Now that the last season ended for good, what are your thoughts about it?
It's pretty much clear that Kabaneri was technically the AotS, but which series was your personal best of the season? I'd say Flying Witch because it was really comfy and fun.
Thoughts Spring season - AotS
You thread was shit the first time.
Thus I'm making a new one so we can have an actual discussion towards the subject.
Kabaneri was bad from the start and anyone who tries to say that it wasn't can shut up.
Ushio to Tora was consistently amazing from episode 1 to episode 13 and had the best episode each week.
>it's bad because I said so
>literally the same exact thread
I guess I have to post the real AOTS again.
I wonder if you people ever leave Sup Forums sometimes. Is your life that pathetic? Is this all that there is to it? 24h shitposting thinking your "opinion" is relevant?
>ask for someone's opinion twice
>they post it twice
>Is your life that pathetic? Is this all that there is to it? 24h shitposting thinking your "opinion" is relevant?
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums tier reply
>makes a new one
>uses exact same wording
>now expects to have an "actual discussion" about the exact same shit
I remember this old saying: Something something is the something of insanity.
Tanaka-kun was easily my favorite, but I can see why people liked Flying Witch so much. I also enjoyed Netoge a fair amount
Kabaneri is shit.
Macross delta a best. Rezero and Tanaka can fight for silver.
Thank you. I respect your opinion and yeah Flying Witch had a good vibe here.
Which one deserves the silver more in your opinion?
only jojo good
>someone gives an answer
>accuse them of shitposting and being Sup Forums
Yeah some discussion you've got there user. Were you just mad that you got called out?
>It's pretty much clear that Kabaneri was technically the AotS,
Dude, not even Japan would agree with you on that.
>It's pretty much clear that Kabaneri was technically the AotS
Thread is dead on arrival.
>Call user pathetic
>Make the exact same thread again
>Insults someone at thinking their opinion is relevant while at the same time making a thread about their own opinion they think is relevant
Why instead giving your partial, irrelevant thoughts about my conversation with someone you just don't post your opinion instead?
>it's not bad because I said that his opinion isn't fact
Epic memetexting, I loved it.
Haven't seen this.
Can someone give me a few reasons why this is worth watching?
It's not.
The first episode is ok. But honestly it's probably not worth watching.
It's great, ignore the shitposters.
It's funny if you don't have autism.
I asked for reasons guys.
this lads
Do you not even understand the shit you post?
>Using comfy and fun to describe a shit anime which only inspired the creation of dozens of doujinshi and a new shitty character to claim as your waifu.
>Being bold enough to call it AotS
Screw you fags, anime was so bad this season that the only thing I was glad watched was assassin classroom, and I've already read the manga twice. re:zero was the only thing that could be considered acceptable anime, but not near enough to the good category. Hell, Mayoiga was thousands of times more entertaining than any other anime and had little to no fanservice to compensate the lack of imagination.
Maybe I'm just too old. Every day that passes I feel like I don't understand Sup Forums and anime anymore. Maybe my days of shitposting here are over and in a couple of years anime will be part of my past, but I'm so afraid of leaving this shithole that I knowingly come back here every day to read a couple of posts and rage over something as insignificant as the personal preference of people I don't know and/or respect.
The worst part is that I know I'll come back, I'll probably leave Sup Forums for a month or two, spend more time with my family and focus ore on my career, but as soon as I find a show that I like again, I'll come here to listen to everybody's opinion of it and instead I'll get engulfed in a keyboard war that will be forgotten in 15 minutes.
I don't even know what I'm trying to say here, I know it is my fault and I shouldn't blame the website for my own weaknesses, but this frustration is just too much and the reason is so pathetic that I honestly feel I should start going to therapy to find out what is wrong with me.
After reading everything I wrote I realised that is no more than the tears of a jaded fag who obviously feels like he deserves a more fulfilling life, but if anyone can take something away from this my message would be don't do what I did, be better. I'm hitting 30 tomorrow and I feel like I wasted so much time.
Nobody is going to remember Kabaneri come Fall season
Mayoiga sucked though.
>hurr comfy and fun
What's the problem? Flying Witch is great. Fuck off.
Epic. Subscribed.
It's shit, ignore the shitposters
Grow up.
lmao keep crying
im 29 too and like what i like and couldn't give a shit about preferences of others
you legit need to let go and be comfortable with your own likes and dislikes
>waaah the same thread
Are you this new to Sup Forums?
Yeah because someone telling he enjoying something is really a shitpost.
Your desperation amuses me.
Nice blog but I can sympathise even if I'm much younger myself. Just treat them as the new breed of summerfags and stay away from those shitty threads. You obviously have better things to do than be here.
It's a boring action show that tries to rely on it's art and "SHADING", but by episode three it basically devolves into stills, speedlines, and maybe one nice scene every three episodes. The characters are pretty unlikable and make 180 degree changes in personalities or are straight up just unimportant with no real character. None of it feels like it was made for any reason other than to be a weird combination of everything that sold well into an action show in the last ten years. Near the halfway point the random zombie enemies literally become titans and for some reason injecting a special liquid lets people shoot kiblasts and control the zombies, and it comes out of no where, there really isn't a precedent for everyone becoming magical bio-hazards near the end other than the writers wanted to attract the battle shounen crowd as well. Music was so unnoticeable that I can't remember anything that wasn't the opening song throughout the entire show, and the entire crane arc is fucking retarded and just seems like nips have never used a crane.
Thank for being the first one to give a reason for supporting their opinion.
>passive-aggressive cynical long-winded blogshit that mentions one's age which is older than the presumed Sup Forums average in passing and off-handedly shits on both Sup Forums as well as anime especially with obvious false praise for a genuinely bad show like Mayoiga
I give it a 3. You went too ham -- that worthless self-deprecating pity card you pulled won't earn you points on the shitpost scale. If you can't do walls of texts then I suggest dumping stat points into brevity.
I'm sorry but I couldn't understand half of what you just wrote.
My point still stands it's shit.
Without the flashy action scenes (which are well done I'll admit) there is absolutely nothing of Merit about this show.
3 good animation sequences dont make a good show, I could have gotten more enjoyment out of it by just watching the Gifs.
How to spot neo-Sup Forums.
>it's bad because I said so
He didn't technically gave an actual reason, he just said the same phrase by different means again and again. "it's shit, I don't like it".
>neo-Sup Forums
How to spot summerfags who stayed on with their cancer intact.
I've watched nearly every subbed show of the season and nothing came close to Tanaka-kun
What are you talking about? He gave you a serious answer and you just dismissed his opinion by greentexting like a retard
I only listed negative points because I couldn't think of anything positive other than "the girls are cute". If that's the criteria for AOTS it still gets beat out by most shows with more than four female characters.