Germany explain yourself

Seriously how can you accept this, this video must see everyone in germany.

Other urls found in this thread:

>"That's how Allah does it, so that we conquer you. Not with war but with birth rates."

This is the final redpill, the Germans now have to take action or succumb

Germans are cucks, they will not do anything

They take action by succumbing. Most of them would rather live together with 20 shitskins than a single right thinking native.
What we need is even more shitskins so they get too comfortable here and start a proper chimpout and piss off the natives.

The time of the hammer is over, it's time for the sickle now. Enact phase: 2

G*rmans and every other european nation welcoming them like France deserve everything theyre in store for

They sure as hell want to trigger another Holocaust.

That's a scythe, my fellow Staatsangehöriger.
And time is never over, it just goes on.

How do you know? Maybe he's just very small.

this video must see every spaghetti in italy

conduttore abbiamo un problema

Implying you guys have balls to even say nigger on the street. Let alone say anything antisemitic.

No ones implying that.

Can you do the same? I bet you get beat up.

I know my tools, I'm German after all.

This is three days old. And we can certainly talk shit about blacks and jews.

Its illegal to disagree and not warmly embrace this jihadist the kikes brought onto us.

Are you kidding? Erdogan for example said several times loud and clear that turks in germany shall take control of the country by outbreeding native germans. And guess what happened? Nothing. Guess what germans do when they see burkas push around prams all day every day long? Nothing.

What can they do?

"New Germans? We'll Make Them Ourselves."
AFD won a bunch of seats for the first tim this year. So unexpected the leader of AF quit.

The most that political parties will do is to ban the burkas for example, that's called controlled opposition.
People should be banned, not clothes.

Stop being refugee welcoming 'islam belongs to germany 'cucks would be a start.

AFD quit.

>I'm no nazi, see how tolerant I am?
>please love me

>"Your children will be muslim!!!"
Germans will take it as a compliment

Could have just answered:
>Your daughter and sister will stop wearing the hijab and suck cock, because that is what all women desire

"Yeees very good, goyim!"

That's not really an option when you have the brainwashing still going on.
The government would have to change drastically and then refuse all the big money coming from "people" like Soros.
How is that going to happen? Not at all, it has been made sure of a long time ago. You don't have to like it but you sure have to take it.

"Muslims" sure.

that german guy said they should fuck off first

The sick thing is that most of us have heard this all our lives; we're so used to having to slave away under democracy that most don't dare or even manage to question it. In the schools they weed out the kids who can't keep quiet about what redpilled relatives say and put them into child protection where they're sold to pedophiles. In the streets these gangs parade around ignored or protected by the state so as to prevent "destabilisation" or "unrest". The brown things are holy Semites and must be protected for they have emotions while we do not. The money exists so that they can breed. The churches in the West of the country have been dominated by England's Jewish plant priests for fifty years (I met a female pastor(!) just the other week who told me all about how she specialises in "refugee care", by which she meant caring for the ones who care for the refugees in the shelter as it turned out after me suggesting that most Muslims might not listen to a female priest - oh and that by the way she'd not recommend anyone being or becoming Christian because there's no money in it and old people tend to be too damn stupid to see the value of Jesus' social democracy and OH GOD HOW I WISH I WAS KIDDING), the churches in the East tried to fight somewhat but did not outlive the Soviet Union in a decent shape either (think: While Merkel's father studied "protestant theology" over there actual Protestant theologists were known to resort to martyrdom by self-immolation across the bloc); the communists had the run of the universities under US protection for just as long and the entire system of government was set up to turn us into the third world's bank account at nukepoint for the crime of having contributed to the once-large number of white people in the world.

At least 13% have wits left to be angry. Let's see where it goes.

Yeah, i know we're fucked for good... I just sometimes like to pretend it's not over already.

>wie ihr uns kolonialisiert habt
maximus keximus

Well, it isn't over. Sure, maybe for Germany. But certainly not for the individual German.

>how do you know
diablo 2, morrowind,mu online,...

>because you colonized our countries and stole our resources
Kek, how delusional can you get.
Can not wait for germans to finally start uncucking themselves, the day of the rope can not come soon enough.

The resentment is strong with this one.

You can design a sickle to look just like a common skythe. Sickle and skythe are basically the same thing, the only difference is size, if its small enough to be used one handed, it's a sickle. If it is so large you have to use it two handed, it's a skythe.

>tfw you are not a turk
>tfw you will not colonise Germany
why live

Fuck, I sound like such a pussy here. It's the truth as I can see it but it sounds like I am dead already.

You guys are better. We must work toward the day of our revenge. We don't owe the cunts anything, do we? They owe us. They breed off our money, their countries exist because we're forced to prop them up on pain of the occupiers just ending it even sooner. So we should all focus on how much has already been wasted on them; we should reach out to those who are only now realising what their ancestors fought the two world wars for. Individual Germans can go into diaspora. Those of us with friends should start forming Fight Clubs, essentially.


>What we need is even more shitskins
Even German nazis fell for it.

Out breeding... like a literal virus....suck up all the resources until the host can't survive then move onto the next

Yes, that's it. This is it. They are a sickness. Lower than the lowest insect. An infection. EVERYONE, everyone whom they are getting to with the "compassion" trap: The mudshits are not human. This must go out to as many as possible, subtly as possible. Let them realise it. The Muslims have been useless trying to conquer us for ages. They are like the cold, bad for some time and recurring but harmless mostly while they're in their shitholes. Their Hebrew spy caste and its leftist cattle are what's weakening us. These are like the AIDS that cripples your immune system until even that cold can destroy you. We must re-learn to think of the inferior as what it is again. The welfare must end. Social security, public healthcare, all that destroys the strength of the race. We must re-learn our Hitler, all of us, the national body is to be strengthened at any cost. We must dehumanise ourselves and then them. This is the way. I had an epiphany.

