Who's the best Nisekoi and why is it Haru
Who's the best Nisekoi and why is it Haru
Haru is shit for cutting her hair, kosaki is a bigger shit, chitoge is going to win, tsugumi is cute and had her moments, ruri is inlove, marika was a loser since her first appearance.
I dont think Chitoge is going to win, writer is a fag.
If you had readed the last chapters, you will not see Marika like that, i even started to like her a bit.
Tsugumi is best girl
I'm an onoderafag, though
>Haru is shit for cutting her hair
Her short hair is pretty ugly. What a shame.
i'll hate komi forever for her haircut
That's not her much better sister Kosaki.
No Nisekoi is best Nisekoi
kosaki is objectively shit
cucked for 200+ chapters by a girl that raku didn't even like
Spoilers out.
Love is over.
Did Chitoge die? Why are they so sad?
Kosaki best girl and chitoge wins anyways
well, as a hardcore onoderafag I'm ready for the worst
not happy, but ready
Chitoge won, something obvious from the beginning. Glad I dropped this since around the time Marika was added.
she sounds like a chipmunk in the anime
it’s happening
so na
Tears of happiness after confessing their mutual love, right?
please don't say such things, user
I might actually find some modicum of hope I haven't lost yet
No, they are crying because their love hurts Shitoge.
Don't toy with the heart of the onodeara fags user
Gook scans are out. Someone translate please.
Onodera was never going to win, the marketing made it too obvious but the writer was doing a good job of making it dramatic. I've been dealing with it for like a year anyway, whatever.
>I like you.
>I liked you for a long time.
Well, I guess I'll dump the chapter.
And after this one goes
Haru is second best after Tsugumi.
Tsugumi > Haru > Marika > Everyone else.
I been waiting for this years and it feels sooo great
Kosaki's crying is better than this turd
you have the same best opinions as i do