Have you told your mother you love her today? (Serves you right for putting "edition" in title, stupid bastard.)
Maji de Friday
Other urls found in this thread:
First for adult Wanko is cute!
still best
>milf Wanko
Still not sexy, but would wife the shit out of her anyway.
It was probably the too lewd picture of Yoshitsune which set that off.
Why couldn't they keep this OP for the anime? It perfectly sets the mood for the entire show.
For starters it would be good if they had a better anime.
i really do love those dog shirts hound unit members have
I think it's just fine if you want some Kazama Family shenanigans. After S, Majikoi focuses on side characters too much.
Well A was meant to focus on those side characters, I haven't watched the anime though but I know it's supposed to get horrible once they try to get serious.
The "drama" parts are definitely bad, but I think it's worth the watch for the Kazama family parts.
The clones is love.
>let's take ancient heroes
>and turn them into little girls
Very original.
It's a wonderful concept that needs to be expanded upon.
Pretty sure not all of the gender bender girls in fate and Majikoi constitute as little. Also if you haven't noticed Majikoi is basically references the series
>Pretty sure not all of the gender bender girls in fate and Majikoi constitute as little.
They were little girls when they were created.
You can't exactly clone something into an adult.
You can't clone ancient heroes either but that didn't seem to stop them.
With the advanced tech of Kuki and by getting the DNA it should be possible
Pre-chuuni Yoichi?
Yes. Their parents talk about how energetic he was before becoming a Chunni IIRC
A Yoichi from a more innocent time before the darkness took hold of him.
Does anyone know where to get this scene in A-1? I have played through every route a few times, and I just can't seem to find it.
Spoilered for A-1 spoilers and slight lewd.
Follow the walk through, it's Azumi's wedding dress scene IIRC
Judging by the placement of other CGs, it seems like it's supposed to be an H scene with Benkei. Are you sure you completed her route?
You missed an Azumi scene, you either get one scene or another based on your choices throughout the route.
If that was the case it would of been 5 H scenes with Benkei.
Yeah, that was it. It seems to depend on who exactly you talk to in the classroom and boat scenes. That is a really frustrating flag.
Is Azumi's route as bad as they say?
I think I now understand Jun's viewpoints a little.
I of course mean this in no ill intent whatsoever and I mean this in an entirely pure way.
I don't think it's the absolute worst route out there (another route holds that title) but it has problems.
I thought the ninja village was entertaining.
>(another route holds that title)
still waiting on best route.
Tsubame's after.
Benkei route keeps blueballing me. Every time I'm sure there is h-scene I start edging for over 10 mins so I can cum massively to her moans. And then they just kiss others forehead and prepare for another Kawakami genocide or some shit.
Let's make it worse:
Yoshitsune was (and still is to some degree) scared of the dark and can't sleep without a source of light around her. She was also a crybaby
Benkei as expected constantly sought attention from their mother and when left alone gets lonely really quickly (Nothing's changed)
Seiso was great when it came to physical activity and read books as much as she could (Although Seiso's route reveals she only got so into books because she was lonely) but she was the last clone to stop bed wetting despite being the eldest
Yoichi used to play with the other boys on the island and was rather naughty but got angry with the other boys when they tried to tease Yoshitsune due to her being a crybaby. One day he started his rebellious age due to finding a old Anti-aircraft battery (Presumably WW2) and started reading about about various points in history which turned him into a Chuunibyou. He left home at one point causing a major fuss with Yoshitsune being the first person to find him.
Tsubame's A routes.
Just wait for the BGM, you know the one.
I mean, if you enjoyed Monshiro's route without actually being a Lolicon, you understand Jun's viewpoint.
>"Sexy music!"
Does Yamato have the best or the worst ability?
It's alright, it's not as good as Rance's version of the skill though
haha, i had the opposite problem. if you pick azumi in every dialogue option and pursue her like you should you will get wedding dress. if you intentionally fuck up and pick thing like "who you like best?" "lee" you will get casual outfit.
tsubame takes the lead is biggest abomination in the majikoi series bar none. yamato takes the lead is alright tho.
People bitched about nee-san not being a dom, so why do they bitch about another girl being one?
The sex scenes aren't the problem, it's literally everything else.
You mean Yamato being submissive 24/7?
No, if it was that simple then the route wouldn't be the worst in the series.
Who's better?
I just realized, the first scene you get probably won't help with that if you're thinking of edging all the way.
5th clone is the greatest
it's a shame that her route was only 30 minutes long
Is A-1's translation tolerable? I remember picking up the S translation for all the other routes as soon as it dropped and remembered being massively disappointed with the ESL tier English. To be fair most of the lines were grammatically sound, but the sentences just seemed so unnatural.
Maru-san hands down, she's sex incarnated and a godly sub.
If I recall correctly, didn't the Yamato Takes the Lead route pretty much have no plot to speak about? The mom just suddenly popped out near the end.
Yamato takes the lead is Yamato and Tsubame hanging out and fucking with zero plot except for the mother showing up at the end and IIRC it shits on the other Tsubame route with her saying that she'll get back together with him.
So how was it better than Tsubame Taking the Lead?
Because Tsubame taking the lead is drama, drama, drama and Tsubame trying to get her parents back together with Yamato basically being a faithful dog on the side along with ruining her original route. It shits on her original route because Tsubame's mother showing up has nothing to do with Tsubame's fathers tech that Tsubame used to beat Momoyo, she only showed up because Tsubame got a boyfriend. Then the route proceeds with a couple of sex scenes and Tsubame desperately trying to get her parents together and failing again and again, only for Yamato to fix the problem in the end by just groping Tsubame's mother accidentally in the shower and JUST to make it even worse the solution to their marriage problems is just Tsubame's father fucking Tsubame's mother with spirit again without the original problem that broke them up solved at all so it's quite possible that they'll break up again in the future regardless.
