White male shooters

It seems a good moment to ask again a very serious question: Why are so many mass shootings committed by white men? How can we stop this before more people needlessly die? Are white people themselves the problem?


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Why are so many shootings black?

Because whites are the majority of the country

Because white people bottle up their rage and snap. Even more so of on SSRIs or having SSRI discontinuatiom syndrome.

Black petty criminals shoot each other. This can be easily solved through poverty alleviation and education.
But what can be done about educated white people who carry out massacres? Is there an easy solution?

They don't report nigger shooters because

1. It goes against their narratives
2. They're bad at it.

Many are on SSRIs (anti-depressants) and then stop taking them, which is dangerous. Big Pharma doesn't want you to know that.

Because white men take up a large amount of the population nigger

>Young white men
This dude was literally in an old folks home and that's the angle they're taking with this?

>This can be easily solved through poverty alleviation and education
Nice bait thread, faggot.

Rephrase, why are so many white mass killers successful?

>But what can be done about educated white people who carry out massacres

They need more affirmative action programs to give them jobs. Also we need to end racism against whites which leads to the depression that causes attacks like these.

White people are inherently violent.

Keep up this gay ass narrative, well all our rights are stripped away you fucking retarded Maoist

Superior intelligence. Heightened ambition. Remember that nigger church spree killer last week? Shot like 7 people and only managed to kill 1 because apes can't aim.

More like ZOG Fed Shooters for False Flag Psyops.


Why was no one talking about the Sudanese faggot who shot up a church that was later claimed to be "mixed congregation"

All people are violent. White people are good at coming up with inventive ways to be violent, like atom bombs or shooting automatic weapons at a crowd from 320 feet in the air.

You're a genius. Too bad new laws affect all of us collectively. You wouldn't notice that though because you're an idiot for

Yes, all white males are evil and will kill you.
Maybe it's a good idea for non-whites left the USA en masse?


> or shooting automatic weapons at a crowd from 320 feet in the air.

That was Mossad not a white person

Zionist hoaxes all James Holmes killed no one an acting patsy witha fake attorney, Loughner and Giffords pretendign she got shot in the head an survived LOLOL people were there thought it was blanks the glass behind was not even broken Loughner was had a cia nigger handler. And Roof lol


YT has been censoring those who really expose the fabricated false media bullshit and tell the truth for years now and you fags can't realizets all fake as fuck btw what about the non white mass shooting hoaxes. Hasan, Dorner whose id was found multiple times LOL at different locations, Rodgers a jew, FSU and Oregon shooters and the Orlando one gay muzzie with a gun "Postal" video game like *handgun* rampage killing "50" lol


>Why are so many mass shootings committed by white men?
Because they are the second largest group in the USA, directly behind white women.
>How can we stop this before more people needlessly die?
White men are exactly proportional in representation as mass killers.

Have some hot barrel changing action, pic related.

nothing can be done because mass shootings are by a tiny minority. there are what 300 million white males in America and only 2 or 3 super lunatics have done mass shootings in the past 5 years, and in each case they were already being monitored by the fbi yet they didn't do anything about it.

wheres the problem?

This is what happens when God is Dead. The only purpose left in life that isn't wishy washy made up bullshit is death. The shooters are just expressions of entropy attempting to deconstruct everything that abides by order and return the universe to chaotic homeostasis. Only instilling future generations with the Divine spark can prevent this.

Hi fag

>more affirmative action programs
I think the really big one is more programs and affirmative action for autistic white people. Do you think the shooter was autistic as well as being white? Does this explain much? I think white autism may turn out to be the bubonic plague of our generation.

There is something to be said about the skill. Had he run into the crowd with a pistol and started going nuts, he probably would've been tackled or shot pretty quickly while only injuring or killing a few. It wouldn't be a mass murder, just a random low-level street crime. But, he employed some planning and thought, and turned it into a massacre.

Wat dis gif?

1997 LA Bank robbery shootout 20 wounded only dead were the perps who had full autos, police and civs outgunned.they had body armor and sprayed for 1 hour, this guy a couple of minutes 64 years old got into the secured out the ass Mandalay bay with all that shit TOTAL BS.....



They are at a bitch stage of their life. This is usually an age men join the army. They can just be told what to do. when to wakeup / eat / exercise etc.

should of joined the army

This is the truth.

niggers do drive-by shootings every single day. those are mass shootings. please learn how to use your brain.

Check this chart, user. The numbers are getting very high.
"1,516 mass shootings in 1,735 days: America's gun crisis – in one chart"

Do you think this many people deserve to die needlessly? These people were just country music fans.

answering a question with another question..

