What do you think of Shinka?
What do you think of Shinka?
I don't know, user? What does she think of me?
She thinks that you should pay more attention to her.
A cute design with a disgusting shitty personality.
One of the many "Built for Sex" archetypes that Kyoani specialize in?
Ultimately I feel she'd best be suited as a breeding sow.
I think that hairclip looks stupid.
She got better season 2
The hair clip triggers me.
She's a knotty girl.
Sento is the only good Shinka.
It's a magazine
Why should I pay attention to someone who's nothing but a no-good bully? She should change her attitue before I decide to pay attention to her.
For you.
But that's literally every KyoAni
Best girl.
You have shitty taste this time, Lelouch.
>this time
He has good tastes in seiyuu, though.
She a bitch.
>this time
That stupid hairclips server no purpose.
What the fuck is wrong with her
I'd be a bit too uncomfortable around her. She's too perfect. I'm not worthy of being stepped on by her.
I'd gladly let Rikka walk all over me