>Kuromukuro - Episode 14 in 16 minute
Kuromukuro - Episode 14 in 16 minute
Other urls found in this thread:
Titles after 14
14 祭に踊る羅刹
15 追分の果て
16 再会は水に流れて
17 雲中に鬼が舞う
14 Rakshasa dancing to Festival
15 End of the crossroads
16 Reunion flows in water
17 Demon dances in the cloud
Pls link
Mika best girl
Kenny is kill
Konatsu, Wakana, Sawa from Tari Tari
New OP is shit
>still no episode 13 subs up
I know someone posted the subs as a separate file but I ain't got time for that shit.
Those subs aren't as good as gg's anyways. Macross only came out today too.
This show is mediocre, actually.
Why won't this camera faggot die?
unfortunately He didn't die
>2nd cour is mecha action
thanks to God
Why is no one ripping it from Netflix?
>4 swords mecha piloted by alien stomped by superior katana wielding mecha pilot
How can alien scum even compete?
Needs more Sophie.
yukina > ken > yukihime
Ken > all the other characters > Akagi > Yukina
New OP!!
WHo subbed episode 13?
And You're a faggot
Yukihime is cute
why is Miuna evil now?
The primary role of Yukina on second cour is intended to prevent Ken to go behind his princess.
The show is rather predictable.
This could potentially be the single most retarded frame of the entire year.