I liked the 1st episode and i don't understand the exagerated hate it gets. You should be happy that it's got an anime which is going to boost the manga sales in the 1st place.
Anyone is looking forward to the 2nd episode tomorrow?
I liked the 1st episode and i don't understand the exagerated hate it gets. You should be happy that it's got an anime which is going to boost the manga sales in the 1st place.
Anyone is looking forward to the 2nd episode tomorrow?
>You should be happy that it's got an anime which is going to boost the manga sales
Why should I be happy about that?
>You should be happy that it's got an anime
He did it ! He said the thing again!
BERSERK: "It's better than nothing"™
>I liked the 1st episode and i don't understand the exagerated hate it gets.
You have low standards
>You should be happy that it's got an anime which is going to boost the manga sales in the 1st place.
Sales numbers isn't what has been slowing the Manga, now if that money somehow got funnel into a proper animated adaptation it would be different
I enjoyed and am excited for tomorrow, but people will ultimately just go "stop being happy with subpar shit, muh masterpiece manga at least deserves normal animation". So RIP this thread.
>You should be happy
Here is a pic from the next episode: wowow.co.jp
Berserk getting attention again.
I liked it too.
It's cgi, every fucking show with cgi get shit on here, it was like that for Ajin too, but at least people knew that Ajin was shit.
If this was normal animation, people would spam tons of "quality" screenshot, just because it's berserk. Anime are garbage in term of animation.
meme factory
what the fuck is wrong with Guts' nose?
Why deny the truth, senpai?
Anime CG often gets criticize for looking like a ps2 game but those skeleteons really do look like they came out of a ps2 game.
>Anyone is looking forward to the 2nd episode tomorrow?
I wish the staff would just die.
Why Berserk get three anime adaptation when better manga like Vagabond and Vinland Saga don't get any?
>i don't understand the exagerated hate it gets
This is the new "I don't understand what's the problem with the Kuma Miko ending". I don't know if it is shitposting contrarians or really dense people with ridiculously low standards, but this board is packed full of them.
The hate is retarded because we knew it was going to be cg for months before it aired. Not only that but the movies were cg which have been out for years. Yet Sup Forums is shitting their pants like it somehow shocks them.
>you should be happy that something you like is getting a shit sequel/reboot/whatever the fuck cash in
>now pay the fuck up
welcome to modern media
They should have expected the worst when they've announced the staff for the anime and seen the 3 PV.
Looking at some comment, it seems like there are some user who were actually surprised that it was in 3DCGI
>Vinland Saga
>not being shit
user, you need to get better taste.
You mean the scar or the fact that he actually has one unlike most anime characters?
it's not just that it's CG it's that it looks terrible. The quality control was nonexistent.
this is bait right?
This, we had screenshots and PVs that made the show look worse than it actually ended up as. The whole "shock" at the garbage CG is just a ton of ignorant "fans" buying into the meme hate.
This is also a pic of next episode.
For a full a cgi anime it was actually well above the average. If you want to see some actual non-existent QC go watch Kingdom or Sidonia.
This is from the trailer. It will be fixed for tomorrow. The only pic we have from the next episode is
>You mean the scar
Are you high?
No, I mean the fact that the CG rendering fucks up the lighting on it and it looks wonky in every frame.
Translate weebs
>It's better than nothing
Well, we have the memes at least.
it's not better than nothing. It's just the way it is.
I just want Albion. No matter how bad it will be. It's my favorite part of the manga. I love how dark and miserable it is.
>Wanting to ruin a niche audience
Fuck you leave my berserk alone newfag
No one is shocked that its shit, we saw the quality of the movies and those tend to have a larger budget than tv series.
Knowing ahead of time that it was gonna be shit doesn't make the pill any easier to swallow
Will the pace will better? that's the least i expect now.
Nobody asks for 3D and just about every season they try to shove a 3D show down our throats. I understand it probably saves expense and someday, after it develops, it might actually not look like complete shit. But do it to shit nobody cares about not Berserk. That being said, I can handle watching it. People who turned it off after one minute are being fags.
Now onto the direction. The pacing was perfect, if it was a manga.You need a quick attention grabbing pace to attract readers to new manga. In anime, that doen't translate too well. The relationship between Guts and the stupid little girl was not developed so when he had a sudden moment of empathy for her it seemed like a forced device. The fairy boipucci was ok and balanced the tone.
All that being said it's not the worse thing in the world. 6/10. 7/10 or 8/10 if it wasn't 3D.
