>Rudeus’ son, Zieghardt (Zeke) goes from being a jobless kid to a genuine superhero like in those stories told to him at bedtime by his father when he was a child.
>He meets the son of an old rival, and together the two become a force for good throughout the land.
Is it time?
Mushoku Tensei 2: Jobless Oblige
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Sieg and Pax's Epic Adventure or will this be a Bogus Journey?
This shit need up on novel updates so I can properly follow it.
Is this a legit sequel or something? What's going on I'm out of the loop.
has anyone read the novels? Been wondering how many side stories been added to the main story
>muh panties
MTfags will think this is good writing.
> I don't like dirty jokes.
Continue having shit taste and enjoying classy shit for classing fucks like yourself.
It's not funny and it will never be funny.
>personal preference.jpg
>Zieghardt (Zeke)
Isn't it Sieghardt/Sieg?
As opposed to your favorite high literature [insert name here]?
New translator feels like imposing his will.
I really feel it should be Sieg.
Yeah, the insistence on using "Spelled" because a Japanese TTS program told him so kind of clued me in.
There were guys arguing for Spelled in the oringal series too. I will continue reading it as Supard.
If you read it as Spelled then Rujerd becomes Rujerd Spelldia.
>I was able to make many friends, and I was popular among the girls too.
>The teachers acknowledged my efforts as well.
>However, only my youngest older sister who saw me laughed at me scornfully.
>“Zeke, you are such an idiot~”
Lara Greyrat, destroying hopes and dreams since the age of zero
>In those days, I did not understand the meaning behind those words.
>But then, my youngest older sister was slightly strange herself.
>She was always walking along with her pet dog and didn’t speak with people very often.
>Loving mischief and naps, always doing some tiny misdeed, and either slacking off in her studies or just lying around.
>A whimsical person who knew not what they wanted to do.
Goddamn Rei clones
Honestly, the people who like this kind of shit probably don't read a lot of good books.
When I was young I read smart books because I wanted to be smart. Now that I'm older I read cheap escapism because being smart never got me anywhere.
The excellent adventures of Sieg and Pax.
>Dude. Cheddar
Almost writes itself
Fucking autist writers who can't write effectively without their shitty signs.
>because being smart never got me anywhere
You're not smart enough then.
And what objective measurement is there for a 'good book'? How does it matter to everyone else outside of /lit/ fags that prove your opinions matter?
Why not just give your fucking favorites list so everyone can just shit on it?
>because a Japanese TTS program told him so
What's this mean? Is it some word of god canon source?
Smarts won't get you anywhere unless you are willing to leverage them over people. Everything else is just cock sucking.
Generally people that shit on light novels have a bunch of good books in their heart, it's just that that have ridiculously narrow taste and a huge stick up their ass.
It's been a while but I thought Pax was the useless prince who seized the throne and then killed himself because Roxy wouldn't fuck him?
It's Pax II - the baby. He's half loli race, I mean Migard, remember.
He killed himself because his own kingdom would always be against him (though, really, with how ruthless his takeover was, that can't be helped). More than that, though, he thought having the kingdom rebel against him would make him a disappointment in the eyes of his waifu's father.
Naturally, I'm just calling them out for not willing to lay them out in public if they have such confidence to take pot shots on different image boards.
I mean fuck I personally think ROT shits on probably 99% of /lit/ when it comes to sophistry, prose, etc despite being a chinese cave painting but I wouldn't ever be smug about it, especially when I probably haven't even read 100 high lit novels and would just be talking out of my ass if someone pulls something out of thin air I've never heard of.
Upon checking it
Zieghardt is actually the correct translation here. Hence the use of ジ. I don't know why Sieghardt was ever used before.
So, is it the sequel? Or one of the many upcoming spinoffs?
Well, no, because ジーク is the equivalent katakana to "Sieg". Hence SIEG ZEON being ジーク ジオン
that's german
>Newfags that can't type or speak without swearing to sound cool or edgy.
Yes user, you are absolutely ingenious and mature for overreacting to a piece of inaccurate punctuation.
No, just because it translates that way doesn't mean it applies for every word. Also, you said it yourself. It's GERMAN. Sieg has a "z" sound. Look up its pronunciation.
>Sieg has a "z" sound. Look up its pronunciation.
I never disputed that. Quite simply the very fact that Sieg has a "z" sound means that you don't have to spell it as Zieg to get the point across.
So I'm reading through the raw of this. Who's grey haired mama?
I haven't read the raw but I assume a grey haired mama would be Eris since she's the shortest-lived of the three
His nickname is Zeke. So yes, Zieg is more appropriate here to make it more intuitive for anyone who doesn't know that his name is pronounced with a "z" sound.
Nah, she's red-haired mama. She comes up before grey-haired mama. She uncomfortably glares at Zeke for being a NEET while he's eating after white-haired mama woke him up.
I'm thinking it could be Lilia? I'm not sure. I just found it strange since she was referred to as a mama.
Is the main hero of prophecy still Lara.
Wait, never mind, it seems that I misremembered or the author switch between using white-haired to grey-haired to refer to Sylphy.
Why? Was she grey haired in the LN illustrations? I thought she was white.
No, no, it's just that the translator I'm using uses both white and grey. Since the actual kanji being used to refer to her is "shiro", it's definitely white.
Pretty much this, at a certain level you don't read to be entertained, you read to be informed.
Otherwise you tone it down and just go for appetizing aspects you fancy.
>Escapism + youth + harem
wait isnt pax mk 2 between Pax and the princess from the dragon kingdom?
so volume 12 should be dungeon arc right?
Nah, it was some Migurd called Benedict (www)
Probably? No reason why she shouldn't be.
Where's this from?