You know what? Vivid didn't have enough new characters

>you know what? Vivid didn't have enough new characters

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Seven Arcs is back and Junji Nishimura is directing

>season 2
>when season 1 hasn't even been released on disc yet
Why is this allowed?

I actually laugh out loud.


I love Nanoha but I wish they would just retire the series and move on to Dog Days.

The series lost it's focus when it stopped mainly being about the damn title character

>>Vivid season 2
>>Not Dog Days season 4

If they've got Nishimura back they're really wasting him. We need a return to Dog Days season 1 level SevenArcs

S2 of Vivid? Of the manga?

>Dog Days

It started off great but got worse with each new season. By S3, it was as mediocre as could be.


Though it seems to be following an original thing, new character.

S2 was the peak of the series because it didn't have that stupid pointless drama arc from S1

>no Nanoha

Didn't a bunch of stuff happen with Yukari Tamura?

But...there' BDs for season 1...

Why would they make a spin-off about Nanoha?

>new character
They should really stop. Vivio and Thoma's story would have been good had they just tried fixing it. If they can't fix those I'm not expecting this one to be any good as well.

literally nothing has happened with her

I liked vivid, it was fine.
but it really is like a team of ghosts from another dimension are making this. Where is this coming from

And you all thought StrikerS was the final nail on the coffin. Just watch, this will be.

StrikerS was a commercial success
stop the revisionist theory

No! Not again. Not more of this garbage.

You say that but we all know Nanoha will be the yuri-Dragonball of the anime industry.

StrikerS did well financially. In fact, it did so well, everybody was wondering why the fuck did they never make an S4.

>you will never watch a Nanoha show about Nanoha

Can we get a StrikerS movie then.

I actually did like StrikerS and have a massive soft spot for Teana

Didn't she change agencies or record companies or something

Vivid and Force was supposed to be S4 and they messed it up.
Then they tried to made Innocent and messed that up.
They'll mess this up too if they can't get their acts together.

>>Nishimura says fuck Vivid season 2 and instead creates 2 seasons of a Nanoha x DogDays crossover fanservice show with Leo and Fate in a lesbian relationship

I'm not falling for your lies satan.

>Nanoha Vivid S2
The funny thing is that it's not

As long as Tsuzuki is in charge of this it will continue to be a mess.

It's baffling how this man can continue to fuck it up.

This is not Vivid S2. This is something entirely different. It's being billed as a new series. There are two new characters, presumably the main duo, and yet Vivid characters are also there.

>the director did Glasslip
>new generation of Nanohas

Anything beyond S3 is a mistake.

You're not lying to me are you user? I'll cry if you are. A-1 was probably the main reason Vivid was as bad as it was, if Seven Arcs comes back then hopefully everything will be magically fixed.

Dog Days S4 when?

This isn't actually called Nanoha you mongs.

>mfw Force announcement next

Wait no, this is even worse. What the fuck?

If it can breathe any life at all into the franchise, there's a chance for a real season 4 happening.

>tfw Nanoha and Fate were turned into lolis again by some hocuspocus and is going to fight in a tournament with Vivio and her friends.


The director did Glasslip


Well he also did Simoun, Dog Days, Ranma, Windy Tales, and recently Bakuon

He's all over the place really

user stop. I won't listen to your tricks and lies. Just let me have hope so that they may be brutally crushed as soon as it airs.


Fate won't be in it. If she does it's a brief cameo.

Nanoha isn't going to appear. Yukari left King Records.

Let me guess, this allows them to finally not feature lolis?
That's better considering ViVid anime.

Wasn't there supposed to be a reboot Nanoha movie or something?

Fine, I see how it's gonna be user. I'll just leave the thread, yeah, that'll show you!

>>mfw Force announcement next

No one likes Force

Leaving won't help. If it's a new generation expect Nanoha and Fate to be shafted so Vivio and Einheart can be the mentors

She's still been getting plenty of voice roles since.

as long as you're fine with Nishimura

Oh my, seems like they're getting rid of the loli main cast.

>it's not Nanoha
What the fuck is going on?

Characters listed:
Huuka Reventon (Inori Minase)
Rinne Berlinetta (Yui Ogura)
Takamachi Vivio
Einhart Stratos
Yumina Ankureiv (Sumire Uesaka)
Rio Wesley
Corona Timiru
Nove Nakajima
Jill Sutoora(?) (Ayane Sakura)

Looks like a semi-reboot intended to replace Yukarin and Mizuki with Minase and Ogura

As long as there's plenty of cute girls beating each other up, it should be fine. Maybe the new girls will be super cute and everything will be fire.

I sure am glad that I never watched Nanoha.


