I just finished this, and I'm not sure what I should feel anymore.
Is this because the show describe the truly meaning of war and conflict, and shows how corruption cause the misery of others.
I just finished this, and I'm not sure what I should feel anymore.
Is this because the show describe the truly meaning of war and conflict, and shows how corruption cause the misery of others.
Other urls found in this thread:
dog rape
Best girl.
Would've won the Tatsumibowl if she didn't get to ahead of herself
Remember the dead
Akame ga Kill was shit.
She can be anyone you want her to be.
She can't be alive though.
It also have god tier waifus.
>tfw you'll never hug her
Wave does, that's enough for me, since I shipped them since 2013.
Funny thing how this show captured real world corruption.
A religious leader surrounded by women like this is pretty accurate.
Though in IRL it was underage boys
>11 replies
>6 posters
Nice samefagging, OP.
best thing to come out from this, besides chelsea.
I liked it. However I don't think it was that deep OP.
I watched it and the only thing I remember was an annoying pink haired girl and that I mentally classified it as SHIT, since those are the only things I can remember about it.
>all these big meaningful words for bland shounenshit
This show was not deep nor was its director
Don't ruin a 14 years old faggot's dream.
It was as deep as Hunter x Hunter.
It tried to be deep, but instead came off as terrible, edgy garbage.
Actually this show made me realize how much of a sick, twisted, sadistic person I am.
I fapped to this scene many times, It was something about her defenseless posture, the wounds on her body and the thought of her being tortured to death that made me turned on so much.
And now I know, deep inside I'm not as good person as I though myself to be.
And if an opportunity presented itself to do something similar I'd probably do it and what's even worse, I do have the knowledge and means to do it.
but dog was in Zero
Edgy and stupid with bad writing, but I liked that they were brave enough to kill Tatsumi
What do you watch? I see you in every thread with a gin pic complaining about shounen.
>MALtama pic
You had an opinion and now it's void, thanks
MEET DOG is the greatest line of our generation
You can only marry one.
>Not marrying Sheele
Clown guy was better.
So shallow and pretentious then?
If this show was actually a split off from the manga, it could have been good. Don't get me wrong, I loved the fights, the people dying, the whole good vs evil trope. But at some point killing off nearly every character for the sake of "muh storey" is fucking pathetic. This show had some of the most pointless deaths in modern animation history. The forced drama in AGK was beyond fucking trash tier, it was even below the earthworms.
The whole meet dog chapter was fantastic, I wished the whole series were about Night Raid solving this kind of cases, but waifu wars isn't that bad right?
>will never be esdeath's slave
Chelsea seems the smarter one, and she's qt. Other than that, I guess Mein's pretty comfy too.
Toss up between Esdeath and Seryu. Sheele died first for a reason. Because sluts always go down first.
Leo-nee and Chelsea
>good vs evil trope
There wasn't any good vs evil, it was simple fight for power.
There are no guarantees that the revolutionary army would do better than the empire not to mention the civil war that will rise after it.
If the story was told from the jeagars point of view the revolutionary army would be the villains.
Leone. She regenerates her hymen every time.
I agree, it just doesn't change the fact it was shit. Honestly I wanted the Jaegers to win because at some point in the show I didn't give a shit about who won. The whole show was just a clusterfuck of death with no clear objective except "over throw the evil empire who abuses people, and yet keeps order". I honestly love how when the kiddo emperor massacres more people in a minute than the entire cast does throughout the show with their "assassinations". Hilarious.
>regenerates her hymen every time
It doesn't work this way.
I agree as well, the show could have been better if it went with akumetsu's assassination style.
The PM raped and killed her.
still mad about the anime. And the manga...
I was waiting for Chaika eyes to appear
Mine is the best girlfriend and wife, so the choice is easy.
Mein is shit
She is best girl and great tsundere.
AgK is one of those rare shows/series that leaves a long lasting impression that goes far beyond anything it should legitimately provide. It isnt well written and it took a drastic dive in quality as soon as the Wild Hunt were introduced.
However what it did do was create nice characters and character chemistry (in both the "good" team and the "bad" team camps) which were really striking against its theme of bleak, horrible and brutal war.
I cant help but think that if this had been handled differently and some actual care had been given to its longterm plot direction then it could have been extremely good. However it fell far short and is unfortunately destined to be ridiculed for it. Its the closest thing the Japs have made in recent times that comes near the themes and setting of Game of Thrones. It would be more fondly remembered if it had not gone down the line of over the top, comical violence and "EVIL REACTION IMAGES" and simply been horribly pragmatic and brutal.
Mine, Leone, Akame or Chelsea.
Night Raid really had the monopoly on great girls.
Justice would make a great mother.
The majority of Sup Forums actually likes this show; it's just you haters are loud and work in shifts. Just like with SAO.
Supermarket-brand Fate/Zero by the maker of supermarket-brand Madoka.
Why be her slave when you can be her lover?
I read this chapter out of curiosity after knowing nothing about this show except its edge incarnate
I wasn't ready
Its funny that you mention game of thrones.
The only time in recent memory when I felt as shit as I did when Chelsea got her head lopped off was when Ned got his head lopped off.
That was at the height of AgK's quality though. It has decended into comical depths now.
Would she be down to lover-slave roleplay?
