Daily reminder that Poland will be richer than western europe in one generation

Poland will surpass Italy in 8 years and Germany in about 20. From Portugal level to Germany in one generation. Let that sink in. mckinsey.com/global-themes/europe/how-poland-can-become-a-european-growth-engine mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/05/opinion/poland-economy-trump-russia.html ft.com/content/c0848618-b100-35a3-84a6-64ba52dcd031

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shut up, we are poor and we will be poor, everybody is ugly or alcoholic and there is no reason to come here whatsoever
go to berlin instead

Like this user says, do not come here, we are totally poor and everyone walks with machetes to hunt for foreigners so we can steal from them and buy alcohol.

Cool beans

OP said nothing about coming here, you guys are retarded. If you hate it so much in here, you're free to move somewhere else, you're most likely doing nothing to improve things. You're just whiny bitches

Sounds like Nazi Germany to me.
Something needs to be done.

t. western immigrant in poland

go back

That's not true, If both Poland and Germany will keep the current growth the economies will equalize in 60 years...

Google what irony means...

What makes you think I'm a western immigrant? Because I'm not a pathological self-hater?

Daily reminder that in a generation Polish people will still be cleaning toilets in the West.

I genuinely believe those poles are defending their country in their own way by scaring off any piece of shit from the western world.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

you sound like jews telling people to not come to israel
i've been to poland a couple times and it was breddy gud



good job goym

cicho kurwa, bo jeszcze ktoś odkryje że Polska to wcale nie zadupie i że zasadniczo jest tu zajebiście
that, but in eastern Poland we do not afford machetes so we attack people with parts of fences or table legs

With what excactly? more EU funds or more north korean slave labour?

t. neighbour

no no you guys are mistaken kurwa please don't come here



This. Seriously, go to czechs instead, I think that they have some lebensraum for foreigners

This. We're so poor that we still use black and white photographs.

poland new israel 2020


^ trip of truth ?

Poland is poor, yes yes very poor please don't come here ok

Please send me some GB, my internet is slow and my daugher is ill, yes yes.

The average IQ of western Europe will drop as more shitskins enter, the future of science belongs to China.

triple ironic shitpost
>and my daugher is ill
mam horom curke hehe

>polan's education

>the future of science belongs to China

You shouldn't be relying on Changs who cheat on their high school tests to become the stalwarts of scientific advancement.

>meme flag
dont believe him anons
dont come here

Zamknij ryj, nie wiesz że jest to nasz narodowy plan dezorganizacji państw zachodu, by utrzymać ich w przeświadczeniu, że Polska to totalne zadupie, bez żadnych perspektyw na przyszłość? Zdajesz sobie chyba sprawę, że jak powstanie w ciągu kilku lat Kalifat francuski i niemiecki, to wszystkie żabojady i szwaby jeszcze będą chciały się do nas wprowadzać, a wraz z nimi ich zjebane lewicowe ideologie? Poza tym nie mamy już kurwa miejsca.

That's true, but not because we are going to grow, stagnation is 100% guaranteed due to horrible demography. I expect we are going to achieve current Spain GDP per capita at the peak.

It's just that Western Europe is going to completely collapse due to minorities AND demography.

Poland should start paying reparations for starting WW2

>narodowy plan dezorganizacji państw zachodu
cichaj bo się wyda
a tak serio to nie musimy nic robić bo sami się mordują chuj wie czemu. Od dobrobytu się w głowach poprzewracało chyba.


Poland is paradise, I'm moving there with my brother Mehmet.


jebani licealisci
promujac ten kraj jako utopie tylko nam szkodzicie
nie chce to sperdolonych,zdegenerownych smieci z west eu

W dupach się im poprzewracało, dlatego szukają czarnych chujków

Holy shit, domestos is here

I like you Poland, but if your hope for the future is to wait until everybody else fails, then you genuinely suck.

If this is a consensus opinion then I will be forced to write fake history about Poland saying that you genocided your refugees. That way in a generation when you're the last white country, the niggers that read (the leaders) will hate you.

I would strongly advise against it, we are intolerant and racist and we burned all quran books few years ago, and we murder islamists and imprison them over phony charges

nice try. I kekked, though


This 40% *hick*

poland is sitting waiting, with no military. waiting and hoping for germany to collapse.

this sounds familiar. well, i guess it worked out well last time, right folks?


germans should start castrating themselves so they can be ready to be an eunuch's in mudslims Harems

I don't speak mass-shootings-every-2-seconds

Kumam, kumam, przepowiednia Nostradamusa o Polsce itp.

Ale my piszemy na Sup Forums, tutaj dominują raczej ludzie o prawicowych/konserwatywnych poglądach(?). Ja bym nie miał nic przeciwko takiej migracji, a lewactwo niech śpi tak jak sobie pościeliło

How would you know? Back then you were Poles speaking russian

Przyszedł kurwa neo-szwed i zacznie wrzucać gówno zaraz.
Niech myslą że jestesmy na poziomie Ukrainy - tyle nam wystarczy.

do u realise ur a fucking life loser?
u are here 24/7 spamming under every polish thread?

>tfw a pole will never cuck me

This country is so poor doctors can't get work they have to work construction illegally for under minimum wage.

