You can have a proper non-CGI Berserk anime only when you sacrifice your waifu to the Godhand.
You can have a proper non-CGI Berserk anime only when you sacrifice your waifu to the Godhand
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m8 il sac my self to the godhand just so a non-cgi berserk could exist for everyone else to enjoy
That's a much smaller price to pay that sacrificing your waifu
>sac yourself for berserk anime with no cgi
>has no budget and it's shit
thanks for nothin, kiddo
You'll become another egg apostle thing, wishing for the world to be reborn in 2d
Let's get real here.
You sacrifice all of your closest family and a 10/10 series is released with great music, animation, atmosphere, etc...
Would you do it?
No, I don't like Berserk enough to do that
Anyone answering yes to this must be a very lonely person.
I just watched the episode. How the hell did this actually get made? The music and tone were pretty 8-9/10 good, VA was good as well. The animation was just so bad it's hard to watch.
Not to mention they're ruining Guts's character development by meddling with the story and introducing Isidro early on.
I don't understand.
If I wanted it that bad I could just make it myself over the course of like 30 years.
No because I'll be dead before it ends, or it'll be a shit anime-original ending.
What if my waifu is Slan?
What if my waifu is Slan?
I'd do it. Gotta grab at least 1 more per season and they're really starting to stack up over the years.
Jokes on them, my waifu isn't even plot relevant. Good Berserk here I come
I sacrifice.
Well it worked alright for Griffith.
I'd slit her throat if the manga remained consistently updated until it reached a proper and satisfying conclusion.
How about we play some 4d Go instead?
I'd rather suffer through every single chapter adapted in mekakucity-quality CGI than do that to her.
They already sacrifice my waifu in the CGI anime.
Berserk is oberrated trash so no thanks I keep my Wifi
this, fuck all you scum that would make the sacrifice
Good enough
I don't have one.
I don't like how Conrad and Ubik look alike
some people here would sacrifice their family for a kino level berserk adaption
What if my waifu was the god hand itself?
No I'm not a psychopath and I'm not hungry for a Berserk adaptation anyway. Sure it'd be nice to get a good adaptation but I really don't feel like Berserk is in dire need of an anime.
Why do people act like the manga isn't good enough on its own?
No, because I already read the manga.
It's ok buddy. Seen worse than Berserk '16
The anime is not there to replace the manga or anything, anyway. It's all good.
Calm down.
That's a pretty dumb question when this is possible no one will do this.
Now let's get real, in order to have a 10/10 series great music, animation, atmosphere, etc... your waifu becomes one of the most popular character of anime and you are doomed to see normies having her as "her only and perfect waifu" and a shitload of NTR rape hentai is done with her
it's just another "read the manga" adaptation but this time with Berserk and it hurts
Of course. But not my main one.
>Not having a throwaway secondary waifu just for sacrificing, extremely lewd, violent and eprverted fantasies, hatefuck, etc.
>my main one
>throwaway secondary waifu
you are not living your life correctly by the eyes of God and it's my duty to send the ones like you to him
Stay mad, low test fag for whom one waifu is even remotely enough :3
Waifu+concubines, this is the choice of real man's men
But I don't have a waifu.
Say what you want about the CGI but these two scenes were done very well in the movies. Too bad they are shit.