If you speed read manga, you deserve to die. I told my friend about Berserk like three days ago...

If you speed read manga, you deserve to die. I told my friend about Berserk like three days ago, and he has already read up to the fantasia arc. I started asking him specific questions and he could answer very few of them, he didn't even know Isidro or Puck by name, I had to describe them in detail before he knew who I was talking about

Not your blog.

I usually read manga pretty fast, but Berserk was one I could never do that with for some reason. I'd sit down for an hour and I'd only have read 8 to 10 chapters. Savoring and taking in Berserk is a must. Your friend sounds like a cunt.

Oh no I have a friend who has the same interest as me, now I have to berate him for not enjoying it or appreciatign it as much as me. Dude who the fuck cares honestly?

>autism the post

at least you have a friend that's into berserk, most my friends think anime is weird. Even worse the rare amount that are only know the popular stuff.

Sound more like poor reading comprehension skills. Is he a special needs kid?

I bet OP subvocalizes when he reads.

Why does it matter at what speed he reads it at as long as it gives him joy?

Things are different from person to person.
Now go away, return to whence you came, your blog that is.

I try to read and watch anime, manga, and LNs slowly. Read a few chapters, watch a few episodes a day to really take it in. I like it.

Shit nigga you to see someone for autism you got there

And who the fuck reads anymore lol

It's 2016 people

>Berserk anime starts
>Manga reprints showing up in stores, Vol 1-5 so far
>20$ a pop

Fuck you. Speedreading is pure cancer. I can't imagine somebody being happy neutering their own enjoyment and understanding of something.

God forbid they want to actually discuss it and hardly know what happened.


You can read the parts you don' remember on the wiki and art is shit now anyways.No reason to waste hours reading Taiwanese comics.

Retreating to a petty "Fuck you"?
I thought better of you.

Yes, speed reading something will have the consequence of not being able to discuss what you read, but I don't really care if somebody decides to read it their way. Their choice.

Do they miss out on a potentially deeper story than they would have first thought?

Do they miss out on the information needed to hold a proper conversation about the subject?

Do I care if they still enjoy it even after all of this?
>No, I do not care if they enjoyed the subject.

Good for them. They found enjoyment out of a product in a way that I didn't and I can respect that.


I know a guy who reads through a new SnK chapter in about 3 minutes.

You can't /thread yourself.

Well aren't you a faggot.

Nobody gives a fuck.

I read Berserk slowly, but that was because i had to wait until i can buy the manga. Did read BAA once up in 1 week and still hold all the informations...and damn that was 15 years ago

This. At least is not faggot that posts here, if something, speed reading is the hero Sup Forums deserves, most people that do will never have the will to post here.

>Remembering fictional characters by name after reading it in three days

Is this a new kind of false flagging?

This is why People who read Berserk fast usually have terrible opinions about it.

> Been following Berserk for years
> Hardly know any names other than Guts and GRIIIIIIIIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITH
Some people are just bad with names, don't be jealous that he can read faster than you.


hey dumbass

[spoilers]your friend didnt read any of it he was just trying to engage in conversation with you because you probably never have anything interesting to say[/spoiler[

Reading is for fucking faggots, I didn't even read Berserk, I just looked at 344 chapters of pictures without reading a single line of text.


you cant speed read you dumb ass you read at your pace and thats all...god damn retard

Fuck yes. Feels good when you're waiting in line for a movie based on a book you didn't even read and you can finish the book in seconds desu senpai

I remember when I read Berserk for the first time. After the Eclipse, I literally forced myself to only read a volume every 2 days just to take in everything that I'd just read. I was clenching my asshole so much while reading the Lost Children and the Conviction arc, holy shit.

Berserk was so fucking good at one point.

I don't understand how people can speedread Berserk. I physically had to put it down for like two days after finishing Golden Age.

Fucking this

I started reading the manga a few days ago, sometimes when I speed read a couple of pages I feel bad, as if was missing some good details and slow down a bit.

In which volume/arc does the 97/98 anime ends?
I wanna start the anime as soon as I've read all the necessary source.

My friend started about two weeks ago, got to chapter 106 within two or three days. He's recently resumed and he's now on 182.

He's enthusiastic about it and can recall a lot of things better than I can (been a while since I read the whole thing...) but he sees some things as too black and white, e.g. he couldn't sympathise or understand the King's motives for raping Charlotte and going mad.

When he does things, he really goes for it. My only issue is that he reads on his laptop, though that's all he has.

97' anime ends with 13th volume. But the new anime is only good for memes, you shouldn't have any expectations at all.

>he couldn't sympathise or understand the King's motives for raping Charlotte and going mad.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but he didn't really have any motive other than just pure lust for her, right? Not much of a redeeming factor.
I'd much rather symapthyse with Ganishka.