Why didn't Zero no Tsukaima start the isekai boom? It's much better than SAO.
Why didn't Zero no Tsukaima start the isekai boom? It's much better than SAO
it's a harem and full of fanservice so it turned off so many normalfag
Re:Zero have "game of thrones" feels so normalfags latch to it
Why didn't Alice in Wonderland start the isekai boom? It's much better than Zero no Tsukaima, which is shit.
They're both shit.
Did you forget the years we got nothing but tiny abusive tsundere's falling in love with stupidly powerful retarded MCs.
It was a thing of its own and it milked a good bit out of otaku.
Zero no Tsukaima's draw wasn't the isekai, it was the TsundeRie.
I thought F/SN started tsundere abuse.
I thought it was Shakugan no Shana?
>Re:Zero have "game of thrones" feels so normalfags latch to it
Dumb motherfucker right here.
The battle for the throne started 3 eps ago. Re:Zero has been getting hyped by normalfags long before.
>tsundere absuse