>trying to cater to the younger generation
>deliberately killed themselves
can no longer be redeemed
truly death of a culture.
Trying to cater to the younger generation
it looks fine
we already have the original, that on its own, still catered to fujoshi with flamboyant but realistic designs
Now it's more stylized
When is the new logh anime. Im at episode 70 and this anime is actually fun to watch. The elitists didnt lie for once
I'm on 71 right now, and unironically too.
As for the manga, yeah it's pretty shitty but it's obvious this is a temporary serialization before the 2017 anime. It's not permanent as far as I see it. other than that they got 10x smuggier
>>deliberately killed themselves
It has good reviews on amazon
hardly, it's pretty apparent the old fans are frustrated by this, while playing nice to keep the series alive.
12 think it's great
12 think it's good
11 think it's fine
10 think it's bad
So yeah 35 vs 10, you're dumb.
>over half the reviews are 4-5/5
Does this not constitute good reviews in your mind? All the people I see talking about it on JP twitter seem to like it too.
>nips like this art
well it looks like they are going for that direction for the 2017 anime. I havent read it yet, but no offense that art is trash, and hopefully the anime wont be trash like the adaption of the author's other work. now I know what to avoid
guess who this is