How will he be defeated

how will he be defeated

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If Kyubey has a limited amount of bodies to use. that means that he is theoretically mortal.

You tell me.

Already defeated by Homura

>implying he didn't eat himself again

what the fuck is his problem


QB is probably some hive mind. Let's assume it's fractured into some subcomponents. One QB-hive for earth. Homura got the whole thing under her control now.

If some sort of QB-central exists they would have to intervene to do something about QB-earth. And I doubt they will given how dangerous homura is. Assuming such a distinction exists at all.

>completely fucked up but the onion rings around his ears are still fine
deepest lore?

he has already been rendered harmless by the best girl

some type of hive mind does exist some how

how the hell else did he build stuff to watch over homura before she went full innocent devil

Why didn't Madoka just wish for Kyubey to have never come to Earth?

One of the biggest problems with completely aborting the magical girl system is that it would revert humanity back to cave men. Wishing that Kyubey never came to earth would have the same effect.

That's why Homura did everything right; she managed to get rid of the magical girl system, instead taking all of their burdens on herself and Kyubey, without reverting humanity's evolution.

If he was telling the truth, then humanity would've been sent back to the Stone Ages.

t. Incubators

Reverse Entropy.

Or refill Homu and tie even more strings of fate to Madoka.

What kind of monster would want to see QB defeated in the first place? Just take a look at how cute it is. Just who could wish harm upon such creatures?

Why does Kyubey have an anus? It doesn't consume anything

it technically does not have to be a hive mind. it could also be a bunch of individual minds that just think very very much alike due to cloning / downloading a mind from a master template.

who built the damned robots user


By making a very specific wish that destroys him, his incarnations, his comrades, his family, his clones, his existence all together.

If there is one thing you take away from the Madoka series, it is this


>implying any wish is a good wish ever

it's a ruse! stop listenen to kyubay

Just be careful with your words and take it as a legal contract. The girls made the mistake of not knowing what they were wishing for and were not specific enough.

>expecting middle schoolers to make wise decisions

You know why user. It's a two way passage after all, even if stuff won't come out things may still go in.

>Middle schoolers who take calculus and live by themselves

no wonder homu daid fuck it and kept traveling back, you megucas just don't get it do you? he can't he beaten with wishes, it's keikaku, he's itching for you to say the magic words. there is no getting off that train and it goes straight to hell

Kyubey is the original and very first magical girl in the Madokaverse and she's had a very hard life.

i was waiting for this post

im opie

Or you can just not play the game, which by the way was mentioned. You can't get into a bad contract if you don't make a wish.

>slutty megukas

Even as a god Madoka still messed up the contract

like humans building super-human AIs and then eventually going extinct while the AIs soldier on.

the government probably pays for her expenses. mitakihara is very futuristic.

no she didn't.

now that i have read it. gtfo

cute looking game but there is no way this is the canon stuff

kyubey is mephistopheles

When he meets her.

when i found out her wishes in the other timelines were super shitty, it really wasn't a suprise that she goofed anymore

i still want her to win though

he won't

I like the fact that the city and the setting was so progressive and feminist but then when shit got real everything fell apart.

The bad stuff didn't go away, it just changed form because the wish, yet again wasn't specific enough

>Ammonium Nitratius Pipebombitus
Magical girls everybody

Did Mami do good?

the wish accomplished what it was supposed to. it freed them of the burden of becoming the very things they fight and that threatens their lives. it's a psychological and moral relief. the material improvements are marginal, but it vastly improves their psychological state. which is arguably quite important considering how their mood affects the soulgems.

And you also have to keep the overarching theme of the show in mind, where hope and despair balance out. It's the whole ying-yang, equivalent-exchange or whatever you want to call it thing. You can't just wish everything well while not paying the price. You can dam a river, and yet its will flow.

Her parents were killed in a truck accident. For all we know she may be living off of a settlement with the trucking company.

Why use a magic stick when you can use a Glock instead.

