamoru Miyano who they refuse to reveal pictures of, so I hope we're safe.
>This is original show, so well.
>Also the writer recent work was some of Mayoiga and M3 episodes.
The credits is really paltry so we have no idea what the guy's capable of
I hope this turns out to be good both as a mecha series and as a yuri series, though that might be too much to ask for.
>newbie writer
>newbie director
Oh god.
I was for sure it would be some kind of naked floating shit or something, so this looks pretty sweet.
>Silver couple a best too.
Good taste.
He did direct Infinite Stratos and some of Jeeg
5 mins
Ohh boy, stream is laggy
The few fights IS had were okay
mass murder
May be because these are the very first seconds of the show but animation looks nice.
>loli is the older sister
Well it's first episode, no way it looks bad, not even IMS.
What? How?
Wait, are they married?
Seems more like they are sisters.