The final redpill

I've realized that a lot of this "pro white" stuff is bullshit. I used to come here religiously and got sucked into the whole NatSoc and pro white shit and feel like a retard now.

You all complain how mainstream media, reddit, etc is a leftist echo chamber and honestly Sup Forums is no better. It's just on the opposite end of the spectrum. Go out and have some real life experiences and you'll realize the world is not how you fuckers make it seem like it is.

Be proud of who you are, your heritage, race, whatever, that's fine. But realize you literally are a larper and won't do shit in real life to fix any of the shit you autists complain about on here

inb4 the following
>not your blog faggot

Not your blog faggot

quick question, why did you shove the blackpill up your ass?

kike* you dumb nigger shill

it's ok user

fucking dumbfuck. you're not supposed to bounce around between propaganda, being totally consumed and indoctrinated by whatever you read. you're supposed to think for yourself like a god damn adult. most of of just laugh at the nazis and their memes, but make no mistake it's the leftists that are the real threat.

Pretty much this. I still enjoy Sup Forums but can't take it seriously anymore.

"Red Pilled" in just a phrase for "brainwashed"

Remember to report shill threads, people.

im just here for the dank memes and spicy bants

Im in the real world, and I see Metropolis Project from Soros, every day in Canada

you are denying thats happening?

wtf is wrong with you?

The Diary Of Adrian Mole
Get some experience...?!
Project much?
The spectrum on experience goes from you down at the bottom to me.
Reading between the lines you saying 'get some experience' sounds to me like you're being groomed for sexual exploitation by bigger boys and you've got Stockholm syndrome.
Quit projecting and identifying with your ass master, fatty.

I'm not even disagreeing with this. I was stupid and got suckered into the faggot nazi shit and feel humiliated by it now. It's not like I'm a leftist now but I'm realizing the mistakes I made

You should rightfully feel foolish for your previous stance, but that shame has made you exaggerate. As a based centrist I don't feel your post speaks to me or many others we share a board with. You fell for memes and mean spiritedness when there is also a side of rational thought and open mindedness. Join the centrists


shut up faggot go back to breitbart

You Jewish nigger shill, blog somewhere else

I'm easily influenced and it's your fault: the thread

>not your blog faggot
Eat this sage and kill yourself

>the opposite end of the spectrum
You mean the truth.

No, it's for objective truth.

Looks like leafs are still just as annoying though

fuck off

>t. snownigger from a snow cabin that has met more moose than people.

Eat shit and shove your pill up your ass faggot

Thanks for outing yourself. Nice punctuation too, retard.

>Eat this sage
You must be like the fonzie of Canada

There isn't much to know, to ask why people do art is like to ask why birds fly or why the sun shines. Or why the plants grow. There's nothing god does that has a deep meaning. I hope you find this Annon.

Also as a contribution, discussing hate on a Chinese pottery board is never red pilled. There is over 9000 different options, and we all picked the shittiest one. I hope one day that pol lets my people go.

That's what you do with suppositories user.

no it isnt. I mean you guys are deluded so I understand you want it to be that, but its just not. You are millennial right wingers in your 20's. Nothing more.

Also op you are a retard. Watching grass grow and writing down statistics about it's growth is more productive to the human race.

So wrong

What the fuck is your point? You have to be literally retarded to genuinely fall in line with the unironic Nazi posters on here.

This is a place where you can make racist jokes and say what's on your mind in an exaggerated manner to blow off steam about the pussified internet space. Just because somebody posts a picture of a cartoon frog with an SS uniform drawn in MS Paint on it saying "FUCK JEWS!" doesn't mean that you should take it seriously, and anybody with half a brain knows that. It shouldn't have been a huge revelation for you to go out into the world and realize that, you're just a dumbass.

Best fucking cereal.

Candies are fucking shit tho.

>trys to relate

triggered. in denial. in your 20's, millennial, fell for propaganda

Typical leafposter

Nothing that isn't descriptively scientific is or will ever be the objective truth. The objective truth is that we all wasted time on this when we could have been doing somethiby else. The only people that profited here are the ads above and below the mindless banter.

