Is it done. Are we finished yet? How is he supposed to reject that?
NiseKoi 225
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>How is he supposed to reject that?
>How is he supposed to reject that?
Why do you think he cried?
>Sorry, I'm gay for Shoe
I just remembered I forgot to do something
does first love imply she has a second love?
Yeah, me.
If she was really his true love he would never have fallen in love with Chitoge as well. Fake love is true love
Like this.
Nigga he wasn't crying out of happiness...he's crying because he already chose Shitoge and now he's hearing this shit after all these years.
A twist ending where Shitoge marries Raku, Shitoge takes on Tsugumi as a mistress, and Raku takes on Onodera as a mistress is the ONLY acceptable ending. The author is a hack so it will be the typical dumping of Onodera and she will die a barren, foreveralone permavirgin like all losers in poorly written harems.
turns out he's gay
Get real faggot, she loves me.
If she'd confessed years ago before there was so much competition she could have had him. Instead she waited and deserved to lose.
Except Shitoge didn't do jack shit to win either. If we are talking about effort Marika should have won hands down. As usual, main girl in shit harems gets a lot of coincidences that puts her close to the MC without effort on her part. That and only that is the reason why she is going to win.
She was worst girl anyway, nothing of value was lost.
You have really shitty taste.
Raku just channeled his internal otter
>HanaKana and Uchiyama in pic related together
>show never finishes adapting the manga so she never wins him
>they both end up as Raku and Onodera
>She's destined to lose
Will she ever win a bowl?
He is gonna end up with neither girl and end up becoming the strongest yakuza boss, like he was destined to. and through his power he will force his harem back
HanaKana's character won the Hikaribowl in NagiAsu, so there..
It's done lad.
This one was done much better than anything Nisekoi tried to do.
We just count that as a win.
Too fucking late. If you had said those words 100 chapters ago you would have won but nope, too late.
>t. buttblasted kusoderacuck
You're an idiot
She practically was slobbering over him since the beginning
She would have still lost
Why the fuck is that little bitch crying. Goddamit.
Fuck off degenerate tripfag
>Except Chitoge didn't do jack shit to win either
She did a hell of a lot more than the fucking Doormat that's for sure
Just because she doesn't have Marika's balls doesn't mean she didn't try
How would you feel if you were in love with a girl who you thought was too good for you/would never love you and then after many many years she tells you she loves you when you already were about to move on to another girl?
By your logic Marika should win
This was well done, and it can still go either way because it's called emotions and not counting events off a tick list.
The ultimate ending is Chitoge rejecting him when he confesses, this will break the chitoge-fans and I want it to be real.
For the lulz.
Next chapter is confession acceptance..get ready guys
I never used the words "win" anywhere
I was just making it clear that Chitoge did try a fucking lot unlike what shitters say
>bitter Onoderacuck fantasizing in public
>Doormatcucks are this delusional
What a faggot
well if you get cockblocked everytime you want to do doesnt justify it worthless
Lel..crying like Shitoge
you like being abuse dont you
Gorilla suicide chapter when?
No not really
Chitoge wasn't trying to confess constantly, she was trying to get him to like her(which he didn't for a long ass time...or at least didn't notice his feelings for a long time)
Compare that to Onodera who
>Practically knows Raku likes her(due to Ruri)
>Has the backing of her Mom,Haru,her ant,Ruri and even fucking Chitoge
And she still doesn't do shit
Chitoge on the other hand
>Raku doesn't like her and she knows it(her best hope being that she was the promise girl)
>She has no-one to back her in her pursuit of Raku for most of the series because almost everybody she's close to thinks they're already going out
Chitoge is severely disadvantaged compared to Onodera throughout the Manga
If you honestly think the Doormat is winning this you're fucking delusional
Onodera confessed twice before, that makes three times more than Chitoge.
Nisekoi fucking sucks.
That happened to me. I started dating some girl and then a few weeks later my old crush phoned me crying at like 2am saying she liked me for years and was upset because we were such good friends and she felt like she ruined it all. Sucked because i had feelings for her for like 4 years but shit happens. I didn't break up with my girlfriend and i doubt shitbrick would with Chitoge either
No she didn't
Raku was asleep so it doesn't count
And once again Chitoge was not trying to confess throughout the series because the whole time she was trying to make him fall for her
Onodera had the easy road and she still failed miserably and only was able to confess properly when she realized she already lost
Dense MC's are to blame for everything
Well technically Raku hasn't even started dating Chitoge yet he just supposedly chose her
Still my point is that it's natural to get emotional(and even cry)...especially since it's his first love too
Also depends on the person.Some people are more sensitive than others and Raku can be pretty sensitive so it makes sense
Oh please Chitoge had it 100 times worse
I'm a different user. I was agreeing with you. I broke down like a lil bitch when she told me that
Wanting the larger fanbase to cry salty tears? I'm fine with Onodera-fags but I want the bigger prizes.