>killed kyoko
>almost killed homu
Not good enough. Almost.

she became too head strong

she'll get a spot in yuri heaven though, i'm sure of it

Well she does get the title of most powerful magical girl in the universe. Not even Sakura Kinomoto can beat a god

Where are you getting this from?
Did I miss something from the show/movie??

You didn't pay attention during episode 10 of the show.

So knowing what you know now,

What would your wish be?

French Fries.

>Just be careful with your words and take it as a legal contract.
No it is not. That's the trick; QB doesn't and never did make any contract with anyone. He doesn't grant wishes, he just gives the little girl the means to activate her own powers so she can grant her own wishes. And since the girl is the one who grants wishes to herself, it doesn't fucking matter what you say to QB. QB isn't the one to make the wishes come true, the girl is.

Remove Mami

sorry to break you little head cannon but the events are universal
meguka is god
and homu now is a subgod

What about in Rebellion?

Fuck off Satan
Best dressed meguka a miracle of the universe

But magical girl Satan actually tried to kill her

No, u go homu, Homura.

>If he was telling the truth, then humanity would've been sent back to the Stone Ages.
Judging bu his other 'not exactly lies but not straight and useful answers either' it just meant humanity would take much longer to crawl out of the caves on their own without the boost from aliens.

>What would your wish be?
Does it matter?
If you don't have enough 'wish juice' because you lack boost by an obsessed stalker looping hundreds of times for your sake you couldn't wish for anything universe changing anyway.

The only way Madoka and Homura can "defeat" him is to quit playing his game. He is only really the enemy to Madoka and Homura, a dick to the other girls but not really an enemy, and mostly a benefactor to the rest of the human race/universe. He's more uselful to the universe than either of them will ever be. Homura and Madoka need to just GTFO of the physical plane of existence, erase every trace of their existence, and go dual concept if they're ever going to "defeat" him. The entire god vs. devil self loathing bullshit Homura is trying to push on everyone will be second to the final resolution on how they "defeat" Kyubey.

depends on how much oomph your magic stick packs

So other than the show and the movies, are there any other animations from the franchise I should look into?
I feel like im missing something.


I can see in his eyes that he's still plotting.

Nope, she aimed for the knee.

third movie coming soon

For now there's only a teaser for a new project.

Until then you'll have to wait with manga and doujins.

I really thought she got hit


Where can I find the teaser/ mangas?
I didn't even know there were any

Not a problem at all6

Which one is your favorite?

Sayaka's arc was the one that got to me the most


Close the book / stop the player.

Did they ever follow up on that spinoff I read a while ago?
One of the side characters was a police officer that had a sister whom was a magical girl.
I really want to see a new story as the officer tries to figure out what the hell is going on.

>didn't aim for the soulgem
did you even watch the show?

Given that Coobie is getting mind raped at the end, how many chances he becomes insane?

Madoka wiped his race then a 50m tall Homura raped him until he looks like

I'd say he's as good as defeated. In any case he's way out of his depth now, best he can do is try to help Madoka get the universe back to normal.


He is mortal. It will take a while to kill them all.

Anyone else feel bad for him after seeing him like that?

Kyubey literally did nothing wrong.

I don't. Kyubey was going to use god.

>Every Kyubei that comes to devour the old one has to choose between breaking the cycle and developing a sense of self again, or continue being a dog to their anti-spiral mentality and unravel forever

I want to have sweaty smelly baby-making sex with Sayaka!

You forgot your trip Kevin-kun .

His plan in Rebellion is basically giving in to greed

He is not defeated enough.

Curiosity kills the cats

No small Amount of Gunpowder.

Same as the God Hand, not happening.

Kyubey isn't a cat.

He managed to do extremely wrong in both fucking universes. Fuck that little shit.

A space cat then.



Hitomi isn't meguca.

He already is. The alien race that made and sent them and which we've seen nothing about yet isn't, though.

Which one?

They have a few spinoffs