Thanks, I can see where you're coming from. Personally though, in the end, plot will always trump no plot for me. Yamato taking the lead just felt really aimless and was really a chore to get through. Not to mention rape-y Yamato and his super dick working at full force making the H-scenes as generic as other routes.
Understandable. They're both shit routes anyway
i never really liked Marus route. best H scenes but its like they tried way to hard to make her all dere dere. it just dosnt seem like her girlfriend personality matches her correctly.
her routes are pretty much H service even her after route is written to go down the harem route and they put in the marriage scene to toss a bone to the maru fans, its hard to take her seriously or realisticly as others.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a lolicon.
>implying old hags are lolis
Just finished Benkei's route, and i gotta admit, it was one of the better routes of the entire series. The confession scene was rather heartwarming, i didn't expect Benkei to confess first.
I'm disappointed with the ending however, there wasn't really a conclusion, which gives me hope for a Benkei after route...assuming Minatosoft plans to continue this series.
I love the interactions between these two.
At this point I think their plan for milking the series is to start another major IP and get people interested by having former majikoi characters appear in or have cameos in it, like how Ageha and Kojuurou are originally from KimiAru. Then once the new one establishes itself, they'll do spinoff versions with waifus from all 3 IPs appearing together (think d2b vs Deardrops) and keep that trend up so that they can infinitely expand the same universe while keeping it continually selling.
I've been waiting all week for this thread. Last week's was super comfy, but it had Benkei as the OP. What would a Kiriyama OP make this one be, then? Nitpicking and playing doubles advocate?
Why couldn't the be sol? It was pretty good until they started with drama.
A-1 routes:
Azumi > Sayaka > Benkei
>benkei worst
First person I've seen to say that, everyone else claimed that sayaka is worst while disagreeing over whether azumi or benkei is best, with most people siding with benkei.
Benkei's route was kind of boring to me
Maybe cause I played Benkei's route last and I was burnt out
Benkei = Sayaka > Azumi
I don't know how Sayaka's route was the worst, it was all about them hanging out with the family and it didn't have much drama.
The only thing I didn't like about Benkei's route was that Yamato basically had the Kazama family and the Genji group, those really never intersected each other. Sure they knew each other and got along but it's not like they hung out together at friday meetings. Two separate families, really. Other than that it was perfect.
Maybe they would have interacted more if Yamato was actually working for the Kukis, since Gakuto and Miyako join them at some point on Azumi's route.
What are the chances we ever get a non-h bro route where it's kazuma, gakuto, moro and yamato going on adventures with guest appearances from all the side cast for each "quest" they go on?
wouldn't working for the kukis mean more time with the clones and less time with the family, though? it only seemed like miyako joined because she was chasing yamato while he was still single (she even copied azumi's hair if you noticed) and gakuto getting in was probably helped by the other two's reputation.
in any case being able to have all of them chill together seems a lot more likely if he didn't have any other obligation than being a student and could hang out with his friends as he pleased.
Only if gen-san gets to come too. He's a nice character foil for both kazama and yamato, and he has resourcefulness that none of the others have.
But Yamato still met them in the academy and in their meeting, it's just they decided not to show us.
FACT: everything you like would be better if Minatosoft made a VN out of it.
That is true.
Good Friday everyone
Has almost everyone played A-1 seems so?
Threadly reminder that I love this scheming lass
Even Akame Ga Kill?
Momoyo running around using her hand as an instant death blade.
Especially Akame Ga kill.
You and me both, namefag-kun. I keep hearing that her A route is shit but I refuse to believe it until I read it, since she gets too much hate to start with. It may just be that her A route is even more Tsubame-like, which is bad for them but great for us.
I agree with this, but we have have to wait and see for A-3 but I highly doubt I'll dislike it as much as other people though the threads it will spawn will be hell
>though the threads it will spawn will be hell
It's okay, we'll keep the faith even if the world burns around us. Tsubame-chan always a best girl.
I strongly dislike Tsubame but I must admit I am impressed by your love for her, good for you I suppose.
Majikoi really does have a girl for everyone
by everyone I mean the different players, cause the in game guys don't get jack shit
Doesn't Kuma get that money girl from the 10 warriors of the west?
In the original it always says that he found someone fat and is happily married.
>cause the in game guys don't get jack shit
On that topic, how does Seiso route plays around her obvious crush on Kyougoku?
Is it full netori fest or does it play more like Azumi route, where Yamato perseveres until she yields to The D?
That's not true.
Shakadou gets Sakura.
Gakuto gets Moro.
Moro gets Gakuto.
Kuma gets married to Ukita.
Ryuhei gets Rudy (and Yamato in some endings).
Ikurou becomes gay in one route and gets tons of gay sex with gay guys.
She's not interested him romantically, and he isn't interested in her romantically. He's more just curious about the mystery of who she originally was, and once he figures it out he more or less doesn't have any reason to keep spending time with her.
Weird, I was pretty sure Tsubane even used her crush on him to win a fight against her at one point.
Still, thanks user, that's gonna make me feel less guilty about playing her route.
all this Gayness
I heard that her route is equal parts Seiso and Haou, and although they aren't like entirely different entities, they both get separately wooed. That sounds hot.