The candidate of first Prime minister of Japan, Koike yuriko met Geroge Soros.
I am pretty sure that she is gonna win this election and open Japan for everyone
The candidate of first Prime minister of Japan, Koike yuriko met Geroge Soros.
I am pretty sure that she is gonna win this election and open Japan for everyone
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Wtf I thought Japan was BASED guys?!?
what a good time to mention this documentary
tl;dr: japs are wage slaves now and their technology will falter as they lose money and gain immigrants
kill Soros jab bro, just like what you did to that jap commie
We is fucked nao
but he fought on our side in ww2
There goes the neighbourhood.
Japan about be culturally enriched
Dear Jap's
German here.
She will ruins fucking EVERYTHING and will sell country out. Vaginas at the top = Receipt for Trouble, Arabs&Niggers en masse.
Source: First Hand Experience
Women are fucking stupid at their core and dont have the loyalty to a group like men do. She will flood you with foreign shit and diversity, its the worst ever. These cunts are all the same - better have random average guy on top than some bitch!
*Cough* Margaret Thatcher *Cough*
Japan has not yet learned how to be multicultural.
The Jew fears the Samurai.
The last ethnically homogenous and wealthy nation will fall into the multicultural much and become a brown, violent mess like the rest of the west. Well... I loved Japan while it lasted.
Grats, you found the exception that confirms the rule
goodbye japan
*Cough* Laura Huhtasaari *Cough*
Ching chong wing wam- Koike Yuriko
Two days after that picture was taken, he announced he would soften immigration in Japan. Lol I told you guys the East is Cucked
Hail Slavs
Has never been in a high office.
Get ready for the mongrelization japs
F nippon, F
In all seriousness though this is fucking scary.I wish i could do something but being an idiot as i am i do not know where to start without violence
there is a good conservative bassline in japan so there is that,it is the vanity of the japanese upper class that will be a problem if the propaganda is poured on as hard as i think it will be.
Better be closed society than an "open" one like the media propagates. Germany is A MESS due to this, there is no german country left in the big urban areas. We have arabs and niggers all over its beyond belief. Horrible ! Avoid this at any cost. Step 1 is to ensure that cunts stay away from power! Their "heart", "compassion" and "emotions" will make them import hundreds of thousanda third world trash on your dime, you've been warned! On top of that they know all jewish tricks to make this appear in public opinion as "the right thing" ! Bad, just bad!
Doesn't matter, still won't cause things like the krautfag here was crying:
But the last polls I saw had Abe still winning by a large margin. What you guys on about?
Now is the time to panic.
You have no way to know that
I wonder how a japanese nigger looks like.
better than a br monkey
>faggot lefty british narrator
makes me wanna throw up in my mouth, no thanks
Also, she's literally not running:
(((Kike Yuriko)))
How long before immigrants come in droves?
>implying there wasn't a good conservative baseline in the west 50yrs ago
matter of time
I think i rathet trust her years of hard working in politics than some bitter virgin on cambodian Chopstick operated imageboard.
Go home.
Not to only mention the amount of cucked men in politics.
*cough* Justin Trudeau *cough*
and I'm pretty sure you are a proxy using Russian spamming the "Soros is behind everything" meme
>(((Kike Yuriko)))
stick it up your ass finnish guy.
Your country has'nt been enriched cause its a cold shithole without a tangible economy. Finnland is so bad that even niggers dont wanna go there. Nothing to be proud of here.
Tits or GTFO
I dont fucking see japs letting mudshits roaming wild in the countryand rape their woman, i just dont fucking see it.
I just dont see japanese men doing nothing. They are not cucked, not like germans. I dont fucking see them accepting "diversity". They will stand up.
Just die already you old mother fucker, the entire world hates you with a passion.
>Trusting a politician
>Trusting a persu
It's like you enjoy being fucked in the ass
fuck this piece of shit faggot
>bank of japan actually does something good in the long term (never thought a government agency could btw) and destroys money, creates deflation, etc.
this retard's complaint
She's not running as PM.
Learn enough Japanese to read the news in it. Western media slow, only folded 500 times.
It is pretty much enriched all the time and not only because of women, but because of cucked men also.
the future of japan is not yellow
It starts slow... will only fuck your children's life. You are the boomers of the west, do fuck all and let your nation go to sub humans like they did goy
>damage control imminent
I could already imagine how our country would do if an intellectual superior human-being such as yourself would get in power.