And the thing from your picture is a scythe.

And what will that revenge look like? A group of tattooed idiots going for the world elite?
You are all impotent, this also has been made sure of. Sure, you can waste a couple of people or bomb a building and feel mighty about it but all that just pushes you further apart from your goal and the big guys will just laugh, because yet another plan worked just fine. And by the time you'd become a serious threat, you will be nuked to smithereens.
You're cattle with too much sense, that's why those niggers get to come here in the first place. So they can outbreed all this and replace it with their even dumber minds.

This is fucking old, you fucking spaghettio.

>An infection. EVERYONE, everyone whom they are getting to with the "compassion" trap: The mudshits are not human.

no shit?
we know it since the rise of ottomans...

You should start hanging out with slavs. This will adjust your mindset and help you realize you don't just have to take this shit.
I think a ot of germans are SO afraid of being called a nazi/going against the political mainstream, they won't even challenge people when they start spouting progressive rethoric ("die braune Suppe kommt wieder hoch", "Integration ist keine Einbahnstraße" etc.). When in fact, 90% of the time the person saying this type of shit isn't even convinced by what they're saying.
They have just learned that these phrases are socially acceptable behaviour and are testing those around them. Just like how your girlfriend will regularly test how much shit she can get away with.
Just like your hypothetical girlfriend, these people need to be challenged when they pull shit like this, in fact, from my experience, most of them subconsciously WANT to be challenged and can in most cases be reasoned with. Often they WILL realize the absurdity of what they're saying (as long as you don't sperg out and go full Sup Forums), because they were subconsciously already aware they are being led along by people who are stuck in the same feedback loop.

I can only speak from my experience of course, but >90% of people I have tried this with, did not sperg out and socially ostracize me. Not being autistic also helps ofc.

Yes, obviously it's a skythe. Who would draw a small grim reaper with a sickle?

Most people now alive over here have never fucking heard of the Ottomans though.

And you know this and just keel over to it. What is our goal? Purity of our people in our homeland. What is their plan? Nigger slaves. What is the logical consequence? We must think bigger in our revenge. All this shit about "big guys just laughing" is abundant enough to suggest it is propaganda. Look to the Yanks with their last election: It might have mostly amounted to shit but it is our side that commands terror among the opponent and not the other way around. Everyone thinks of the right wing as this vast shadowy threat. Terrorism reportedly works very well. If enough people are wasted, if enough buildings go up, then there will be a way. And every slaughtered pavement ape is still one that won't breed even if you don't otherwise manage too much on a bigger scale. Again, this shit is regurgitated to us all our lives. If my experience just now is any indication, then their own narrative can become the string that chokes them dead. The main weapon is social shaming, wielding reputations. That's where one can attach.

Why should I care about some delusional people.

I've been something of an outcast for a long time because I strayed from certain key talking points back in school. Part of me realises that this is because I was raised to obsess about being "not hated" by as many as possible rather than "liked well" by those I also like. It's like I was supposed to be popular and play nice a lot so that other people can point to me and be happy that I am so harmless - and because that was the only thing there was I craved approval by submitting to it (might be because I had a single mother like so many of us "cuck" types, I don't want to go all Freud on here and my personal shit is ultimately irrelevant after all, but you bringing up the girlfriend has me pondering if this is what is meant when people call us feminised - that we're stimulated by the social-standing-arithmetic women use, not by the self-defense instinct that men default to, that "toxic masculinity" of the feminists). Now I'm starting to double back over it as I write this shit down to myself and realising that it really is all a shit-test. Matriarchy. It's matriarchy conditioning. They want to get us to engineer our own downfall Salomon-and-Sheba-style by leaving us as mind-women in male bodies so that we'll wag our tails at the master that crushes us; the way all those uni feminists always whine about how they must be respected and then slut up with the first macho shitblood that stoops to bother wooing them. You're really helping me connect the dots a bit. Thank you.

>tfw I realised all this shit this long and it took a damn Sup Forums thread to put it all in perspective
>tfw I just got un-cucked
I love this place. I came here like a month ago to shit on people for their backward views and now it's done it's thing to me. How did I ever manage to actually live with all these contradictions in my head when I knew better? This is fucking awesome. Happy Unity Day everybody, I need to go write some more shit down.

Germans are cultural lemmings. At the very least I personally would have punched Mehmed in his bearded face here. Fucking cunt.

>"It's just a single delusional person, Islam is good." ;-)

A thing that people need to realize is that we have been waging war against Islam almost constantly for over 1000 years. They realise they can't win in combat, so they try to destroy us from within while we have grown above this animalistic, warmongering behaviour and thus lost our ability to deal with it.

It's a good thing Germany lost ww2 because at least Poland and other parts of the east were free from being resettled by Germans and racially aware people are still living in those areas.

The main reason germans are so cucked right now is because they lost ww2.

Why do you specify the Germans, as if this isn't something affecting you as well as every other nation?

Is it strange that this video doesn't make me laugh but insted get supper triggered? It literally makes me want to grab the gun and fight alongside the remaining Germans against this filth, damn.

Same here, Christ, if I was that guy, I probably would have given that self-righteous sandnigger a good smack. You don't talk to these "people".

Also, check the description of the vid, some pretty intense redpills there.