>this sounds familiar

now we are russians speaking polish.

which would you prefer? result will be the same piotr

>Przyszedł kurwa neo-szwed i zacznie wrzucać gówno zaraz.
Wtf are you talking about?
>u are here 24/7 spamming under every polish thread?
And how do you know that exactly?


> Jestem otwarty dla wyższych wymiarów…
> I przekraczam granice wyobraźni!
> Tworzę piękno i harmonię - gdziekolwiek się pojawię
> Po mojej prawicy zasiada czerwony, Galaktyczny Wędrowiec
> Po mojej lewicy – niebieska, wiodąca Moc

Na polu dominuje populacja faszystów/nazistów co mysla, że hitler kochał polaków a holocaust nam pomógł.
Wspomnij jakiemus amerykanowi o tym ze holocaust był zły dla polski to cie zacznie od JIDF / niewdzięcznych polaczków wyzywać

>t. z doswiadczenia

I would prefer if we all get along.

I’m about to go down to the immigration office in Poland over the summer. I’ve been left behind in the shithole of Amerifats.

Congratulations Poland!

nah mate, we are full

You copy-pasted the part where I talked about you but you ignored the part where I talked about Ukraine - which means that you understood what i was talking about

Nie umiesz się ukrywać za chuj



Even poor as dirt Ukrainians are not considering your Pooland as a European country that is worth for living and working.
Every working migrant who moves in Pooland is thinking about that place as a temporary location that is obviously not true Europe and then they move to Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, etc.

And even your own poolands are leaving the Pooland en masse.


>white country has a more glorious future than muslim countries
Who would have known.

thank you glorious Nippon

ure are totally right, user
we are niggers of europe
i wish we would have so rich history and be as great as ukraine

Go drive a tank Urine

This is a photo of Poland ATM, come at your own peril.
PiS is turning this country into hell.

way to contribute boris

>You copy-pasted the part where I talked about you but you ignored the part where I talked about Ukraine - which means that you understood what i was talking about
No shit bo jestem Polakiem

pay no attention to this one here
Boland is very poor country that lives off from sorrel and water that condensates on the bottom of wooden carts pulled by horses
we are no money no speag engrish wery good and have hiest rates of hiv/aids and chlorophyll in our bodies
our girls are ugly and have std's aswell
so no come here unless you have a cistern full of vodka, in this case come here so we can rob you
i would prefer to banderowca bij z gumowca

> when Khrushchev borrows you Crimea

i lobe u my yellow nigga

Wtf how'd you get this pic of my house

I know it's hard to believe but a few of them can read at like a 6th grade reading level. We give them masters degrees and fire professors that fail them. As a TA I had to pass papers that used words/phrases like "I finna do dat shit kinda thang". And it was for a graduate class no less. It's total bullshit that we give these idiots degrees when they legit fail at reaching any professional standards.

But like the BBC, if they only understand a 4th-6th grade reading level, with culural slang, then you can write in that and call it inclusive. I can probably change my name to something Jewish, then I'll get published writing total bullshit Poland history. Maybe I can make up another holocaust, I'll just submit to a Jewish press and say this is to advertise to niggers in a generation to make sure they finish off the Goyim. Make the cover a big booty ass in a thong just to make sure they read it.

This sounds ludicrous but it might actually work.

It's not very good here right now.

yeah. I have a picture of Cracow 2017 AD

>poland is sitting waiting, with no military

Theirs is still better than yours.


no, he is right, we are poor, don't come here
we also have nigger problem, pic related, so many of those black people in Kraków and Silesia

Someone give him a barrel of Rum
he got my sides

Thanks for your input!

You were supposed to be the Global Police, not Global Bullies

My uncle is second bottom left

Thanks for helping us to scare people away russianbro.

Doubtful Europe will exist in its current form in 20 years.

No niby racja. Ja osobiście mam nadzieję, że w miarę jak Polska będzie siębogacić to na czas zabezpieczymy granice i zaostrzymy politykę imigracyjną

pretty much
russia is so much better

pojebało cie?
wypierdalaj z mojego kraju

>i would prefer to banderowca bij z gumowca
Someone who remembers atari song, i will drink to your health today.

this is all true, everybody here is an ugly, sad alcoholic. don't come here. I'm very sleepy, are you sllepy too? let's get some rest.

8 years? LoL no.
You would have to increase your GDP sevenfold, just to reach germanys curent level. With a growth rate of 2,7 % that's a bit more than 8 years

jestem zwolennikiem odnowienia Polskiego programu atomowego
były podjęte działania w PRL żebyśmy mieli własne atomówki, ale główny naukowiec "zginął" w wypadku samochodowym jak moskwa się dowiedziała i chuj bombki strzelił


> but they are much more spiritual

Friendly reminder that the declassified nuke-targets of NATO shows that NATO basicly plans on carpetbombing Poland with nukes, to have the fallout drift to Russia in case of war.

I imagine those plans are unchanged, and that China has the same in case of war with Russia. Also, don't move to Poland like me (home on vacation now), the women here really hate tall muscular christian blonds. Trust me, just don't do it. Also, the semi-slavs are all asian anyway, no petite qts. Don't come.