A based leafposter

Holy shit if you didn't realise that 90% of posts on Sup Forums are either ironic or hyperbolic you have no right to call other people delusional or in denial.

So many faggots ITT
So little can I be arsed
Gas this thread someone
I need sleep more than lulz right now
P.S. You're all faggots; except Canadian Fonzie. He's cool.

No you're here to help Sup Forums Corp to make money selling adspace for click bait and cellphone apps.

I realize this. But the other 10% exists

Yes, the other 10% is a vocal minority. It doesn't represent Sup Forums. I don't think it's fair to judge a whole board because of a few cunts here and there.

Fucking bait ANTIFA blog faggot
>Falling for the Jew
>being not a faggot
Pick the second one, stupid

>"I realize this"
>became a Nazi
>clearly doesn't realize this

But we can calculate the portion of assumed real to false posting based on number of threads like these. So say there are 99 other threads in the last two days compared to this one. Statistics would show that op is litteraly a faggot.

you're right.

but that would make you a right winger who voted for a retarded fascist making you an idiot

Going out in the "real world" turned me NatSoc. Seeing the mass immigration of brown and black people flooding British streets, seeing the crime they commit, seeing how crooked the government is, seeing how dishonest the media is... It's turned me. And I'm better off for it, nigger.

I actually like that image, thanks.

this is exactly how i felt a year ago lol. I probably made this exact fucking comment at one point lmao

Newfag experts falling for ANTIFA
Canadian Fonzie is super chad
Newfags attack Fonzie instead of the leftypol Shillary fan
Cancer thread

lol you seriously fell for the dumbest meme of all? your own fault, retard

At least I fucked more organic holes than you, Aussie. Can you fuck a spider or an alligator?

I apreciate that alot of you Sup Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papabear Trump is telling you its ok, but let me send you a message...

This is a blip, a temporary entafada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincs validated, but dont be fooled. Use this oppertunity now that youre out of your parants basement to meet a few people that arent like you. You are afraid. We are not.

cool, keep us posted

Yah but this lack of comprehension would not only prove all Americans to be stupid. But you an antifa shill who fell for the 2 party lets party meme.

Also voting is for people who believe in Santa and the tooth fairy.

>5 posts by this ID
At least he's dedicated to his slide thread, unlike that 1 poster.

/pol giveth and /pol taketh away,
I fucking hate this place

Heyyyyyyyy! (Thumbs up)
I'm glad I'm going now because Vegas has brought in lurker newfags and I'm too tired to be arsed with their simpleton antics
Good night real /Pol
Everybody else has yourself



Going to use this flag from now on as well

Except your are as much of a national socialist as antifa is anti fascist. I'm gonna gamble you never gave up all you don't "need " to your fellow landborn brethren.

Therefore you are as much of a faggo t as op.

>this much projection
Kill yourself nigger kike shill blogger

most of the ppl on here are larping memers
l2roleplay fgt

>I'm here to LARP as if I used to believe in pro-white stuff, now I'm a self-hating liberal who hates white people!

Why do leftists bother to post here, when nobody believes any of their nonsense?

Hey Homeland Security. How ya doing? I see you brought the NSA and FBI with you. And is that the CIA as well? Awesome! The gang is all here!

Niggers are literally retarded subhumans.

Bounce on my cock you retarded fat faggot.

>I used to come here religiously and got sucked into the whole X and pro Y shit and feel like a retard now.
That's why you should question everything. The red pill is not about having knowledge; the red pill is about walking a path to knowledge.

Not your blog faggot

Sup Forums is a leftist board. You right wing christian faggots came here in 2012 after you became adults and failed at life.

See, this is the bullshit right here.
You're a mindless retard if you truly assume that everybody who doesn't follow the narrative that you favour is a leftist.

Free speech happens here. Half our users are shills.

Based on that alone, Sup Forums will always be superior to reddit.

Stop smoking maple syrup flavored meth you jib head.