>The majority of Sup Forums actually likes this show
Nice joke.
I imagine she would. Esdeath has mastered femdom to its purest, most refined form and realized a truth very few comprehend: femdom is best when the domina refuses to hurt you unless you explicitly ask her for it.
It was extremely popular at its height, user. Those spoiler threads relating to Tatsumi's execution then rescue were off the fucking charts.
Though I concede that its popularity died off very quickly after that
The premise is great but I guess they could have done the whole "death and corruption" theme better.
To be honest it all went to shit when the MC gets OP as fuck and EsDeath shows up and unbalances everything.
Still decent though, I read the manga sometimes.
>that = the anime
Babby's first edge?
you thought you were a good person in the first place?
For an author to be able to create lovable and endearing characters and to then have the consistent balls to kill off any of them despite their seeming importance or fan popularity requires huges balls and a gung-ho attitude rarely found in Japanese manga these days
Where nearly everything nowerdays has some plothax which nullifies death or manages to save characters offscreen with some bullshit explanation, this series was a brutal breath of fresh air.
However it became a parody of itself as time went on and the qualities that endeared it to me at its height became stale and overdone.
It is a shadow of what it was now.
The problem Akame ga Kill has is that, while it tries to pull of the "grey morality" thing, it doesn't at all. In one of the first episodes/chapters, Night Raid mocks Tatsumi for calling them "warriors of justice", but that's exactly what they are. All of them are goody-two-shoes and everyone they kill is an asshole and irredeemably so, with only one exception: Bols. Bols is the only "grey" character in the entire show. On the one hand he has burned down entire villages, but on the other he was only following orders and is actually depicted as a really decent person. Even the reason he died was purely because he wanted to help a little girl who had hurt herself.
If the show wanted to be better rather than just edgy shit, they should've spread the edge across both camps. Things like Seryu being on Night Raid, or one of their targets being a minister of finance who genuinely wants to improve things but needs to go because without him the army's funding scheme will collapse, having the Revolutionary Army do some fucked up shit like exterminating an entire village just to set an example, making Esdeath a patriot that sticks with her country out of loyalty etc. Of course it helps if the bad guys are edgier and more cruel than the good guys, but don't make the good guys flawless angels if you want to push the grey morality narrative.
>B-But Scheele killed a guy who clearly had it coming, t-that's grey
No, that's edgy.
To be fair it's pretty tame compared to real edgy series like Berserk.
All bad
Shamelessly, yes.
Its not that NR are "goody-two-shoes", user. They may clearly be acting in a benvolent mannor by killing people who are hilariously over-the-top evil but its more the fact that they acknowledge that they are still simply killers and no amount of noble cause or best intentions can change that fact
They also have no qualms in killing henchmen and soldiers who arnt necerssarily evil and they also dont care about collateral damage.
They are morally grey, its just that their enemies are so pitch black evil that they look whiter than white in comparison
Go back to your one piece thread faggots
edgy desu
I want to have sexual intercourse with Chelsea.
JUSTICE is best girl.
When the fuck is Niggerstream releasing the new chapter? Mangafast has a shit translation.
This animu made me horny
Akame please.
>Leone died
>tfw actually thought Izou was pretty cool
Black hair/red eyes is a god tier combo.
>If I kill of characters nobody gives a fuck about it makes the show deep!!!!!
Fuck off
Seryu. Evil-doers do not deserve mercy, our children will carry forth true justice.
Was Justice Lawful good?
>Is this because the show describe the truly meaning of war and conflict, and shows how corruption cause the misery of others.
No, it's because you're a fucking idiot.
Reminder that Wild Hunt wouldnt have raped and killed Bors waifu and child if Justice was around.
After all, who could have thought that Wild Hunt was actually a group created by the son of the minister who fell to evil and tricked the minister himself?! A shame, but he has to be executed from being tainted in evil.
When it happens once or twice, you get shocked and you start bonding with the remaining characters, since you never know when you may lose someone. When it happens to the whole cast, it stops being as shocking, and the cast you so loved is there no more. Without Leone and Lubbock, and Mine out of the game, it's hard to give much of a fuck.
>le deep buzzword
Fuck off
I didn't watch the anime, has the manga strayed from its course?
Did the ultimate teigu appear in the series? Did Leone get her teigu destroyed and shot? I heard Mine got killed instead of turned into a potato.
She thought she was doing the right thing. The misguided lawful good character is pretty common.
If she just had a different frame of reference, she could have changed her mind on who was good and who was evil. Most people aren't purposefully evil except in AgK so presumably if she thought what she had been doing was evil, she would have changed.
Truly the best.
Inspired by Muramasa, I'd assume.
>Did the ultimate teigu appear in the series?
>Did Leone get her teigu destroyed and shot?
She got shot by the PM and died a while later.
> I heard Mine got killed instead of turned into a potato.
Yeah she died after killing the jobber general.
I miss her.
Appears in manga and animu. Mine got fucking REKT in the show, which was incredibly satisfying. Surprised the author still pussied out in the manga. Kill a fucking character or don't, don't use that lame ass coma shit.
>that fucking filename
She's waiting for you in the manga, user!
goddamn right
>Yeah she died after killing the jobber general.
Budo did some good work, there was an actual general that jobbed in 3 sec flat that i bet you don't remember the name of.