Are you guys excited for AOTS? Two days left until AOTS airs.
Qualidea Code
Is this the Asterisk of 2016?
I'm only watching this because of Watari
I hope he delivers.
Kill yourself
>Someone actually okayed that shitty background
>ClariS ED
>Aniplex shilling
This should sell pretty well, I guess.
Look at the rail.
It's gonna be train wreck.
For a show hyped for its music all the song samples so far as shit, especially the OP.
How ClariS?
>Brave Freak Out
Get your ears checked.
How is the hype for this in Japan?
Aniplex music is overrated and overmarketed as shit and aimed at tweens who enjoy hearing the same bland things from the same bland artists over and over repackaged like it's something new. For a company run out of a huge publisher like Sony the mixing on their tracks is also pretty terrible and almost always sounds distorted.
LiSA sucks honestly. Possibly the shrillest shriekiest singer in anisong. If you're someone who just likes anything that sounds loud like an MAL kid I guess she's a top artist to you though.
You're one of the main reasons people shit on anyone with a trip. The other would be Lelouch. Get some bloody taste for fucks sake.
>an MAL
Okay and? You want to add an actual comment to that or what?
That is the actual comment. If you don't get it then you should go and learn how to write properly.
Just kind of saying shit there I see.
Like most things related to Aniplex she was kind of fresh and okay a few years ago but is just sort of there as a plugger for theme songs now. I swear it feels like they only have something like 5-6 artists for theme songs and half of them are there for this show while the other half in Sawano/Aimer, Eir Aoi and Kalafina just got randomly assigned to different shows instead. Anisong is really paint by numbers nowadays with most of them not even trying to maintain the pretense of fitting the show. Hell half the time you can see the struggle of the staff to try to fit your average Aniplex produced soundtrack to a show (especially noticeable with Haifuri last season), but goddamn if they don't sell based on brand marketing and shilling anyway. Kalafina also fits Arslan Senki this season about as well as it fit the Eve no Jikan movie back in 2010.
Isn't "an MAL" technically correct? MAL is short for My Anime List, so you're supposed to pronounce it as in M.A.L. you're not supposed to pronounce it as in e.g. mal in malicious?
>Aniplex shilling
>Not in Japan's Top 20 most anticipated anime this season
What went wrong?
Only show I'm watching.
Just wait till the end of the season. It can get ripped apart in the end and it'll still probably contend for top 4 most profitable anime commercial things of the season easily and be immensely popular and talked up as AOTS for at least the first half of it's run. I don't think I've ever seen an Aniplex show in that timeslot average anything less than 6-7K regardless of how it's ranking on stalker or any other factor. Charlotte especially charted abysmally on stalker and somehow sold triple it's estimate to hit that magic 6-7K range which means either that's just the bare minimum a SAT12 Aniplex shilled show can sell for whatever reason or they're completely bullshitting their numbers.
It is correct and nobody would ever say it otherwise. The guy is stupid if you couldn't tell and probably just trying to start shit over nothing like Sup Forums shitposters do all the time.
Except from what I recall correctly Charlotte was one of Japan's most anticipated anime in its season.
>inb4 Key
>hating on the spirit of Sup Forums and mami kawada faggot
Isn't ClariS already disbanded?
For a moment I thought I was watching some Arifureta fanart.
Why the hype? It looks like your generic LN shit.
Aniplex trainwreck with lots of popular people show of the season.
Yeah, you're right. I fucked up.
Technically they did for a while but they found a replacement for the member who left.
I dunno, last season you can clearly see the horse people were betting on (Kabaneri, regardless of how shit it ended up being) but this season's all jumbled up except for the obvious LL.
I haven't seen any show from this season hyped like Kabaneri did last season.
Well, at the very least it's not a harem. That's something, if it turns out to be enjoyable it might be a decent series.
Oh god, is this the new Aniplex series? Is it anime-original?
Just fucking kill me now
It's on the 6th most anticipated retard. At least males.