>Sup Forums has a bunch of shitposting retards that came here from reddit so that means nobody is doing anything and white people are stupid
the world is exactly the way we fuckers make it seem like it is

>realize you literally are a larper and won't do shit in real life to fix any of the shit you autists complain about on here
wow you're right i should go shoot up a bunch of people to show how cool white people are

until the actual day of the rope [serious all-out race war in the united states] all white people can do is have white kids and teach them about the world, while trying to vote for people trying to do the white thing
you're dumb for expecting anything else

>do the white thing
do the right thing*
freudian slip

You have truly opened by eyes user, national and personal independence, freedom and liberty and rights were not actually worth anything at all.

I for one cannot wait to bow down to our UN, EU and Trotskyist overlords that wish for nothing but our total annihilation, like fuck future and life and shit.

>importing 75 iq point retards into canada instead of skilled immigrants will make the economy better

You must have down syndrome to be ok with what's happening to the west.

Been there; done that. You realise how much of a nightmare you've created for yourself and how little power you have to fight against it. Just remain as objective and true to the truth as you can be and sort yourself out. Extremism is fun but not the reality. Study, improve yourself and carve out your own little empire. The world is more complex than any of these ideologies would have you imagine. We are all still learning and will continue to learn until we draw our last breath.

How can you have free speech if no one talks? Did you lose your mind staring at the screen for too long. And before you reply with something along the line of "you know what I mean". No i don't because no one fucking heard you.

This is more of a place they send people to keep free speech from happening.

>I was a retard and feel like a retard now.

Your Id still says jib so I don't see your point. Lol you're so dumb you can't even open a convinence store. Litteraly can't even compete, and you're getting mad right now and plotting acts of violence. Which means you became a nigger stereotype.

the fact that this post is triggering so much autism proves how seriously you all take this shit jesus

>You all complain how mainstream media, reddit, etc is a leftist echo chamber and honestly Sup Forums is no better. It's just on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Nope. Reddit downvotes dissent until it disappears. Only leftist threads make the top. On the Chan, all posts have equal visibility and can't be downvoted. And there's constantly leftists in every thread. And even the right wingers love posting contradictory stuff and forcing their fellow righters to defend their positions ("well, pol?")

Blacks don't open convenience stores you moron. Africans with a 4th grade education definitely aren't skilled labour either. Like I said, down syndrome.

Infact most stores are franchises meaning you don't actually own them, you just run them and are paid a salary. Stop self projecting onto others just because your moms a crack addict chain smoker.

>post something stupid
>people call you stupid
>"lol you're just le autistic"

This. Go away kike. You can't jynx me.

spoken like a true sperg

the irony

Obvious shill

To any newfags, you need to understand two things.

>race realism
>the JQ

Once you red pill on those you cant go back, enlightenment has been had.

I'm a Jew and I think white genocide is real. I don't even like nazis.


>But realize you literally are a larper
Yeah no, it's nice to see someone try to be rational about it, but I was a skinhead in the 80's and literally have kicked the shit out of niggers, jews and spics, and now am involved in state politics, so, nice try faggot.

Your mother is a crack addict chain smoker.
>>litteraly "your mum"

Also $ _ $ you will never be the jews.

Also the real problem is background checks violent media and lack of proper acclamation to western society for refugees. Never has it been immigration.

I mean how will we ever awaken if one side worships a death god and the other worships a dead bloodgoy and their ideologies are the same, but they want to fight eachother over who gets to take away the choices from the people.

You don't even know what good is.

Nice non-points retard

blame the election. i can't remember the last time i even had an actual discussion about something on here.

the whole concept of 'shilling' ended up being a lazy way to dismiss people without even doing anything. so blame /x/ as well because those schizophrenics came up with with the concept of government agencies supposedly posting here.

finally blame the redditor newfags who will reply 300+ time to single sentence bait threads

I never said all immigrants are bad or that I want to kill people. I said that importing retarded somalis doesn't do anything except bloat the welfare system.

Keep being a cuck.

>> also not all stores

i remember election day being a pretty fun day on here. but since then it seems like it's gone downhill