Even though that 1st episode last week was total balls, I know you fat bastards are hitting F5 on nyaa.se for pt2.
Don't even pretend you're not.
Even though that 1st episode last week was total balls, I know you fat bastards are hitting F5 on nyaa.se for pt2.
Don't even pretend you're not.
Other urls found in this thread:
is it out
not yet, prob a few hours
I just want a fresh batch of hot memes.
At least like that it's not as painful to watch ;_;
I'm waiting for live stream.
stream where
made you look ;^)
>I know you fat bastards are hitting F5 on nyaa.se
I am, I heard Amanchu airs today.
nah, only following the threads because the reaction is funny
CGI done worse than games is fucking disgusting
91 days
new berserk
cant this day get any better
Shit thread
It reflects the quality of the CGI anime it's based on
i'm seriously late to the party is it that bad?
Yep, it was really shit. I think it has a lot to do with how the Taka no Dan is not around to provide light relief, all we get is Puck and some ishidro.
The style of it just felt off too, the voice actor for Guts was a retard, the old Guts VA was decent. It just compares really badly to old Berserk.
But I'm literally not.
I'm waiting for JoJo and 91Days.
new Berserk is so bad, not even the memes could save it for me.
2nd time this has been mentioned this thread, what's so good about it
I'm watching the first episode for the first time somebody hold me guys
Looks like an interesting crime drama, also gives me Baccano vibes.
First episode is out in 6 hours so I guess we will see if its anything good by then.
Okay will check out the trailer then
The OP was better than the whole episode.
I haven't even seen Part 1, just rabbit memes and CLANG.
I'm actually not. I have no desire to see the rest of this abomination.
You should watch it for the clang tbfh
it's out motherfuckers
it's terrible but also kinda boring tbqh
No. We're not. Not all of us have THAT much free time that we're willing to waste it on shit anime.
Except you have time to waste on a shit website
Touche user. Touche.