Anime original and a grouping of 3 of the most popular light novel writers who wrote things like Oregairu, Date A Live and Hentai Prince. Also has their usual stable of theme song artists people like such as LiSA and cast of their usual favorite popular people like Yuuki Aoi. It's basically screaming desperate to be popular any way possible but that's pretty normal for Aniplex originals. Actually you can tell it's one of their big bet shows along with Thunderbolt Fantasy in the live action department (Urobuchi x Sawano again like Aldnoah) just by looking at the staff and cast makeup.
I hope this goes well for them just becuase of Oregairu nd DAL authors.
>Look at the rail.
>It's gonna be train wreck.
I hope that was intentional self-awareness and not just sad irony.
When does this air?
Either then 9th or the 10th.
Seems interesting. I'll check it out.
Why are you making thread everyday? Are you Aniplex shill or are you just shitposting, digi?
I am watching it for Aoi, hopefully the show itself delivers though.
What? QC threads are rarely made.
Girl ranking:
white > red > yellow > black
Guy ranking:
bored > hero
It's shitposting if he starts thread with calling unaired anime an Aots
Hime a cute, A CUTE.
Her design is the best one.
And also her seiyuu.
Why doesn't Canaria get the love too, user?
Is this guy a secondary character? He's from Tokyo, apparently. Maybe he's friends with hero guy.
Asuha is cool!
The girls are cute but there's no way this show isn't going to be complete garbage.
Has a gun for a weapon and is a girl, she will fodder. If there is anything I know with my vast knowledge in anime weapons, having a gun has a supporting character makes you weak.
LiSA used to be pretty cool when singing for GirlDeMo, nowadays she sings like she is having panic attack.
Not a normal gun, user.
I don't mind the other Aniplex-core anison singers but LiSa is objectively a terrible singer.
I think the time I really came to this realization is when Minami Tanaka sang a cover of Oath Sign which sounded one hundred times better than the original.
What is LiSa's appeal, anyway? Is the way she screeches and shouts instead of singing supposed to be appealing or cool?
Compare her version of My Soul Your Beats and Fate/Zero's OP. The latter was showing how she doesn't sound good in her high notes.
Aniplex aside, it's probably something outside of her songs. She kinda reminds me of another singer that also has problems with some of her songs, Minori Chihara, who sounded surprisingly good in KnK's OP.
Teams are bigger than two people
I think her songs are fine though. Come to think of, she voices Miku from DAL.
I know, but the official twitter uploaded the pic of this guy. They just don't upload pics of random guys becuase they feel like it.
Maybe he'll be the hero's friend who gets killed early on so the hero can get motivated.
When is Not!Hachiman gonna fuck Not!Komachi?
you know he's writing this with Henneko's author and DAL's author, right
I guess the episodes with his couple will be better than the others.
Asuha is the cutest girl.
Who's writing what here?
DAL author
Oregairu author
Heneko author
They are friend in real life.
Thanks. I would've said that WW had written the one with 8man 3.0.
I call her anime's most popular banshee. She's indeed very shrieky and shrill if you can call what she does singing but she's definitely popular. Most Aniplex artists have gone significantly downhill in overall style and effort level put into their songs probably do to being overused and because Aniplex knows they can just do whatever and they'll still sell meaning we get a lot of CD's with bad mixing and artists just rehashing their successful formulas for compisition season after season. It's mass produced ready to order instantly popular music basically. I mean fuck look at Hiroyuki Sawano right now, anime's first project a season composer they use for every action thing when they can cause he automatically sells.
I still remember when LiSA butchered the theme song to Fate/Stay Night with a really bad cover where she just kind of shrieked out the lyrics. Kenji Kawai did a much better job transitioning that song into an anime theme back in the 2000's. I think people just like anything loud, "epic" and/or angry sounding otherwise I don't really understand how she can be so popular. Maybe it's cause she got attached to some extremely popular anime 5 years ago or something similar to Sawano and some of their other artists and listening to her reminds people of those shows too.
Fuck man the more I hear about this show and it's construction the more it literally just looks and sounds like design your own instant hit by committee fodder. I bet it's first few and last couple episode are mediocre but packed with things otaku like and everything in between is just kind of filler garbage.
This is funny.