>Since 1982, there have been at least 70 mass shootings across the country... Forty four of the killers were white males
So...white people make up 62.6% of the country and they account for 62.8% of the mass shootings?
And that's not even accounting for the fact that white people were a greater % back in 1982 (pic related).

Plague because it’s rampant or because people are contracting it?


It calls nigger gang warfare mass shooting. Not the same at all

>Replying to me with a Canadian flag

It makes me think about urban warfare and how easily areas of cities could be controlled by positioning snipers in high rise buildings. The vulnerability of course is the buildings being bombed.

Because when a white man devides to commit to mass murder, they commit.

When a black man commits to mass murder, they half assedly kill a few people, go on the run (televised chase or not) get caught or gunned down.

Thats why mass shootings are done by white males, smarter, better planning and commitment.

idiot, that includes all the niggers who shoot each other

Or the gay black reporter that killed all those ppl a few yrs ago, or the somali stabbing sprees here, where police say they are "french nationals" because they passed through there during refugee claim. Also Dorner, also AZNs

>why are soooo many black ppl in prison!? I mean they're only 13% of the population! It has to be racism!
>Why soooo many white shooters? What is wrong with white ppl?

It's not a meme. If you're a leftist you sincerely suffer from a cognitive impairment.

>being this delusional
I'm not buying it, Goldstein

Whatever. If they're autistic, doesn't matter. We just need more welfare for whites. These violent attacks are a result of years of oppression and damage done by black on white crime, preferential treatment of blacks, Jews, and hispanics in colleges, as well as slavery of whites by Romans, Ottomans, and other assorted conquerers around the world.

Most mass shootings are done by non whites. Whites are just far more efficient at it when they actually do it. Couple with the rarity, as well as the higher death numbers per attempt, it creates more of a shock when it happens.

>secured out the ass

Have you ever stayed in any hotel? No one gives a shit what you bring in your bags. As long as he wasn't walking up with rifle cases no one would have batted an eye.
I've stayed in Vegas several times, there's so much shit going on in casinos no one pays attention to bags like that. As long as you aren't cheating the casinos they truly don't give two fucks what you do there. Hookers, drugs, whatever. Especially if you're staying in a suite, their job is to stfu and keep you happy and not ask questions.

I think there must be a contagious element to autism. What else could explain the current epidemic among white people? Sup Forums is the biggest existing proof of this phenomenon too.

Even if a mass shooting did happen from a white person in the US every week they probably still wouldn't be able to catch up to black homicide rates.

Whites also have the intellect to HAVE an existential crisis and lash out profoundly. If you're a brainlet you just gun a few people down or have an impromptu fight with police and die. Ignorance is bliss.

>remove incentives to live a good life
>remove meaningful relationships and work
>wonder why men snap and disrespect life

It used to be super rare, and those kids were all kept in their own room at school. So yeah the rise is due to something.

T. muh feels

stop radicalizing all these white men with antiwhite policies and propaganda i guess.

>Why are so many mass shootings committed by white men?
Gee IDK, maybe because statistically there are a lot of white people?
>because niggers never kill anyone obviously.
Go neck yourself faggot.

its not a gun problem, its a ______ problem.

I think you can fill in the blanks.

Maybe imageboard culture helps people share and amplify their grievances. I want to know if the shooter was a Sup Forumstard, since almost all mass shooters in recent memory have been Sup Forumstards.

Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade.

The two dudes on the right are schizophrenics and the one of the left didn't trust doctors enough to get a proper diagnosis.

>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
1. No one needs a commercial truck this large.

2. The Founding Fathers never envisioned large commercial trucks, and did not intend for people to drive them.

3. These “assault trucks” are designed for killing large numbers of people quickly, and that is their only use.

4. We need a “no truck” list immediately, one that does not require due process to get on or off.

5. No where in the Constitution does it mention the freedom to own these killing devices called trucks.

6. Large commercial trucks should only be owned by the police, military, or politicians, NOT normal citizens, who can use horses.

7. We already have licensing, registration, titles, inspection, and multiple taxes on large commercial vehicles, and STILL they are used for mass killing. Enough is enough. We must ban them entirely.

8. We must follow Australia’s example – we must have a massive government buy-back of all trucks currently owned by American citizens, then, they must be destroyed.

9. We must empower the police and military to go door-to-door to forcibly remove these “assault trucks”. Deadly force is reasonable when “disarming” people of these killing devices.

10. If it will save the life of even a single child, we must rid our society of trucks.

11. And lastly, we must continue to resettle enormous numbers of Muslims throughout the United States, primarily in rural, white, Christian areas.

>Eliot Rodgers
Hapas BTFO kek

media censorship. you can't imitate what you never heard about. original ideas are few and far between.