>it will be fixed tomorrow
Of course, user, of course. The rendering will be as great as the first episode. Oh wait
Thank god Vagabond is still pure in 2016
> St. iron chain Knights to investigate the Apocalypse of prophecy, surrounds towards the suspicion in the "Black Swordsman" - guts. Was the guts to try to break through the surrounding, but not heal a wound in the previous fight, fared even got caught in vain. Farnese Grandmaster will cross-examine their own guts, but upset Keosare the guts to reverse. While whipping an opponent, I felt that it will fluctuate heart with fear ....
-google translate.
Is this a real post?
That previous close-up of Farnese was massively improved from the trailer to the actual episode.
I'm looking forward to another shitstorm tomorrow, yea
You'll be sure as hell miserable after seeing what they done to it. Can't wait to see how horrible Nina's hair and everything will look like.
Can't wait to see my favourite scenes from Berserk animated in the superior CGI!
>You should be happy that it's got an anime
It did, like 20 years ago, and it was awesome.
>Of course, user, of course
Yeah, let's wait tomorrow. I also wonder if the BD are going to receive some Shaft-tier fix.
>white casca
you already blew it fampai
Jesus Christ.
Last one.
I wonder if Miura was inspired by this.
>Farnese torturing Guts
why boner?
She isn't white. She is brown. Even the game got it: gamecity.ne.jp
Stop posting on Sup Forums Kotaku
>I liked the 1st episode and i don't understand the exagerated hate it gets
fuck off
Is this the poor man's Vagabond?
She probably has some Kushan in her
This is some retarded level fix.
I don't get it.
is there some sorta tax loop hole that they exploit by wasting money in this changes?
It isn't going to boost anything. The manga already is selling well anyway.
The latest volumes didn't sell as well as usual. Either the nips are getting tired of the hiatus or they miss the grimdark too
Gut's new party has gotten too big.
Eclipse 2.0 when?
This is why.
>It isn't going to boost anything. The manga already is selling well anyway.
We're in 2016. With all these hiatuses, the new generation probably don't know about Berserk. I'm sure it will bring new readers to the manga.
>Casca is sane again
>Casca: Guts, thanks for protecting me all this time. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
>Elf King: BTW, I can get rid of the brand of sacrifice too.
>Guts: Finally everything is allright
>Suddenly Griffith appears, the demons kill and/or rape everyone and Griffith rape Casca again
>Casca is insane again
>Guts lose his other arm and he's blind now
The part with shierke and fiora looked good.
The pacing and direction of the first episode was disjointed and overall sub-par. Granted, they were trying to mash three separate events into a somewhat linear narrative, but it falls short.
Hopefully with the arc actually starting we don't get the cut and paste job that was the first episode
>masterpiece manga at least deserves normal animation
How is that not a valid argument?
>Griffith swoops down and rapes Shierke and Farnese in front of everyone.
>Farnese screams out in pain Gut's name
>Serpico goes into a rage only to get annihilated instantly.
>Isidro gets his first boner and furiously jerks off to that sight. Wants to leave Guts for Griffith.
>Guts loses control of his Berserker armor and kills remaining party members.
>Puck makes a Star Wars pun.
If by some miracle they don't cut this out, they'll censor it to a point you'll wish they did.
CG movies were being shat on already for quite a while.
I thought they were more than decent.
So I was waiting for this new anime with good expectations.
Its shit Sup Forumsnon.
>Hopefully with the arc actually starting we don't get the cut and paste job that was the first episode
They're going to animate 11 chapters in 3 episodes. It's going to be 3,5 or 4 chapters per episode from now.
>Pucks makes a Star Wars pun.
Probably would actually happen tho.
ベルセルク 100P
2号連続企画第2弾!! アニメのストーリーを原作で先取り!!
>not posting the one with cgi episode in original air
ONE JOB user
>Casca is sane again
>But (plot twist!) she wants Griffith and hates her current state
>Activates the behelit Guts got from the Count
>Guts somehow ends up killing both Casca and Griffith as well as his new party
>Guts gives up his humanity and becomes the Skull Knight
>The end
>le happy miura faic.jpg
That one?
Are all asians this ugly?
>"You were my brother Guts. I loved you."
That was so bizarre.
Is that the kid from Devil Survivor?
I have a theory that Farnese may have a thing for Guts
Will there be Rape Horse?
Course she does, what do you think her "possession" was about?
its a meme ya dip
Didn't Isidro get a boner to naked Isma?
Look like a different show.
that's mekaku city actors.
Who wouldn't