Fuck not fucking Japan
The country is the last bastion of a homogenous (and thus, peaceful) society
God someone needs take out Soros
because there has been a good government run by strong men in Japan. That will all change when she gets in. Just watch.
It is just more intact in a sense you know?What i mean is it is more ingrained in their culture and good god i hope that holds out long enough for them to reinforce it
I thought that the Jew feared the Samurai.
What, you're not willing to trust my years of hard work in the student council?
Absolutely not because:
#1 you can say anything on the internet
#2 real politics vs your sandbox-tier student council are two different things, fucking big strawman there you homo.
not likely. jews cant into jap culture. they tried to sell japan on night clubs that didnt work. they tried to tell japan they needed planes full of niggers. japan cained them
at this point she will probably fail and say something dumb in the process
Follow the rules or get out roastie
>only folded 500 times
>#1 you can say anything on the internet
You can say anything in real life too
>#2 real politics vs your sandbox-tier student council are two different things, fucking big strawman there you homo.
I guess the trademark of an autist is that they can't understand jokes
I'll bet anything that we'll see Japan embrace immigration and refugees. I hope the nips resist.
Pretty much everywhere besides USA was homogeneous white countries that were racists af before WWII.
We had a white Australia policy it was that good. The Jews turn women against men and from there on it's easy to undermine the men that would otherwise run the invaders out.
You really think that a indonesian chickensoup flavored toilet wall has some fucking code on how to be here? Suck my left nut you fucking toothless Hobo.
tgtfo. it's more formality at this point as you'll be replaced with superior sex bots soon.
both of the candidates expected to do well are right wing.
Abe and Yuriko have both met Soros. The only difference with Yuriko is that she's a little bit of an unknown entity internationally which does make me worried about her fairly meteoric rise to power. I expect Abe will win but i suspect he may have to make some concessions on his plans to revise the constitution.
oh man I feel so sorry for you guys and whats coming, Japan is compromised.
>LARPing as a man
Not a woman boyo, and:
Loooooooooool just proving my point further
Shut up, leaf, you're already dead.
>he's right, quick come up with something
>i know, i'll just call him a girl, that'll teach him xdddd
Soros is fucking looser. He worked for nazi - they failed, he supported Hillary - she has lost, he supported BLM and it failed. She will lose too.
>Every country leader loves Soros
>Except for Hungary and Israel, which are both his home countries
Can Sup Forums solve this mystery?
believe me I don't want Japan to die. Every time I've visited or been over there to work with your SDF I've always enjoyed my time & especially the chance to interact with the last cucked part of your society. This country is like a person with gangrene. If we cut off the bad parts we'd be ok.
How to make a Sup Forumsfag's head spin?
Soros doesn't like israel. :^)
Justin Trudeau is the worst of them all, is actively working to replace whites in his own country and dilute them to 20% by 2100
Imagine a japan with only 20% Asian.
Otoya 2.0 when?
Shouldn't Soros die soon? The guy is old as hell
sorros couldnt get hillary elected . what makes you think he has any influence in japan?
a country that told the Un to fuck off and told americans they arent smart enough to be english teachers if they dont have credentials to be fucking english teachers that has been so anti open boarders they are the only country to threaten to shut down all trade and commerce with the world and cut 100% of traffic with other nations if america didnt stop being a faggot who demands shit trade deal wise
the only nation to threaten a isolationist period multiple times when dealing with the west in recent decades. thats not even faggy goat fuckers who cant go 5 days without raping children
There is no such thing as Japanese culture. Just Human culture.
But hey it's only da wimmin who can cause this!
Soros is a reptilian and love three things: Soros, money and watching people suffer
no please no please honestly please dont let refugees into japan, japan is the only pure land, left, imagine the poor defenceless nip women will literally be molested every day also it ruins the purity fuck my life =. if u love your country vote no on that bbitch
>met Geroge Soros
Sign of the beast.
Japan bros you know what to do.
i want to be the girl
Its what happens when your government is compromised by globalists.
Uh oh.
Will never happen. Racial purity is a concept deeply embedded in the japanese soul.
Japan will be the death of the NWO.
Please let this happen to George Soros.
Kek, grant me digits to determine his fate
but this bitch if elected will open boarders
>George Soros meme again
You do realize absolutely nothing will change after he's dead. All his organizations and NGOs will still keep working