>Are white people themselves the problem?
if you look at the facts user you find yourself asking that same question about a totally different color

TYT have this topic covered


>The two dudes on the right are schizophrenics and the one of the left didn't trust doctors enough to get a proper diagnosis.
I like how the medical community gets a pass on this shit.
Psychiatrists hand out pysch drugs like they're candy because mental institutions are too radical.
Trouble is how do you ensure nut cases will adhere to their prescription routine?
I heard lanza stopped taking his meds.

pretty much. law of large numbers really, at some point white people SNAP. as do other humans of course. I call it poke the bunny syndrom. We know most muslims arent flying shit into buildings, or nogs poppin a cap, but the rate changes among race (IMHO) based on how long and densley theyve had to deal with other people.

Fuck that guy he was a pussy prick asshole "real estate holder" litterally the lowest common denomoniator in wealthy white people, as is the entirety of the Nevada

What about the basic problem that maybe one in a thousand people is crazy? Can we really have that many angry, crazy white people having access to military-style weapons?

Efficiency and Planning. Something the white male is great at.

There are plenty of non-white mass shooters, the media just doesn't give them much attention.

>What about the basic problem that maybe one in a thousand people is crazy? Can we really have that many angry, crazy white people having access to military-style weapons?
What do you propose? Take away all guns?
Why not U-Hauls?
Stop being such a colossal pussy.

>There are plenty of non-white mass shooters, the media just doesn't give them much attention.
Nigger who shot up church in tennessee. MSM barely covered it.

I don't have a problem with people seeing doctors if they're sick but I also think drugs are too strong, the side effects are terrible, the doctors are too stretched out to care, and the guys end up doing wrong because they're all fucked up from drugs and nobody is there to care.

>They need more affirmative action programs to give them jobs.
The shooter in vegas was retired and apparently quite wealthy

What about the basic problem that blacks commit way more crime on average than whites and make up 13% of the population? Can we really have that many violent monkeys having access to civilization?

The amount of victims killed by each perpetrator are totally off. Faggots will instantly believe anything these days.

We don't need to ban guns.
Ban Niggers.

>Stop being such a colossal pussy.
Well explain why and how Murica is such a fucked-up country when compared with other developed countries on all measures except overall wealth? This especially includes gun deaths overall, gun suicides, gun homicides overall, gun homicides by every ethnic group (including whites), and every other measure of being fucked up compared with developed countries?

Meme flag faggot.
>no republican thinks like you do.

As opposed to developed countries controlled by blacks?

Ill answer why white males commit mass shootings when you answer why less than 15% of the population commits over 50% of all homicides. And to answer your question, whites are about 60% or so of the population, so I would imagine a proportionate amount of crime to be committed.

Cop fag here. The definition of a "mass shooting" is 4 or more people struck or killed by someone shooting.

I work in a major U.S. city with a majority black population. We have incidents of "mass shootings" committed by a single black male an average of 2 times a week. The only difference is the media doesn't cover it. Because if they covered every shooting and other violent crimes that occur the newspaper wouldn't have any room for other stories.

Oh and it doesn't fit the narrative.

Do u know, what they ALL have on common ?

They are Democrats.


Don't worry, in 100 years there will hardly be any of them left.

>fat liberal armenian genocide denying cockroach man recites the same left wing talking points we've all debunked a million times before.

Yeah, no thanks.

Its almost like they play themselves

Also if you consider the fact that the US has 10x the population of any white majority developed country and is also full of minorities it makes sense for there to be more crime on average.

tl;dr this guy is a retard

Well Whites did major school shooting remember this kids?


So 94 terrorism deaths deaths scarier than 301,797 gun deaths?

Whites and Asians have the most successful killing sprees because they are capable of planning and thinking ahead
Nogs rarely get far enough into their chimping sprees to be considered a proper mass murder, despite committing to the act more than all other races combined

Agreed. Its all proportion, not a race issue. It also has every bit to do with culture, but that is a story for another day.

this could be a fighting game select screen. Just unlocked a new character.

Yeah whites majored school shooting, but blacks aren't racist, they don't discriminate, they just shoot everyone equally.

We're literally the best at everything we do.
Get good nigger.

>We're literally the best at everything we do.
Seriously, are you trying to suggest that Muricans aren't predominantly retarded? I'll grant you that when you set yourself to a task, you usually succeed (like being the fattest people ever), but at basic stuff like longevity, infant survival, and educational performance, Murica is at retard / developing-country level. Just look at the president for a good example.

white males are inhrently genocidal sociopathic autist dicklets

it's pattern everyone can see yet white media tries to bury

>l-l-lone w-wolf!
>j-just a d-deeply d-disturbed i-individual!

Rates of mental illness correlate with father's age. White people wait longer to have children.