/our girl/


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insufferable cunt
the enemy of my enemy is not an ally, you faggot
get off my board

Good. Let the Noses' pigs turn on them.

Hopefully the Feminists also start to turn on Islam, and "the Left" begins to crack.

This is why whites need Pagan/Christian Alliance. We can be strong where our enemies are week. We don't have to be (and shouldn't be) the same, but we should focus on our mission of the 14 words.

*weak. uff da.

Fuck that shit. As Americans we stand with Israel.

>not my job to support what I'm saying

She's still a cunt, no matter what her views are.


The enemy of my enemy dies next.

>This is why whites need Pagan/Christian Alliance
speaking of which, Halloween/All Hallows Eve is coming up

You know Muhammad (pbuh) was white, right?


Militant Pro Palestinian sentiment is spreading like wildfire to more and more universities, as long as it sends the kikes into contortions it's a great thing.

Not this american, stupid bitch. Not that the CIA cares


Please that's so 3 years ago. Now it's all about intersectional resistance to systemic something or other words are violent or someshit

>As Americans we stand with Israel.
Speak for yourself FAGGOT! I hope NK drops nukes on that shithole!

But the enemy of my enemy is a useful tool to achieve my goal.

Maybe as a containment zone, or rhetorical leverage for our own ethnostate...

But not a Dollar or Drop of Blood More for them.

Kill yourself kike.

It'd be great if we can convince the liberals to demand Israel be destroyed because of their apartheid state. It'd be like killing two birds in one stone.

>pedo degenerates are a-ok as long as they're white

Unironically kill yourself immediately

Ah yes, the standard Jew revolutionary, who wants the entire West upended, but has a huge unexplained blind spot for Israel.

>Sarsour calls on white allies to confront racism in their own communities
This is the real MO of all of these so called anti Zionist jews. They don't give a fuck about Palestinians. They just use them to manipulate whites.

are you new here?

Anything that brings jews and israel pain is a good thing. We want vengeance. Palestinians > israel. Your not going to use reverse psychology to get us to support israel because leftists are against them.