Generally they don't knock the girls off like dominos, so they denied absolute ass blastment in Nisekoi.
Ak oh
>Being this delusional
Onoderafags are the most aggressive Nisekoifags. Have you not been in the threads? They've been chimping out for weeks bashing Chitoge and the other girls.
Guys if he reject her , she'll be broken
>Turning into a slut to fill the hole in her heart
Well actually maybe the 2nd most aggressive ones after Tsugumifags
Who gives a shit?
She's a bland bitch
Will anything ever top le eroge man?
>Kosaki totally broken after the rejection
>She refuses to let Raku go so she keeps going to his house
>Before long, she gets friendly with the yakuza at Raku's place
>She becomes the gang's personal gangbanging cum dumpster because it's as close to Raku as she'll ever get
Doujins when?
look at this user , looks like he is aggressive and not an onoderafag.
Offering an opinion isn't the same as starting every thread for the past month with "CHITOGE BTFO" or "CHITOGE FAGS ON SUICIDE WATCH"
It's just obnoxious and spurs on the mentality of "I'll show you when X ends up winning!"
the best nisekoifags are harufags
If chitoge wins it will end up like a shitty copy of Toradora
>Tsundere always wins
If not Nisekoi will earn its own soul.
>True love end
you just falls to the bait set up for Chitogefags..well done
He'll pick Paula. Screencap this.
at least Taiga honest about her feeling compared to certain someone who runs away
IRL Kosaki would be waifu tier wife..while Chitoge just cum and dump
I'm in the #TeamTaiga Sup Forumsnon dont missunderstand me.
the one who runs away in Nisekoi ?
Taiga literally ran away from Ryuuji twice. Once by literally running away and once when she left until graduation.
She also spent weeks after the Christmas trip pretending that she didn't know that she'd accidentally confessed to Ryuuji.
Do you even know what you're talking about?
If he goes for the blonde this manga officially turned to shit.
inb4 shitty she-needs-me-more-than-you-do ending
For some strange reason I miss being in those threads. I really liked the back and forth we all had in those threads.
Someone needs to drop a third nuke on the nips
They can't keep getting away with this shit
Chitoge has been the main heroine since the one shot, which Kosaki didn't even exist in. How would have "turned" to shit if it's been going in this direction since before chapter one?
This. She's the fucking center piece for the fucking manga. Onodera's struggles are so pathetic compared to the shit Chitoge's been through it would be sadistic to let Onodera straight out win.
>Falls asleep at such a convenient moment
That one user must be the faggot that always creates the threads, he is so wrong, chitogi ftw!
Man do people ever drop by in your own little world?
This desu senpai
We've already gotten our happy ending. Now its time to settle the socially autistic love triangle that had far too much "screen time"
Fuck no. Those two are a given at this point. What we need is closure. CLOSURE.
If he choose Chitoge , the main essence of the manga is:
>Love means nothing
>Even random person who appears in you life can manipulate your feelings
Sounds a lot like real life. What are you, 12? He's spent a tonne of time with this girl and now he's not allowed to decide he likes this one more than the previously unattainable goal of Onodera? That total bullshit and it's not how regular human beings function either.
>>Love means nothing
If anything, it just proves that what he felt for that doormat was nothing more than a silly high school crush.
>Sounds a lot like real life.
>user are you a cuckold ?
>buzz word
>manga doesn't actually feature anything even close to cuckoldry
Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
>Any chance to see Onodera winning the Nisekoi now? this is my last hope.
Wonder how that guy is doing now
No, the message will be that fate means nothing. That the feelings you form together and foster mutually are truer than something vague that you harbor inside yourself more out of a sense of obligation than sincerity.
Let's make everyone happy.
>MC reject Onodera
>Broken Onodera lose her mind
>She kills Chitoge and MC
>Keeps MC's head as a trophy/lover
Honestly the key and lock subplot has always baffled me. While it would be an interesting piece of nostalgia who actually gives a fuck what two little 5 year old shitheads think about each other?
The very idea that something as inconsequential as a promise made between two children affecting who you love in the here and now is unbelievable. I understand that they're reaching this same conclusion themselves, but it's such a basic, intuitive part of life that it doesn't even deserve mentioning.
Still means that their love last form the beggining isn't it true love ?
Wait wait wait wait wait what
What the fuck is going on
I leave the country for a few months, come back, AND SHIT IS GOING DOWN
I'd accept this end
Try again, in English.
>muh Toradora
found the newfag
2nd best Nisekoi after Chitoge
>muh false flagging
Wrong. Fuu-chan is number 1 Nisekoi, followed by Chitoge and THEN mini-dera
She runs away because she's the only who has a place to run away to
Onodera doesn't have her mom in New York or whatever...else she'd do the same
has japanese people never heard about flirting