I doubt you were aware of Nanoha when StrikerS aired.

Vivid was a mistake
Strikers was a mistake

Yeah, cause that worked so well for Vivid.

>Pulling another StrikerS, the thing that started to kill Nanoha in the first place


We'll never know how well that worked for vivid because they never released BDs
>the season that sold about twice as much as both previous seasons combined killed nanoha
Well memed

>As long as there's plenty of cute girls beating each other up, it should be fine.
You mean like Vivid? That turned out great

>It's not a GoD announcement
>Having the lolis grow up again

>We'll never know how well that worked for vivid because they never released BDs

Which means it backfired hard and they're trying to hide their mistake.

It would have been great, if A-1 hadn't stolen the show.

>StrikerS exponentially increased Nanoha's popularity

It's true that StrikerS did do better financially than the other seasons but here's the thing. Do you even hear anything new that actually got attention since? The closest thing was the new movies, and that was because Nanoha and Fate were the main characters. Nobody cares about the shit that has come since StrikerS.

Not even the damn studios care about it. Vivid still hasn't even been released on blu-ray!

They didn't release BDs because the reception was bad and nobody was interested in it, and about StrikerS, they sold as much because the fandom was built up and on its peak at the time it aired, yet it had a mixed reception.

If they're getting rid of Nan Mizuki for the newe series, does that mean she's not working for them anymore, or just not for Nanoha?

Dog Days 4 still needs Nana for Nanami and Rico.

>the anime project chooses to feature adults instead of lolis again
LRD warned us, but we didn't believe.

>Strikers was a mistake
>Vivid was a mistake
No. Vivid was a good thing. The second mistake was Force.

Nobody liked Vivid

Yui Ogura is singing the OP
Inori Minase the ED

I honestly think it was doomed from the start. Even if Seven Arcs is doing the animation again it's in the same design as Vivid.

>Vivio and Einheart can be the mentors
They didn't even give them an actual war to fight. Please no.

Vivid sucks though. I mean it started out pretty good but it just became boring shit.

Also I'm really just bitter because I want my actual main characters who I started watching this franchise to be main characters again. I feel like this franchise wanted to be Gundam so bad but couldn't back it up

>spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff

Sales isn't a good indicator of fandom reception. StrikerS was less well received by the fanbase, and it didn't touch well with the lolicon fanbase, which made up a large percentage of the fanbase at the time. At the time of StrikerS, the fanbase was well established and had reached to mahou shouho, mecha fans, and loli fans in general. Even if StrikerS was less well received, fans being fans will still buy it to support it.

It's happening. Nanoha and Fate are gone until the third movie.

Watch this series bomb hard because no Nanoha and Fate.

I think that's why StrikerS sold well to be honest. Because even though Nanoha and Fate weren't the main focus, they were still featured predominately throughout the series, and they still did badass things.

I just want more nanoha/fate/hayate as main characters, is that too much to ask?

Both ViVid and Force had great ideas but:

>ViVid didn't have enough fans
>Force's plot went to shit

>They didn't release BDs because the reception was bad and nobody was interested in it

That is not how I remember it.

Maybe if we actually get some real stakes in a plot, or at least a compelling sports story narrative.

But judging by Vivid we can't trust Tsuzuki with anything anymore.

Because the one thing this franchise needed was MORE CHARACTERS.

Vivid's manga sells well and is popular. Vivid anime adaptation didn't sell well though.

If StrikerS did as well as some of you say, why wasn't there a movie for it?

Oh right, it's because NanoFate are more popular as kids. Actually the whole franchise as a whole was more popular when they were kids

>just going to make shit up

Basically it's all Aniplex's fault

I actually miss Subaru more than anything

>Vivid anime adaptation didn't sell well though.

Of course it didn't sell well, it was never put up for sale.

>ViVid didn't have enough fans
Where are you getting this from? Vivid have way more fans than Force and does better in just about everything.

>you know what Nanoha needs?

You can't be serious. Is this real? This is like a parody. There isn't a single person in the entire universe who thinks Nanoha would benefit from that. Do these guys even listen to feedback, from ANYONE? This is a godddamn joke, but I can't laugh.

a StrikerS story would be butchered

>Atlus and Inti Creates make Nanoha Metroidvania

What console, Sup Forums?

I miss that pairing more than anything.

A bunch of "stuff"? Did you somehow miss the 5000 post sticky we had when she died?

I'm not joking when I think Nanoha is probably among the most mismanaged franchises

I just thought about why they had to make Nanoha Innocent. I thought they made that because they weren't making enough money on Force/ViVid.

Did I get trolled? I read that the manga then sells well, but the anime sold like crap.
