Here we go, watamote ch. 99 is out guys!

Here we go, watamote ch. 99 is out guys!
I'm curious to know what you guys will think of it.

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Is this a Call out to ESL-kun ?



Well I think Tanigawa Nico often browses Sup Forums.

That's all folks.

Will anyone ever be on the same page?

Tomoko's harem keeps growing

This something ESK-kun would.

How long until she turns every girl in the school into a lesbian?

I don't know that really a girl.


I feel like we don't get nearly enough Tomoko crazy-face anymore.
First panel here was a welcome return.

Tomoko really nice person.


oh shit, I don't know why I did that.

Ucchi stalking Tomoko to make sure she doesn't cheat on her chapter when?

Do you think she's gay for Tomoko or just secretly enjoys the idea of having a stalker?

How did she betray Yuri once?

They're all gay for Tomoko

>No sharkteeth

Only guy would do some thing like this.

When I see bitches like Ucchi spreading unfunded rumors against someone for their little pleasure, I have urges to create a hostile robot army only to make them
understand how painful it can be.

Does anyone else think these last like 20 or so chapters where shes actually been socializing have been some of the best and funniest? for a while there I was thinking the chapters were getting dull

A really convincing cross-dresser, I must say.

chapter 95
chapter 88
chapter 87
chapter 86
chapter 84
chapter 82
and chapter 79, and multiple other occurences in the field trip

Yeah, the latest post trip chapters are really the best.

Who the hell is Yuri? And how long have they been reading lunch together?

I can't remember shit from earlier chapters.

>Reading in the public bathroom

How can anyone do that.

She's doing that just to keep other girls away from Tomoko.

Of course you are not the only one. For me there is also a kind of thrill in seeing all this character development so quickly, the "I'm popular now!" line could come at any new chapter and then it will all be over with our little loser finally having grown up a bit.

Second this. I vaguely remember Yuri from the field trip arc, but has Mako done anything in the past?

Yuri's from the more recent chapters, and was in Tomoko's field trip group. She just doesn't stand out or have as many notable moments as delinquent and emoji.

>it's an otaku pandering with yuri elements because we ran out of idea even though we get an extra week to write but this is our most successful series episode
Im getting real tired of these lately.

Yuri was stuck with Tomoko because she was fighting with her friends and didn't wind up in their group, so that's what she's talking about

>He really thinks any of this is pandering.


Sorry I didn't make the thread this time I fell asleep.

No, she's just a bitch. Remember when she marked them as present in ch. 77 so they wouldn't have dinner ?

Even if Mako's real gender is questionable, I thinl Ucchi is the one who revealed himself in Ch.77.

>Yuri's from the more recent chapters, and was in Tomoko's field trip group. She just doesn't stand out or have as many notable moments as delinquent and emoji.

You kind of see Tomoko interacting with her every once in a while after the field trip, whereas with Mako everyone was like "shit, she was there all along!"

If this board was run by the jews, I'd upwote you.

She's just expressing her love in the only way her confused mind can think of

>Remember when she marked them as present in ch. 77 so they wouldn't have dinner ?
Violent delinquent-chan punched her in the stomach after trying to wake them up for dinner, she gets a pass

And what's with this japanese meme of eating lunch in the SHITTER? ("Bath" "room", where you'd take a bath there?)

Kind of like you americans have this stalth meme of girls losing their "innocence" to washing machines. I've seen it being referred in multiple places yet the population as a whole doesn't seem to be aware that it is a meme.


I'm the exact opposite. These chapters just feel like a generic story about a fairly run-of-the-mill high-school girl and her bland friends. This was my favourite manga and now it barely even holds my interest. Most people seem to feel the same as you, though, so I really can't complain.

I think you might be projecting some of your own personal issues on to this situation

>fetish fuel


>I'm prbably wearing the most unfashionable panties out of everyone here

This is what I like in Tomoko, that she doesn't feel the need to appeal to boys in the most direct way. She is kind of modest and oldfashioned in her own perverted way.

I so wish that her first boyfriend would be sensible dude who would take his time to take it slowly with Tomoko, because she in her awkwardness would be all like "o shit, I need to perform and be sexy so he loves me" the first moment they would be alone together. She deserves it, by not whoring out.

>These chapters just feel like a generic story about a fairly run-of-the-mill high-school girl
So how do you feel tomoko's character should grow?

I don't want Tomoko to even find a boyfriend.
A girlfriend however...

kind of like that one doujin you say? the one where they go to a love motel and she accidentally vomits on his dick because she forced herself to do something?

I'd like to see her regress. Unhinged Tomoko is most interesting Tomoko.
That's just my preference, anyway, I think I'm probably alone in that respect.

What about a crossdresser boyfriend.

That's even worse desu
Why can't you just accept that she loves her yuri harem

Welp this chapter was lewd as fuck.

She loves Yuu-chan, she couldn't give a fuck about her harem only lusting after their bodies

That girl is cute. That little fang of hers is just adorable.

Wow, so for you this is enough to behave like a bitch with the whole group ?
By the way, acting like a bitch isn't something to be justified.

That might be a crossdresser.

I liked that doujin like I like knives, herring, sausages, sauna and mämmi. (And milfs, apparently, because google trends don't lie.)

But yeah, that was really sweet. The gag with the fatty at the beginning was hilarious. Also liked the one where Tomoko is trying compensated dating, though.

On a similar streak, are you aware of that one doujin with Hex Maniac in it? You may like it.

She totally loves that Tomoko is "into her", because Tomoko "likes cute girls".
She does like cute girls tho', I suppose.

Ever since the school trip it got very good.

>If I refuse now, am I going to get raped!?
Fucking Tomoko. I missed that paranoia of hers so much.

She wants Kuroki's d.

were they really going to badmouth her?
I don't think those other girls know anything about Tomoko, other than she is a loner.

Would you rape a Tomoko?

sorry to pop your bubble, but in the japanese raw it probably says somethng else entirely

Tomoko would rape me.

......So? You say that as if it was a problem.

Got a link ?
That's for a friend.

Gently and consensually.

Tomoko confirmed not a bad person.

No that a good thing.

The compensated dating one:

The Hex Maniac one:

Let's see if I get banned for not using the bullshit url shorteners.

I want Emoji girl to rape her while Yu is forced to watch.

I bing telling people Tomoko really nice person.

I imagine tomoko went home and searched up the correlation between holding someone's ears and being a lesbian

oh yeah i know that Hex Maniac one, it was sweet but huge saggy tits are not my thing, the rest was nice though.

A girl can't rape a girl, user

Still a cunt though. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
At least she's realistic, unlike those super nice girls that they usually have which is fucking bullshit.

She's know for:

-Making bad puns about her boobs
-Not being afraid of cockroaches (apparently that's something outstanding for the japaneses)
-Looking at dicks on the internet.

So I think they were indeed going to badmouth her (even though Tomoko doesn't seem to really care).

What's with this caveman talk meme?

I've seen it on watamote reddit too, is it like a single person who can't not into English at all?


You have no idea how wrong you are.


No, just read their lines
>Kuroki-san? Oh you mean that girl who--
>Yeah, Kuroki-san's...
They just meant to say "Kuroki's sister".

Show me


I see that Mokocchi now (probably) get along with Komi-something.
Not sure if I should be happy or disappointed.

>s it like a single person who can't not into English at all?

Yes, it is ESL-kun

What does it say?