>literally a shitty version of Beck with an all girl cast for autistic man children
Literally a shitty version of Beck with an all girl cast for autistic man children
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At least K-On didn't have shitty engrish like this: youtube.com
here's your reply
You take that back.
K-On has better Music and better Animation though.
Beck is a manga faggot. If you're gonna judge something judge it's source material.
I am literally going to marry Ritsu.
Good idea
>If you're gonna judge something judge it's source material.
>posts a picture from the anime
I truly see
If you are posting a picture of K-On anime promo material, I will naturally think that you are comparing Anime.
> If you're gonna judge something judge it's source material.
Why should I? Especially with a story about music, the premise of it gets better represented by a medium that actually has music in it.
Why do people think You is lazy and dumb when she became really good at guitar to the point of having perfect rhytm and muting technique in the shortest amount of time possible through nothing but pure determination, without being a stuckup tryhard about it like Azusa?
Yui is truly the most admirable girl.
Idk man I don't see the similarities. Plus beck is generally hit or miss, moon phase wasn't bad but did you hear his new single? Jesus it's bad
>better Music
>better Animation
Pick one.
Better music and animation.
I read that as "You take that black."
Friendly reminder:
Ritsu is best girl.
Music quality is open to opinions, animation isn't.
Thanks for proving you don't know what animation means
I pick both,
because beck had shitty animation, while K-On had amazing animation.
And K-On had really impressive Music,
not only from a technical standpoint.
If you would actually play an Instrument, you would know this though.
Full moon sway>>>everything in trash ass k on
God tier:
ふでペン ~ボールペン~
Great tier:
Mid tier:
Honey sweet time
K-On! is the MLP of anime except it is specifically made for autists.
What's the point of having amazing animation? When it's applied to such mundane scenes it becomes absurd.
If I wanted to go watch a shitty band play I'd go see Tool live
>Whats the point of being better?
Fun things are fun.
I like looking at good animation,
and I'm happy that kyo-ani like producing good animation.
Its called a narrative, plotfag
>expecting manimefags to understand anything other than "dude woah badass he called that guy a motherfucker"
but mlp is bad
I wouldn't know. I haven't watched it so I don't voice my opinion on it. What I find funny is people who never give something a proper chance nor actually bother to analyse it voicing such strong opinions in regards to said something. Seems like the epitome of dumbassery to me.
You're a fucking idiot.
ok u
>I don't agree with this guy so I'll just accuse him of not knowing what animation means when I'm the one that actually doesn't!
>Fuwa Fuwa Time!
You're baiting right? K-On! barely focused on trying to learn how to play an instrument. Sure they spent time choosing an guitar, changing strings and such but the majority of the anime was just them drinking tea while nearly everything went their way. Then again K-On! is literally just a show about girls starting up a band purely for fun in school, nothing else and that's fine. But to go and say that K-On! is better from a "technical standpoint"? As far as I'm concerned Beck is far more realistic. You should actually try learning an instrument and try forming a band outside a school club and get experience before you start talking out of your ass.
>I don't agree with this guy so I'll just accuse him of not knowing what animation means when I'm the one that actually doesn't!
Sure convinced me with those hot opinions. Where are the facts? K-On has better animation than Beck, it's a fact. If you disagree you're the one having no fucking idea of what he's talking about.
K-ON! is a masterpiece.
One of the highest points of the medium.
>But to go and say that K-On! is better from a "technical standpoint"?
I'm talking about the actual music featured.
Beck features ok songs, but technically they aren't very advanced.
In this manner it's pretty realistic, since beck are just some kids, and the songs are something kids could come up with.
But if you listen to the songs in K-On, something like go go maniac, you can immediately recognize that they are not only really creative, but also much more advanced on a technical level.
>You should actually try learning an instrument
I play guitar for around 7 years.
>If you disagree you're the one having no fucking idea of what he's talking about.
Is this denial I'm sensing?
I agree but Go Go Maniac is not a canon song of the band.
I've watched the first two seasons and it's bad.
I'm fairly sure you're just trolling at this point, because your posts are pointless.
Nearly every scene in K-On is well animated. KyoAni took special care to animate the music parts correctly so you'd be able see the girls playing their notes the way it should be.
Now I'm gonna dumb gifs because I have nothing better to do.
>When it's applied to such mundane scenes it becomes absurd.
What do you mean?
I love Ritsu!! I love all the Kaions!!
anyone who shits on K-On never watched it or is a retard
>tfw filesize too large
they are CG here, some damm good anime i'll tell ya.
Beck has better writing.
Rotoscoped, actually.
You know 3D animation and rotoscoping can look awful as hell too, right? And yet KyoAni still nailed it and made it look great.
the movie had plenty of engrish
That was my one issue with LL, the CG was meh though, too robotic.
