I don't understand, what was her problem?
I don't understand, what was her problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's a best girl who will lose to a shitty tsundere. She has a damn right to be upset.
She tries to blow out the chunni's asshole because she likes him but chunni's are irredeemable trash, what part didn't make sense to you?
You can't understand
what does "chuuni" mean?
Her problem is that she can't accept her crush being stuck with a childlike mentality, so she tried to snap him out of it.
It's the reason she will lose.
Watch Chuunibyo, but don't let the cute girls trick you into liking it.
Post it.
Worth watching for her?
People how act like anime characters in real life and believe that it's cool
Has anything of note happened in the LN since best girl won?
I literally can't remember what her role was, so probably not.
which one is *it* user, I have 3 version. original, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Seen magical girl shows and those shows with mc being a mage or a demon or something like that?
It's people pretending to be like that IRL and "IRL" in animu
>can't Google
>not sure if playing along with the joke, or completely missing it.
Too late to pretend it was a joke
Whichever you like the most, user
I like the original the most. but I am feeling generous so have a 3 for 1 sale.
Sup Forums in pic, no audio.
Sup Forums: u.pomf.is
original: u.pomf.is
Being "special". In the head.
And a normalfag, relatively. And losing to best girl Tomoyo.
You don't understand because of your autism as well.
>And a normalfag
I dont understand why you say normalfag as if its some insult? its you who are at fault here, you are the eccentric one, the one with the problem.
typical normie
I'm no normalfag, just someone willing to admit the truth - We are the abberation. we are those who are wrong
She absolutely killed that fucking scene. It's a shame such a good performance had to be wasted on an overall average show.
Time to read the novel
Did Trigger really made this?
Much obliged
supposedly it was all done in a single continuous take aswell. thats some top voice acting.
She's a realist.
>it's much cooler having a minority girlfriend
this was made to troll Sup Forums
She and MC have been friends since childhood and mean a lot to each other, especially since both are shown to have issues involving acceptance or abandonment and so feed into each other's needs. But while they're get along well, she can't help but notice the gulf between them because of his chuu2 and her inability to understand it. Since it means so much to him it pains her that she can't be on that level with him, and she fears that one day they'll drift apart.
The other component is of course jealousy. She doesn't know it until later but she's in love in the guy. Seeing Tomoyo and Andou getting more involved than usual and how he seemed to prefer her even to the point of leaving Hatoko hanging was bothering her.
Put it together and there's your blowout. When guy denied Hatoko with "nah 2deep4u", everything came to a head and it set her off. That's basically it. Now enjoy your x a shit, Marche comparisons and parodies.
Hatoko a best. A BEST.
>Now enjoy your x a shit, Marche comparisons and parodies.
Nah, give it a few hours. That Tomoyo samefag shitposter is asleep now.
Let 'em hate. Tomoyo is cute but Hatoko is super cute!
I wonder if there version for other sites like TV Tropes.
>I don't understand
You're halfway there
If this is wrong I don't wanna be right
>said on board where most waifus are asian.
You're right, user. At best, we are antiheroes.
Everyone knows Japanese are honorary Aryans.
I didnt watch the show past first episode but from what I gathered from that scene the girl is also a retard who is calling out the chuuni MC, is that right?
She had no fucking right to call him on that.
wouldn't you be mad if you were ok-ish character with great monologue and they've put you into such a shitty anime?
close but no cigar.
She call out on him for not explaining himself to her. she wants to understand him and she really tries to but he's just being his chuuni self, not explaining shit and just saying "you wouldn't understand" all he while he is getting chummy with a different girl, who is an ex-chuuni, that understand his BS
these two things make her Jealous and angry which leads to the meltdown.
Just a newfag throwing a fit.
Oh thats actually nice then.
Girls in harem flipping their shit on the MC is so rare.
She genuinely wants to know why her crush thinks it's so cool to act like her universe's equivalent to a Narutard.
yeah, too bad they went with a BS resolution to their argument - she was abducted by some bad men which wiped her memory of the entire abduction day - including her flipping her shit on MC.
anime is pretty weak unfortunately but she was a pretty good character and the VA deliver a perfect performance in that scene.
That is a weird way to ruin a good scene.
I was about to give the anime another try but I guess not.
man you won, thank you, fucking saved
this scene was amazing, and Sup Forums version is so damn right i can't stop laughing
she couldnt accept the fact that she was worst girl
yeah, had a feeling you might give it a chance so I felt its only fair to give you an honest warning.
But Tomoyo is the worst girl.
Sup Forums version is pretty close to the original.
Sup Forums version made me pick this up
She's an idiot who tries to force herself to be friends with people she has next to no commonalities with.
She goes along with their dumb bullshit, then gets mad when they ignore her.
All because muh childhood friend/romance
Andou is fun and all but he seems like a really egocentric friend. Like he's never even tried to get her to understand anything and would write her off quickly for not getting something the way he would understand it.
Tomoyo's different because she seems more considerate and actually thought of what material would be best for helping Hatoko getting into chuu2. As far as we saw, Hatoko is a fine friend but Tomoyo seems like a better girlfriend for him. He needs it.
