The chapter
TSUKISHIMA is the best
Aizen please come
I fucking love Orihime.
I ship SasuHime is that allowed
>mfw ichiruki cancer got this triggered by this chapter
So did they confirm how many chapters are left?
I'm in love with Orihime!
So, we just get the chapter? No accompanying news, nothing about the number of chapters or the anime?
But I don't ship ichiruki she is just a whore who could date renji ichigo or byakuya for all I care. It is all about SasuHime
>Fullbringer Arc
>Existed JUST for this chapter
>It was Literally a 2 Year time waster to justify 'hurr sword's gud again'
>whats yhwh masterplan
>is aizen still in chair
>whats the meaning of soul kings parts
>what happened to chicken and askin
>did chad job to statues
>what is Ichigo regaining his shinigami powers
Some people really are braindead
I can't say it is an asspull for the fact it was in our face in a bad way.
>IchiRukifags in charge of reading comprehension
They only have themselves to blame.
Apparently there was a message from Kubo after the chapter.
ポータルの反対側のステップアウトに見えてしまう ユハ・バッハ は、まだ立って景色を楽しんでいます。我々は彼が見ているものを見ることができないが、彼はただで歩いている人を振り返ると笑顔。 "マダラを、あなたが最終的に来た。あなたを倒すことができますいずれかがありますか? 」
シーンはいちごに戻ります。ルキアは彼に突入します。いちごは、多くの困難とルキアに言う: "ただ...ただ...ただ家族を私のたわごとをアップ密通します」 。
ルキアの写を活性化し、ナルトが泣いています。ベインは、彼の顔に奇妙な表情で、飛行機の下で の死体と、CIA シーンにクラッシュします。
>Soul Society could have given him his power back at any point
>Not giving the man who single handedly stopped Aizen his powers back
>Saving that moment for the "lul u iz deed xD" part of an arc that didn't need to exist.
I hope Haschvault lives
Stop falseflagging faggots, we had enough in the last threads, let's keep this one clean at least until the discussions dies out, then you can shipbait again
Don't you known that every 7th of july you can post whatever you want on sfw boards?
Please go back to tumblr
> (You)
>>Soul Society could have given him his power back at any point
But they didn't
>>Not giving the man who single handedly stopped Aizen his powers back
Not my problem he regained it which is better
implying any amount of bad in bleach can't be chalked up to Kubo being an absolute shit mangaka
>CIA シ
Kill yourself narutard
wonderfully m ememd
Tsukishima a handsome because he's Aizen's face with shoulder-length jet-black locks
this is some advanced shitposting
fuck off
lel no
god, i hate that faggot´s smug face
In a a few weeks, Bleach will be over and I can finally be rid of this addiction.
Go back to Sup Forums greasy teenager
Holy shit mods do your fucking job
Can someone explain to me how Yhwach changing the future affects the present? Can someone also explain how anyone can possibly see ALL possible timelines and change the in an instant? I'm fucking confused. That seems like it'd take a goddamn long time to pull off.
>giving him attention
Don't be a baka, he's here for that purpose. Just report and wait for the mods.
time to call my girlfriend again
Wasn't his hair brown in anime?
The anime doesn't matter.
>shitposting in tg threads
Wow, what's the point? Pissing in a sea of piss etc.
so why did tsukishima stick his sword at ichigo instead of orihime?
is he gay?
this is the problem with power creep: the only logical conclusion to any of it is total omniscience, which is basically what we see now. can you really blame Bleach's lack of popularity over the years? the power levels became so stupidly big that nobody could even understand how any of this shit makes sense within the context of the narrative. the only thing we can truly learn from this is simple:
kubo a shit
Despite the shipfagging it's not usually this bad
Isn't Yhwach basically weaker Demonbane?
>Demonbane can't win against enemy
>summons Demonbane from different universe who is stronger than enemy
>Yhwach can't win against enemy
>chooses the version of future where he is stronger than enemy (basically summons stronger future version of himself)
It's to erase Ichigo's depression
Why not. Kubo may as well let him and other Sternritter live in the epilogue.
Did anyone not see tsukishima coming juuust after he could have helped win?
kubo too predictable now.
