Is this going to get fma brotherhood treatment any time ever?
Is this going to get fma brotherhood treatment any time ever?
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Most likely not. also the sequel was canceled
It wasn't. The magazine it was published on was cancelled, but not the manga itself.
the magazine died, sequel still on limbo.
never ever
She ded
i hope so user
Oh please, they all dead
>you will never see him animated
I doubt it, the FMA anime began deviating from early on, whereas the SK one deviated by the end of the Shaman Fight, and to be fair the last couple of chapters weren't that great.
On the one hand the last few chapters were real rushed boss fights and not great
On the other hand "my ghost is the ghost of a crashed alien" was pretty entertaining
the magazine it was in died. other than that it was still going and I assume it was popular enough.
and while not on the same level of Dragonball, death doesn't mean THAT much in this series
Of course it isn't. Brotherhood came out when the manga was still being made, so it was still popular enough. If they never bothered to redo it when those last chapters were made up to properly finish the manga then they will never bother because it just isn't popular enough to warrant doing that.
>also the sequel was canceled
Flowers never happened
I can tell you never even read the manga from start to finish and probably just read the Kanzenban chapters after watching the anime
The Anime deviated from the Manga in a huge way
Even in the beginning there's so many damn key differences,completely different character portrayals(Lyserg being a complete bitch in the Anime),different writing and so many other changed things etc.
Where the Anime reached wasn't even 1/3 of the Shaman King Manga and it also had a ton of filler
Shaman King is fairly popular in Japan
Flowers despite being dogshit was a best seller
>lyserg had to show his dick to a lolicon to prove he's a guy
Don't remind me
>Death Zero Oversoul never ever
>>Death Zero Oversoul never ever
That was the only reason I kept reading Flowers. The promise of the most metal WWII fighter pilot being Hana's spirit companion drove me forward.
I was fine with the latter, more tournament heavy, portion of Shaman King but I missed ghosts with interesting personalities. Ghosts just become tools for Oversouls once the second part of the Shaman Tournament happens and it's stuff like Rebseb's father or That Incan spirit that stand out.
I think the FMA Brotherhood thing is pretty unique enough on its on. I mean you sometimes see reboots or remakes of old series (most recently being Ushio to Tora) but very rarely will you see a series adapted 1:1 completely faithfully. It happens, but its not gonna happen to everything that we'd like. Certainly not Shaman King, I don't even think the creator himself has thought about that series in years.
>That was the only reason I kept reading Flowers.
(not that guy)
Same fucking here
That was the only good thing about the turd that was Flowers
But even that wouldn't have been enough to redeem it
>I don't even think the creator himself has thought about that series in years.
He was only writing a (shitty) sequel to it for years now...what a fucking moron you are
Adapting Shaman King 1:1 at this point wouldn't take that much episodes though considering it's not that it might happen one day for all we know but I doubt it
Slowpoke here. Thinking back on Shaman King, I guess Chocolove "crappy puns" McDonnel's jaguar spirit was named Mic because of Mick Jagger
Ponchi and Conchi were a homage to Ren & Stimpy too
I swear the bald Gandhara guy looks like some other character too
Not Gandhi or Dhalsim, the big ears seem pretty specific but maybe I'm overthinking it
Maruyama/MAPPA said he'd like to adapt Shaman King so maybe.
God, I remember reading this shit the few times I bought a Shonen Jump.
It wasn't very good.
I have no idea
But big ears are not too uncommon in bald indian characters like this
Shit taste
If they do it I hope they get the old actors
>Romi Park as Ren
>Yuuko Sato as Yoh
>Megumi Hayashibara as Anna
>Minami Takayama as Hao
They were all godtier
Megumi should do the songs too
Otakon 2015. Don't really have a better source than this but it was the first result on Google.
>For example, I want to work on Shaman King, I want to work on Rurouni Kenshin again, adapt it into new style, but it depends on whether the publisher or the actual artist says yes.
But yeah they might as well shelve it if Hayashibara doesn't reprise her role or do any songs. I really liked Romi Park as Ren too. A bit sad we won't get Kawakami back as Pirika.
Damn, I have fond childhood memories of this, even if I watched the shitty dub version. I should rewatch this with subs some day.
Eh who cares about Pirika
To me the most important VA would be Yuuko Sato...she is Yoh in my mind, she nailed him perfectly
I'd be more concerned if they skipped content like they did with Ushio no Tora
If they do it 4 chaps/1 episode it'd be about 75 episodes(80 if they want to slow down the pacing a bit at some places) which would be pretty good but I have a feeling they'd rush through it and that would suck
Also I'd like it if they got Toshiyuki Omori to do the score since I loved the OG Anime soundtrack...that shit was top-tier
I recommend downloading the batch by Soldats on BakaBT(I believe the first 13 episodes are kind of shitty quality but the rest are fine)
This and soul eater need the brotherhood treatment
Soul Eater had a shit ending(moon=boobs lmao)
What's the point of adapting that? The old version is fine
What made them double back and make Brotherhood to begin with? Seems a bit unheard of.
>Read Flowers
>Hana being an even edgier faggot than Hao
>literally cloned Ren and Horo Horo arcs and characters but shittier than the original ones
>Jeanne is dead because
>Mikihisa is dead because
>Redseb and Seyrarm are now evil because
>Yoh and Anna are dead because lolmissiles
>Suddenly this fucking guy shows up, tanks Za Warudo and shoots Not!Marik and the manga gets good
>Magazine dies
Manga was ending so they made a new anime to promote it because the manga was very popular
I know that feel breh
Just pretend it never happened
Manga never got good though despite Death Zero being doesn't make up for how it shat all over the old characters so badly