Moment you dropped your waifu
Never did. Maybe you should stop having such shitty taste and being so unfaithful.
>Dropping your waifu
Not how it works faggot
I'll be abandoning my waifu Mugi for being in so many nigger gang bang doujins.
Dropping your waifu means she was never your waifu to begin with.
what a slut
>what is divorcu
The way of the degenerate who takes serious commitments lesurely.
>waifu becomes full blown lesbian
>that's somehow my fault
Cuckfags, everyone.
But op she's trying to redeem herself.
>letting some radom ass anime hoe become your "waifu" despite knowing so little about her you don't even know if she chews carpet or not
As I said,
>waifuing someone before her anime ends
its a meme, like waifu
never forget never forgive
Context? What broke off?
Her sister's dick.
There's two scenarios where it's your fault actually, the first in which you made a retarded choice by picking a lesbo slut and the second where you're so fucking shit your waifu became lesbian for the sake of avoiding you. You choose.
Her sisters horn. They were oni
>Implying you anti-divorcu fags aren't all seasonal waifus via 9gag
her sister's power was lost
and she was really happy about it
I feel so sorry for you fags. There is literally no porn of my waifu and most of yours have already been BLACKED.
It's his fault
>giving a shit about tertiary memes
Is that Ram?
The act of making one your waifu should only be done after taking into consideration ever aspect of her past, personality and quirks, the positives as well as the negative. If after all this, you still think "Yep, she's the one" then she's truly your waifu.
The fact that you picked Rem as your waifu only a few episodes after she was introduced, without knowing anything about her and that she's from an anime that literally aired last season shows that you're new as shit and this is probably your third anime. Get the fuck out of my sight forever
Rem is the one in the picture
This just made me like her even more. She is happy that her perfect nee-san is no longer perfect but at the same time regrets being happy about it.
She is spending her entire life trying to atone for the selfish thought she had once, which goes to show what a sweet lass she is.
That being said she was never my waifu. E M T.
>using Sup Forums shitposting terms
>redirecting me to /poleddit/
>She is spending her entire life trying to atone for the selfish thought she had once
When did it happen
>having your waifu gangbanged by wild niggers.
>non-canon representations of waifu
pick one
I don't consider the second season version of my waifu canon because her show jumped the shark at that point.
Does this mean that I can finally fap to those gangbang doujins of my waifu guilt-free?
Who's your waifu?
How can you ever drop Rem though?
This cutie right here. Also, why the fuck did the mods delete my comment? Are they triggered at the word BLACKED or something?
Anyway, I dare anyone to find rule 34 of her.
Pro tip: You can't.
Quads of true
Also pic is my waifu
I'm pretty sure there's some of her. I'm too lazy to check though.
Nope. Checked the entire googlewebz. Just ecchi stuff of her and Kuuko, nothing that would constitute rule 34.
I didn't notice 'it' until the last few episodes of the first season
Here you go it's official now.
Want me to draw you something then?
You blaspheme against the Elder Gods. Still, it;s good to know that my waifu is so PURE that an Sup Forumsnon had to shoop a dick in her. More than I can say for the rest of your slutty waifus, Sup Forums.
Look at her she's loving it.
Don't try to troll me now, I have yet to see a legit piece of rule 34 of her. Meanwhile, I can pull up thousands of pics of Rei and Asuka getting double teamed by Tyrone and company.
It's no contest. Nothing personnel, kid.
>that denial
Well, I am waiting for someone to pull up a real photo of Nyaruko porn. Haven't seem anything legit yet.
Now, see, does this look like the face of a slut to you? I think not.
>of Nyaruko
Nigger it's all drawn. All of it. Everything of everyone.
>denigrating waifus
I think you might feel more comfortable over on this board
What if there are tons of gangbang doujins of my waifu?