Why is modern anime so awful compared to old anime?

Why is modern anime so awful compared to old anime?

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About 10 years ago, people decided that they'd rather watch shit anime than no anime. Studios realized this and just started pumping out whatever bullshit floated in, and weebs and losers around the globe ate it up.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Because you don't actually know how to properly compare them.

Haha epic thread.

On it's original run on TV Tokyo, Cowboy Bebop was canceled after airing only 6 episodes.

Even during development Bandai pulled out because they realized it would have no merchandising potential and no toys to sell. It was a very high risk to produce this series.

It's success came later, especially in the west where it went on to become a cult hit.

The problem for studios is that they need to see returns on investment in 12 months, not in 5 years or more. When given the chance to produce an anime obased on a mobile phone game or the chance to produce "the next bebop", they are goign with the sure thing: the phone game. Wheelbarrels full of money arrive and it becomes a risk-free project regardless if it sells 300 or 3000 DVDs.

Anime is made to sell a product, be it light novels or lewd figures. Studios have finite time and money to work with and this is what keeps away the truly original series.

why there's no anime series made with the same quality as bebop since them, save from Kyaoni, the anime looks like a goddam movie

your response is wasted on bait m8, better to not even bother

bebop wasn't the manga adaptation so it wasn't constrained by artificial pacing for the sake of staying true to the material

yoko kanno was given artistic freedom and thanks to her collaboration with many talented musicians

a blend of eastern and western influences turned out to be appealing to both

tone and themes were meaningful without overt seriousness

it was a product of its time and can't quite be reproduced today or ever, which is not a good or bad thing - there are many fantastic releases post-98 but their success lies in different strengths

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