ITT:K on fags only praising the animation knowing full well the plotline and characters are fucking shit
>only anime with epic battles can have amazing animation
I hope I'm replying to a Berserkfag too
K-On is and will always be bad, no matter what you say. It's about retarded autist girls who drink tea and eat sweets everyday saying fun things are fun and then they ocassionally play some music.
It was made for autist manchildren and it will be liked by autist manchildren.
That's it.
Btw I watched the first season and it was awful, there is no way I can stomach another one.
>ITT my shitty uniformed opinionated argument failed so I'll just drop that and spew something else equally retarded instead to save face
Wow they weren't macho enough for you ergo they're shit man can't argue with that.
I could write an essay of how K-On is at the same level as Cowboy Bebop but I won't because you retards will say
>lol no
Have a smug K-On
Best story
Best music
Best girls
Best instruments
Best character songs
Best animation
>at the same level as Cowboy Bebop
That's not saying much to be honest. Bebop's entire selling point was style.
>called out for being an idiot
>continue to talk shit
Just leave already
We all know K-On is generic. It doesn't make it any less great, because it's still a wonderful, very simple SoL and it doesn't try to be anything it's not. It's part of why it works so well.
Not your cup of tea? awesome, but don't come here stating your opinions as fact when it's clear you have no idea of what you're talking about.
>moetrash is for autistic manchildren
gee, who knew.
K on manga>>>>>> Anime
>Bebop's entire selling point was style.
K-On is better than Eva too, it is just not better than EoE but it is close.
You'd have to be genuinely braindead to believe this.
Great argument there you sure convinced me.
Really, nobdy is putting much effort into your shitty bait so you're actually being this desperate now?
what makes EoE not good?
Manga is always better than anime newfag.
Anime character designs were plagued by kyoani shit.
>it's a contrarian faggot tries to pretend that k-on isn't the best anime ever made episode
>Crap, I can't stop, won't stop. Morning, noon and night I'm singing so loud
>more advanced
Look, I'm not trying to say their music is "bad" but their songs sound like they were written by little girls (which is what it's supposed to be). How is that more advanced? Beck's music developed and you know, sounded like real music. I wonder why Beck's music is praised much more.
You know they did that for Beck too, right? You sure showed me.
>tfw i'll happily be going about my day and then i'll remember that k-on is over and most of the girls went to high school and i'll never watch a show like that ever again
why did i have to marathon it all so fast bros.
>Crap, I can't stop, won't stop. Morning, noon and night I'm singing so loud
That's some Twisted Sister shit right there and I'm definitely not praising it.
>lol le bait xd
why is real discussion Sup Forums so fucking terrible?
Like I said, braindead.
Yeah because you posting 5-12 word generic statements providing nothing insightful to start a discussion and only serving to provoke reactions is quality discussion right there and obviously not bait.
Kill yourself, retard.
Tough Luck, pal.
Anyone got more pics like this
I've got some for Hibike but none for K-on
That's why you watch the dub which is actually good.
Reminder that Kids on The Slope is better than this even though they're different genre and the comparison itself is stupid.
It's literally a totally different show with the only common factor being music. Comparing them is stupid.
K on is Kyoani's worst anime.
Worst fanbase too.
>tfw K-On is too deep for these plebs to understand
>dumbing down music to it's lyrics
My point still stands,
the musical content of the K-On songs is more advanced.
For a series about music, this is probably a big plus.
Eh, I can live with arrangements, and slopekids did it well, but ultimately I enjoy original pieces more.
No, their worst anime is AIR.
Worse yet
>dumbing down music to TRANSLATED lyrics
>translated lyrics from two completely different linguistic families
I dont know what your talking about I talk like that all the time
Worst anime is Phantom World.
Worst fan base is Hyouka.
>5 airheads doing cute things for 14 episodes is deep
Moe trash like this exists only to appease lonely pathetic otakus and fill the void.
Hyouka has a fanbase?
Troll smarter not harder. No one is going to take you seriously when you unironically use moetrash. All that shows is that you don't know anything about anime.
will hyouka ever get a season 2? or is that considered an 'ending'?
I would watch k on if it had a male mc.
Female protags are an ultimate No.
It's an adaptation newfag, they only adapted what they could.
Go read the novels or something.
Don't call me newfag user, rude
Female protags are always best for slice of life. FACT
> Hi, I am stuck in a closet
Except the series had barely anything to do with music.
Beck is terrible, the story is retarded and characters have that ugly faces all the fucking time.
>average japanese teen turn in the most celebrated musician of the 20th century but his girlfriend Maho ruined everything.