She's a normalfag. That's the problem.
>As far as we saw, Hatoko is a fine friend but Tomoyo seems like a better girlfriend for him. He needs it.
I cant refute your point but it sounds like Andou is an egocentric dick, lets reward him with Tomoyo while Hatoko - which really tries to understand Andou - gets fucked over.
Hatoko is a great girl and deserve much better, but gets completely shafted. Tomoyo deserves better too, but at least gets a better treatment.
Worst girl lashing out because the superior girl had a better and envious relationship with her childhood friend.
>white knighting normalfaggotry
I don't think he means to, he just comes off that way. I just think at the point the anime left off, it would be really frustrating on Hatoko; she doesn't quite speak his language and is too polite to really get on him about anything. Tomoyo is the opposite.
It's not about win or loss, Andou and Tomoyo are just better together. No shame on Hatoko or anyone.
>Andou and Tomoyo are just better together
I'll agree to that, but the point remains, Hatoko is left alone, hurting on the outside and she deserves so much more, not in terms of winning but just in terms of justice. it doesn't matter that Andou doesn't mean to be an asshole - he still is coming off as one.
If it's any consolation, he did realize his fault after the blowout. Their friendship will hopefully grow stronger and more secure, which is partially what she wanted anyway.
>tries to understand Andou
She never tried. She accepted that she never understood him and put up a fake smile as she sat there listening to his chuuni chatter while growing up.
She tried, she even went to her main "rival" asking for help and took a bunch of chuu2 books to read. all so she would hopefully manage to understand him.
Why do you care so much? Hatoko is generic and bland as they come for a polite and nice childhood friend. Even her design is nothing special. Hardly anyone cared about her for nearly half the season until the normalfag rant meme made her noticeable.
best girl denied her rightful victory syndrome
I like Hatoko, whats wrong with it?
The entire anime was generic and bland. everyone is token template character
Some of us don't care if something is "generic". We like what we like. There's nothing unique about anything in the show anyway.
Talking about before while they were growing up. And she only went to Tomoyo because she wanted to confront Tomoyo as a rival. Tomoyo realized she liked Andou too and thus the two of them conveyed that they are indeed rivals. Even though they were rivals, Hatoko asked Tomoyo for help since she needed a bone to better understand Andou and Tomoyo was fine with with helping her.
Where would she learn that before? Every time she tried to learn from Andou he'd just throw his you wouldn't understand attitude and she doesn't know any other chuuni
The internet, anime, manga, LN, etc. You know, like how many chuunis pick it up after they reached a realization. Andou stopped trying to make her understand after it became apparent to him that she will understand it. Hatoko didn't tried to understand by her own or by pressing hard, she merely kept up with the fake smile and acted like she was having fun and enjoy listening to Andou's chuuni.
Yup, still as both funny and painful as I remember
There was a Fate/GO version of it IIRC, I can't seem to find it though
Talk about dodging a bullet.
>The internet, anime, manga, LN
Its kinda a specific genre, you cant pick up a random manga/anime and call it chuuni material
and even if you pick one that is its not indicitive of what Andou read, you got Greek, Roman,Norse,Egyptian, Judaeo-Christian,old Germanic, old Galic, British,Indian, Shinto mythologies and trying to pick up from all that mess what Andou is blabbing about is a shot in the dark. which is exactly why she asked Tomoyo *what* books to read.
And lastly, theres no indication that Andou tried to teach her properly in the first place. when she breaks she complaints that he half-asses his explanations and they're not understandable. probably because he himself half-assed the research.
exactly the same problem you have with her
I don't get normies as well
It's ninja's rank. Like belts in Karate. Genni is the lowest rank, chunni is above genni
what do you mean by dodging a bullet? Hatoko dodged the bullet that is Andou or Andou dodged the bullet that is Hatoko?
Hatoko a best
will never understand*
She could have looked up the thing he talks to her about. You don't even need to be a chuuni to pick up mythology.
Chuuni is not something you teach to another person. It's like a gateway, Andou tried to get her interested and spark her chuuni, but Hatoko was too clueless and normal to get it. He simply stopped trying after he realized Hatoko will never get it. That's why he doesn't bother explaining fully to her when she pressed him to explain, which she only did because she was jealous and mad at herself.
I want those thighs to smother me.
Mad because she's losing to the best girl.
>Best scene of the year, contender for best of the decade
>Rest of the anime is total pants
It still bothers me. Inou Battle is a bizzare piece of shit that occasionally lurches into excellence before going right back to crap all over again.
It is a LN adaptation so it is limited by how good the LN is. Wouldn't surprise me if the better bits are where trigger was a bit more liberal with the adaptation.
> "The happening" will never happen!
Sides blown unto space.
I fucking love this scene and this seiyuu, but Tomoyo is still best girl.
Let's remember the good old times
>no fairy body gap hmanga
Whoa, is this the loli?
Shit show.
Best voice acting that year and I'll never get tired to repeat it.