How did France solve its terrorism problem, Sup Forums?

No big attacks in over a year, since Nice in July 2016. The only attacks are very small, or are idiotic and have no chance of succeeding (like ramming into a Gendarmerie car and getting killed without seriously wounding anyone). How did France end its terrorism problem, Sup Forums? And what can other countries learn from this?

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Explain. There have been no mass-fatality terrorist attacks in France in 15 months. That's the OPPOSITE of what Sup Forums predicted last year.

if you don't hear about any attacks, that doesn't mean there aren't any. A bomb was found close to Paris St Germain football club on Saturday by mistake - one of the football supporters stumbled upon it before the match started.

>The four gas cylinders covered in petrol were found in the upmarket 16th arrondissement of Paris early on Saturday morning, on the day PSG were playing a league game.
>All were linked to a ‘mobile phone that could ignite the cylinders so causing an explosion’, said an investigating source in the French capital.

Same goes for most incidents in Germany and France. There was a terrorist attack in Marseille a couple of days ago as well - a mudshit stabbed two people after shouting "Allah'Akbar", before he was shot by armed police.

Small attacks or failed attacks. Like I said. The big, successful, mass-fatality attacks are over in France. This is a big accomplishment. Compare that to England, where there have been three large attacks this year alone. What is France doing right?

Just to give you an example, at least for France:

>Despite such bloodbaths, Mr Collomb said that 12 planned terrorist outrages had been foiled across France since the beginning of the year.

The security measures are at the highest level in France and Germany - mainly due to possible public outcry in case something does indeed happen. A lot of radicalized islamists are under constant surveillance, yet they still plan attacks every single month. It's just the fact that the police/army are treating the whole situation very seriously.

read above. 12 pre-planned terrorist attacks foiled before they got the chance to do anything. Moreover, France has been in a constant state of emergency, with the Army patrolling on every single street and with the security apparatus working at full speed, with virtually no restrictions whatsoever (judiciary). Of course they'll be able to prevent a lot of the attacks from occurring - especially given the fact that most radicalized islamists are already on the FSPRT (list made by French security agencies) - a list that contains over 3000 names.

Because Muslims have stopped being Muslim or becaus ethe police have prevented the attacks? Have you even bothered to look at how many attacks have been stopped? In Britain it would be about 1 a month if the police didn't stop them

Ha, the classic hate from the cuck romanian, you still here? Take back your fucking gipsies brethren !

There is a small decrease in the intensity of attack and the capabilities of terror group because of the maturity in the Intelligence and Counter Terror agency gained in the last 5 years. A lot of report underlined that we were unprepared for such attack and the French Police worked on that and adapted.

Now, they are limited to small action or much harder big action that have a high risk of failing.

The new legislation have, according to reports from the Home Affair Ministry and the Upper House, no effects on curbing terrorism.

Pourring money on CT and Intelligence did.

The british got in the same mind : pour money on CT and intelligence to build up capabilities.

What hate, you frog-eating bastard? I was literally telling him the exact same thing that you mumbled like a spastic. Jesus fucking Christ the level of intelligence on this board has dropped exponentially over the past few months. Learn to read between the lines, Ahmed, then go shoot yourself with a dildo.

These are the girls stabbed just the other day in Marseille by a Muslim

If you are talking about movies, we had this one scheduled to be released before the Batacland events and even before the Charlie Hebdo attack. It was cancelled.
>tl;dr arabs and blacks born in France and who don't even have contact with Al-Qaeda (it was made before ISIS) plan an attack on civilian in the street (never been done in France before)

France didn't do anything worthwhile despite all the money we spend on it, the terrorists here just finally grew a brain and noticed that if the goal is to make people afraid, a shitton of small attacks, and in smaller cities than Paris, is way more effective. I'm surprised they didn't do it earlier. A small unplanned attack is way easier to plan without being noticed compared to a big one that needs a lot of planning and a lot of communication.

The French surrendered to Islam so there's no need to terrorize them anymore

>no big attacks
>just many, many smaller ones
why would you want either?

1 year is not enough to say it's stopped.


Didn't they just have an attack at the same time as the LV shooter? 2 girls stabbed or something...

>How did France solve its terrorism problem
it didn't. We had a terrorist attack in Marseille 2 or 3 days ago

To guy thinks small attacks aren't something to watch out for.
Despite it being the most effective way to counter security.

>thinking not having big attacks is the same to end the problem

According to my sources, they deployed the army in high-risk cities

>go to Paris
>FFL patrols streets in full combat kit
Wew rly makes u thunk eh?

well I know you are a nigger mudslime, the Louvre is armed guarded thanks to you faggots

I can't wait to kill you all,.

This is one of the most retarded comments I have ever had the misfortune to read.

They surrendered their country to Islam

The end result being that cops and soldiers are the ones attacked instead of other people.
Make of that what you want.

It's called franshria now

The Mossad have less money to organize the "terrorist attacks"

Isn't France under martial law since Bataclan?