I hope we see him soon, He's gonna save the show.
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
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Why do people call him a wise magical negro when he's white?
The black KKK.
I want to kill this dumb cunt.
Black KKK
Will subaru stop being autistic and grow up after being tortured multiple times?
Basically yeah, also it's mostly the mental torture he goes through that's going to mess him up.
Will you?
The pain only makes him worse.
Please no cgi.
The CGI in this anime is fucking terrible, I hope not.
You know it's gonna happen. Let's be honest. Aint nobody drawin that.
All they have to do is disguise the whale in flames
Whales don't have too complicated a shape, do they?
I've seen Berserk and Rokka no Yuusha, I think I can handle it. I just hope Demo D is on suicide watch.
Which one?
Stiff CG moves are somehow more scary.
The hamburguer of course.
god damn this fucking artist
how does he know what makes the dick tingle
that dress being so nice and tight to the body
Conception artist is great. Just look at all that.
why are there always 4 separate Re:Zero threads up at once? Do you people not use the catalog?
Are there really?
1 is typically where all the discussion is being held which is probably this one
the rest are bait threads made to shitpost against the series
Will Subaru see her on the other side?
> Not going for Mimi.
This guy has that kind of familiar face you just know you have seen before
He looks like The Mask.
I hate them all, that one guy was ok.
They made his eyes too big.
I fucking hate digibro's avatar. Trying to make a bearded guy like that look cute is absolutely disgusting.
Well, the show's designed with a bait and switch kind of thing.
Right now, I'm just having a lot of fun seeing how dull the unspoiled reaction to Rem's current death is. No one seems to believe anything permanent would happen to her and that Subaru can just undo everything bad that happens.
This is the expectation that's been set. I think I'm going to be laughing once this season is over. She might be best girl, but I still think it'll all be worth it just to see that.
His appearance is as much of a mess as his room. No really, it looks terrible.
You do know Rem isn't going to turn into an autist by the end of this arc right?
The fuck are you raving on about?
> Time resets fix everything they said!
> Time resets have no tension and responsibility they said!
> Typical LN protagonist they said!
> Next SAO they said!
> Trainwreck of the season the said!
> Bland generic characters that revolve around the mc they said!
> Forced drama they said!
The author loves Tom and Jerry.
Jerry's a prick.
>This is the expectation that's been set. I think I'm going to be laughing once this season is over. She might be best girl, but I still think it'll all be worth it just to see that.
What exactly do you expect to see, fucking retard? Because it's not going to happen by the time the anime ends.
I don't think anyone expects her to turn into an autist. However, I'm quite spoiled on how this arc ends.
Who cares about that faggot
>all that praise over the art and animation
Well looks like there's nothing left for them to enjoy now huh
>Posting MLP-fag youtube "eceleb" shit.
Faggot is just going to backpedal on everything and call it great or some shit at the end. Seriously fuck that piece of shit and stop watching his videos. Any e-celeb in that matter actually.
You mean her dying?
No, we are definitely going to see that.
I'm afraid they will mess up his voice or demeanor
Unless there's an anime original ending, I'm pretty sure we'll see what happens at the end of Arc 3.
SAO killed Fantasy anime
When the fuck is the author gonna come back and release more chapters of the WN
Until the anime is over
I feel you, he left us at a cliffhanger at the tower
Not having weekly updates hurts my soul
I wonder just how disconcerting it is for some of the characters just watching Subaru freak out seconds after he is ok, when he reverts back to a check point.
Well, Rem seems to notice and associate it with the sudden increase in his scent. She knows something is going on there.
Very. Emilia freaks out whenever it happens.
>keep up with interesting series
>enjoy semi frequent updates
>See name in suspicious link
>hover over it cautiously
>"x is getting an anime adaptation"
>The anime only goes to 1/3 of the original source
>Author starts releasing at a snails pace after they've cashed out
Every. single. Manga/LN
In a good way or a bad way?
>thinking any decently lengthed work will get a full anime adaptation off the bat
In a bad way
Pray that greycat still updates often after this.
"---I think praying for a wish is an act of pride, praying should be for when receiving atonement.."
Hmm probably a good way
Don´t stop the party
Prayer is for those who do not have the will to take action and rectify their sins.
2deep4me. What does it all mean?
I'm sorry he's not a perfect elite operator garysue like you user.
Im sure a real badass autist like you wouldn't be fazed by the physical and psychological torture of being murdered 15 times.
He's still a dick though.
He only seems to be a good person whenever he is involved with Beako, Rem, Crusch, Julis and Wilhelm. Among others. But when it comes to people he "truly cares about" he goes full autist.
I just hope he grows out of his messiah complex soon. His freakout at Emilia-tan was the most cringeworthy thing he did so far.
I want to become her manservant!
Oh yeah the season finale will great. Can't wait for the tears of the unspoiled animeonlyfags.
He got rid of it completely after arc 3, but his hero complex has been slowly coming back and you can see hints of it starting around mid to late arc 4, the only people that's holding it back is Beako and his son/daughterus.
It seems to be something else other than his personality that's causing it.
So what's up with this AgK-tier villain? The more people hype him, the more I dislike him. And I have a feeling I'm going to really hate his voice.
That's because he was slowly revealed to be a hypocrite; and that actually was an interesting parallel nature that had a great amount of depth. It was brilliant and made itself aware to the readers. It gave a whole new dimension of depth.
He's the good guy
Can she just summon the flail? I thought she kept it under her dress or something.
why does she sit like that?
> One-dimensional evil villain.
Man, you know nuffin about the wise magical negro. He is the most diligent, loving, devoted man that is willing to do anything for his goals and is willing to spread such teachings to others. Seriously, I'm not joking.
yeah she can.
subaru should learn the SWORD version. Imagine. UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS
You're a funny guy.
You just know that he tapped that. Poor guy.
Do we have beetlejuice's face before he became craycray.
I wonder when will he realize that he is one and get rid of that aspect of his personality completely, as it seems like he is able to properly view himself in the AU and completely rectified his cockyness.
Not until near the end, if I had to guess. There are a lot of developments which wouldn't work unless it was near the end of the story.
Satella best girl.
"I love you."
"—Because you gave me light."
"Because you took my hand and taught me of the outside world."
"Because in the night I was trembling in loneliness, you stayed by my side and held my hand."
"Because you kissed the lonely me, telling me I wasn't alone."
"I received a lot of things from you.
・・・・・so I love you."
"Because you gave me everything."
"I've always, always love just you"
"You, just you, always always, I continue to love you"
"That' why...love"
"----Love yourself more"
"----Please don't cry, please don't get hurt, please don't be bitter, please don't have a sad face"
Rem is the ugliest girl in rezero
She has a rather twisted way of showing her affection.
Plus she's a hypocrite.
She is a pathetic cuck
Shit taste.
Also don't care, her smile and happiness soothes my soul.
daily reminder subaru cares for emilia just because she looks like satella
he loves only satella even now
That makes no-
Ooooooohhhhhh. I get it.
It took you that long to understand? You are SLOTH.
What does Satella even see in a guy like him?
a dark lord
I should feel creeped out, but honestly that pic makes my feel good about the size of my dick
These people live near the south pole user, I bet your dick would get even smaller when dealing with sub-zero climates.
Would he be a good maou with the reset ability? He knows who is coming for his head in advance.
>Rem dies
>Doesn't immediately reset
Wait for it.