I saw it coming with my sharingan
Faggot is finally banned
It's actually a stupid decision to come in when Ichigo was still being curbstomped by bach. Tuskishima has a broken ability but he can get rekt by any captain-level shinigami.
so hes gay?
>a-am i funny yet?
He's probably ban evading. Just ignore the guy, I don't even see the point of shitposting Bleach. Or at least choose better images that are bleach related.
U butthurt already? :)
He's smugger than Aizen.
What will you fill the void with?
I dont see the appeal he just looks like a weak faggot. why do you guys get so wet over him
>smugger than Aizen
Woah, careful there with that statement.
I really liked the fullbringer character design.
Same reasons people like Askin, the closer one character looks to Aizen the more loved he is.
this shit is even more retarded then naruto right now.
He's cute, smug, and has a power that every catty bitch would kill to have. Just imagine, the guy you like is fucking some shitty slut who talked shit to you in the hall between classes, and you can make him remember fucking you instead of her, while making her remember getting fucked by you instead of him!
Hold up with statements like that you make some bleach fanboys go crazy and you might summon the Sasuke poster
What will best nerd do?
Ichigo never called Aizen out for being a smug prick.
Since when were you under the impression that Bleach wasn't always more retarded than Naruto?
Ch. 147 - Countdown To The End 3
Ch. 148 - Countdown To The End 2
Ch. 149 - Countdown To The End 1
Ch. 150 - Countdown To The End 0
Ch. 151 - Deathberry Returns
Ch. 455 - End of the Bond 1
Ch. 456 - End of the Bond 2
Ch. 457 - End of the Bond 3
Ch. 458 - End of all Bonds
Ch. 459 - Death and Strawberry
Ch. 460 - Deathberry Returns 2
Ch. 679 - The End
Ch. 680 - The End 2
Ch. 681 - The End Two World
Ch. 682 - The End - Deathberry Returns 3
Askin was more of a low-rent jojo than an Aizen tho
>five chapters remaining
>spend the first one on almost nothing besides the fullbring repairing Ichigo's sword
>four remaining now
Either there are more than five chapters remaining, or Kubo will pull out the most bullshit finale ever imagined.
Keep letting Jackie peg him in his company's trademark maid outfit.
Go back to eating Riruka's ass.
Add two more "The End" chapter and it will be accurate.
People liked Askin because he was one of few sternritters with actual (and pretty likeable) personality instead of HURR I'M THE STRONGEST.
He was a great character by Bleach standards.
Well do you call the ocean out for being a salty bastard?
I w-want to see this happening at the same time.
I literally don't remember what Tsukishima's power is.
I liked him too, he was so entertaining. He still looks similar to Aizen design-wise to me.
How could you not remember Tsukishima burning down all the Quincies with his bankai in the previous wars?
It will end with Yhwach pulling a reset on the universe, then we will get ready for Bleachlion.
His death was the first thing in this manga to almost move me to tears.
>He doesn't remember even after Tsukishima saved Rukia from her execution
How could you forget him sealing Aizen?
>he doesn't remember Tsukishima wrecking Ulquiorra's shit
>Orihime shown to be extremely useless yet again.
Pic related is unironically the only moment that moved me in Bleach.
Still more useful than rukia
Friendly reminder that the title is Bleach because bleach smells like semen, and Kubo wanted the series to be so good it made people orgasm just from reading it.
Orihimefags are on full battle mode after a chapter where nothing happened about her
this makes zero sense
how the fuck did Tsukishima lose in the fist place if he can physically change the past and not just one's memories
what in the fuck this all better be Aizen's bankai breaking logical flow
Orihime, with Tsukishima's help, fixed Ichigo's powers. Rukia did literally nothing. Is this shitposting?
You need to see a dietician as well as a physician asap.
>Bleach smells like semen
See a licensed professional.
Haven't read Bleach in over a year
What am I missing?
>Helped Ichigo with his powers
>Rukia was tending the injured
Orihimefags sees this as
I always thought it was a bit weird but now I feel reassured.
He could always physically change the past. He did it in his fight with Byakuya. He lost because he got too full of himself and didn't predict Byakuya being crafty enough to grab a handful of his razor sharp Senbonzakura blades and blasting a hole through the chest of his now best friend/mentor.
Tsukishima fixed it. Orihime couldn't do it on her own for whatever stupid reason. Power of god my ass.