Rudd wants to limit online freedom

Albeit I agree with banning terrorism i.e Islamic etc. But this will just infringe on anyone wanting to watch or track activities online. Or am I reading it wrong?


I come onto Pol. There is many posts with extremist veiws. Does this mean I will come under her imposed ban?

She is even talking about online forums now. I bet she has Sup Forums in her mind.

>tfw innocent Taylor Swift enthusiast
>going to be jailed soon.

Literally who

15 years in prison for looking at a website, nice. On a lighter note, I would like to bang Amber Rudd up the back passage until she begged for mercy. She used to be married to AA Gill you know.

What if someone posts a flyer in a public space. Do they just start arresting everyone who glances at it

Don't give them ideas

Its been nice knowing you boys. Been here since '06 but I guess the end is nigh.

She's banning nationalist groups and trying to make it 15 years in prison just for viewing their videos. She has to be stopped

>go to jail for viewing badthink

amazing. edgy. britain.

she's worried taht the more you listen to them the more reasonable they may sound

>Rudd is an insufferable delusional oblivious cunt
Tell us something we don't know

want to know how to send a britcuck to jail?

gas the niggers and kikes.

15 years in prison.

Limit internet usage. Good.

Ban muslims from travelling thousands of miles to live in your country. Bad.

>First they ignore you
>Then they laugh at you
>Then they fight you
We are here
>Then you win

It's pretty simple really. Sort the immigration out. Arrest suspected terrorists and imprison if British. If none British then deport. This is all a control struggle. It's all confusing me at the moment as to why the home secretary is focusing on the internet when there is more pressing matters in her streets.

I'm pretty fucking sure almost everything you stupid eurocucks do to fight "extremism online" is actually fighting the very "radicals" who want to keep terrorists out of your countries

How the fuck do you not see this. The alt-right is definitely converting more people using the internet.

If anything is radicalizing people, it's the fucking mainstream media, always saying Islam is a religion of peace, the religion of feminism, etc etc

How do you fucking cucks not see this?

This is why I don't give a fuck about le 7 million proxies. If they come to my house, I won't be going alive. Simple as fucking that.

British people need to man the fuck. Even on here there are people who deserve to be beaten.

Well said

Not to sound cheesy, but Problem Reaction Solution.

>import nigger people since 50's
>oops they act like niggers
>we take laws from you now

Is Marxist / Communist / extreme left wing political ideologies going to be part of this list aswell?

Why wouldn’t it be? Have we forgetting all the war, death and destruction that stuff has caused in the last 100 years?

That is a fucking good point

15 years of your life for watching content on the internet... let that sink in. 15 years is a long time. this woman deserves to die for being so evil.

then she is a supremely stupid stain upon this world and the hoards will eat her

Same here lad, We can lay down and die like dogs or fight like men

Ofcourse they will be, tories only want sites that agree with their views to be on the net, best of it is there are isps now blocking vpn servers from being viewed on their service, sky being one of them under the view that vpns promote "illegal activity"

Is there any party in bonglang that respects privacy? or atleast doesn't piss on it

>Does this mean I will come under her imposed ban?
you'll know when the law is enforced and instead of 4chins you get a message from your gov saying the web is not available because it hurts feelings


MET here - your posts are now being watched.

This is why Sup Forums is the last bastion of internet freedom, There is no way to prove who posted or viewed what

Implying gookmoot doesnt log IPs and offer them up to anyone with a badge.


>spend your entire histroy fucking over whites
>expect us to care when you fuck over yourselves
Anglos gotta Anglo.

>assuming i live in London.

A utter cunt muffin that loves the smell of her farts too much.

Lad your IP is attached to your post and viewable by mods.

Yes but from a criminal case point of view there is no way to prove who posted what, No logins, No accounts or emails, No pictures of the poster, Only an IP address. Compare that to facebook or twitter.

I will find you

just put your wifi open for all

How's your Indian Prime Minister doing these days Paddy?