As a gun owner. The tragedy in

As a gun owner. The tragedy in
Las Vegas infuriates me.

Down to my bones I am fucking nettled.

Firstly because I could not have stopped it. Something I have remedied. I purchased a new AR10 .308 caliber rifle that I will carry in my truck. So I can pinpoint and eliminate threats like the LV shooter from him comfy elevated roost.

Secondly because of the spineless limp dicked commie traitor liberals that will use this incident to push furthering confining anti-constitutional laws.

The last two major shootings were by liberal left fanatics. Yet they will try an use the instances of their own lunacy to disarm the American people.

Fucking buy a guy now and practice. It is the foundation of our nation. Without it we are no better off then sweden.

>So I can pinpoint and eliminate threats like the LV shooter from him comfy elevated roost.

You must be 18 to use this website.

Is that little gun real gun?

>run and piss your panties if you are over 18 with a rifle in possession
Sadly some of you are this pathetic.

>Dat suppressor
Hi /k/ommando


that big gun shoots little guns, that's ammo

what if later you got pissed at your job or smt and you decide to use those guns to kill random people around you?

that suppressor seems familiar.... hmmm idk can't put my finger in it

How is it nobody spotted the fleshlight “suppressor”. Get it together

I recognize that fleshlight

Issue was that he couldn't be located due to shots echoing from buildings.

>what if a wild unhinged maniac decided to drive his car and kill innocent people around him?

We give drivers permits to every 16 year old with half a brain. How many fully automatic rifle permits do we issue? Hint: The answer is less them a few thousands out of a nation 330 million.

On site after so many discharges. I could have pinpointed his general location.


O/k/ fag

Suppressive fire could have stoppe dit if it was rela it wasn't and you are a liar

Exactly. My g26 would've done nothing, but I could've blown his face out the back of his head with my .308 Rem 700.

I already keep an 870 in my vehicle, but from now on I'm carrying the deer gun, too.

You are naive to the usefulness of a scoped .308.

I can shoot a dip can at 100 yards with mine, which is nothing out of the ordinary.

This was pretty much the worst case scenario. He was in a great vantage position for fish in a barrel, and nobody could have done anything.

The people going on about "WHERE WERE THE GOOD GUYS WITH GUNZZZZ??????' are fucking retarded.

I'm pretty shaken my self. I'm turning in my glock and the guns I inherited from my grandpa(WWIII vet) into a gun buyback. This should never happen again. Especially in America.

>fucking nettled

No God fearing right wing patriot would ever use "nettled." You're a left wing agitator and should get the hell out of here and don't come back again!

I will take them off your hands, user.

klassic /k/

"Nettled" is a southern phrase, faggot.

We have bull nettle everywhere down here, so "nettled" is ubiquitous for pissed off.


absolutely this. anyone returning fire would have only caused additional innocent casualties inside the hotel...

>Fucking buy a guy now and practice.

I'm sure you "buy" guys often.

>Attempt to pinpoint the shooter
>Some other guy thinks you are the shooter
>He shoots you without issuing a warning
>You die before you realize what happened
>Then the other guy gets shot
Nice job, Rambo.

If that Predator mask is real you could have just climbed up the building and sliced him up with your circular blade or one of those tightening nets.

Commies are always fucking good shit up!!!

>the communist Revolution was very bloody
We talking about Russian October Revolution of 1917? Seven people killed.

>this pic
People in uniform of chinese national police who fought against communist rebellion stands in the back of execution scene. Well lets google this picture: "Execution of Communist Agent.1949"

Stupid propagandists imagine "ten of millions" and blame communists with pictures where communists was killed. LOL

Nice mask, senpai.

Dipshit cops shoot each other all the time cause they panic