Prove you're not niggers, Pol

Prove you're not niggers, Pol...

How would you discipline this child without using violence?

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smack the cunt over the head

obviously by not buying him another phone or anything ever again except a one-way boat ticket back to africa.

Convince him to commit suicide.

Chain him to the wheel of pain.

>How would you discipline this child without using violence?

I'd provide the child with a nokia phone and art supplies. If all else fails, make it look like a pool accident.

her narration and his acts were either forced and an advertisement, or extremely surreal
>you have the nerve to do the dab on that phone?
it probably broke, and was just a way to advertise for the samsung, plenty of views from watching a spoiled child throw a tantrum. she has no emotion, and neither does he.
i brand this video fake.

imagine if your kid were to come out as a gommie?

I'd 'redistribute' his shit, paint the room white, with only a bed, sheet and a pillow inside.

Of course 3 slices of bread with meat paste a day we needn't mention

*cracks whip*

Animals don't understand reasoning. Violence is the only answer.

take all his cloths and drop him off in death valley.

I can do basic algebra in my head.

ah, in the comments, ot is revealed that it was a "joke", and that the phone was just "a government phone", so, really we should be angry, since that's tax dollars being dabbed on, not some gift from the mother's hard work.

I would sit them down in an environment that didn't have any distractions and teach them a lesson on how they were wrong through proverb and story. It enforces stronger retention when they're entertained by something opposed to not.

Bring him to the chamber of 1000 torments and administer torments number 1 through 990.

If he said he was communist I would bag up his grown-at-home beef and vegetables, and sell them to china for a massive profit. then I would use to the profits to buy a medical holiday for my child to visit the netherlands and see why communism is truly a failed proposal.

Even correct him is "violent".
The kid must understand certain concepts as soon as possible:
-He is not in charge.
-He is full dependant of his providers.
-Not correcting = not loving.

Then procede to slap the shit out of him shouting with tears in your eyes: "this is hurting me much more than you".

I would have raised the child well better before that point. if your child is a degenerate by adolescence, the probability of things improving thereafter doesn't seem so fantastic.

surprised there's no n-bombs yet

Where's the father?

Using a nuke on a single nigger is a bit much m8

>how not to be a nigger to a nigger

You have to go back with him. Be sure to write back with the answer.

I'm not THAT black...

Jesus fucking christ how disgusting


But other than that:
A) the kid is feeding off the attention the mom is giving him for destroying the phone.

B) It's clearly fake, the nigger mother would've chimped out a long time ago. If not fake, then she made some bad life choices because that level of self restraint is a credit to her race, he must get it from his father.

C) Maybe try some attempt at each level of destruction of the phone to see what stops working. Ask him when the screen stops working etc.

Then maybe get the phone battery, and put a pick through it, and make it blow. Ask him why it exploded, would other batteries explode? Let's try it.

Well it turns out it's because of a chemical reaction. I wonder what the chemical is? Lithium Ion huh? Hopefully foster some kind of interest in chemistry/Science out of this chimp out destruction.

Also, I would show him videos of himself interlaced with chimpanzees. A deep resentment of his own race is the only way he can succeed in life by using it as motivation to 'Not be that black guy'.


I truely believe the only way for black people to improve in life is to be 'redpilled' about their own race from a very young age.

Be taught that blacks have low IQ, be taught the crime stats every single day, the genetic IQ differences...

Hopefully with all this he will try his fucking best to avoid his genetic fate.

But they aren't. 99% are taught that da why mayne controls everything and they have no way out of their poverty situation.

that just sounds like psychological torture mate.

legalizing drugs, staving off gangsta rap and studying does the trick.

>it is a government phone

they're CIA niggers

>Spy Nigs 3D

Quisessentially American

Lead him to the cotton fields so that he can work for his Galaxy S7.

Bullshit. No nigger Mom would be that calm if this was real.

>12 year old
Niggers are getting smaller and smaller


;) He never did swim guud.

If grabbing that kid by the neck the moment he dab-steps on the phone is nigger behaviour I'd gladly be a nigger.

Also why does he have a Club América shit? Is that a thing among niggers to watch mexican soccer?

>Stopped watching at pic related

The parent is the problem

>No nigger Mom would be that calm if this was real.
Well, according to the woman on the video they're on Kong Creek so maybe niggers there are more calm.
