Did you enjoy Black Bullet?

Did you enjoy Black Bullet?

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yes i did verry much

I'd shoot her with my black bullet, if you know what I mean.

just because of the threads here, the show was shit


I liked the lolis but the show was terrible and it killed two I liked a lot.

Explain further.

But Tina is a pure maiden


Loli genocide is not ok.

Why not

Would've enjoyed more if they didn't kill off best girl

it was just too fool of cliches and they weren't even executed that well.


I watched it just for the lolis.
The later chapters are rushed and ruins the series.
but since it has lolis it's an enjoyable watch


I rate 18/20.

The characters were poorly written.

Which one? the dolphin or cat?

>they killed nekomimi loli
;_; at least Tina survived

I was going to watch it, but then I saw that all the little girls get murdered later on, so I decided not to. I'm still sad about it. I didn't even watch it.

The LN was good though the anime was an absolute wreck.
Felt way too rushed.

I loved it. Loli army ho.

The first 5 episodes were great and felt like an entire season of an anime. After that it took an entirely different direction, introduced Tina for absolutely no reason, and just became silly as fuck.

It was decent, Kagetane was glorious and most of the girls were cute.

Fuck this part though.

Are the LNs still ongoing?

>mfw that scene

Loved it, wish there were more creature action shows.

They did a really good job with transitioning back and forth between moe sol shenanigans and more actiony serious plot bits. Felt smooth, characters were endearing and entertaining, OP was pretty good too, don't remember the tune at the moment, it wasn't one of the greats that you never forget, but iirc I wouldn't mind sitting through it most of the time and it was enjoyable.

They should do a sequel

The show was meh but the lolis were god tier. Enju is my daughteru, she's amazing.

You have black cum?

Why so many black bullet threads recently? Do I need to watch this?

Do you like loli harems?

Somehow the duel between Tina and Satomi was much more dynamic and interesting in novel prose form than in anime form. This is a testament to how crap the animation was.

What should have been the 3fast cyborg equivalent of youtu.be/932mooNi5ak?t=1m23s just ended up being a lethargic yawnfest.

I do if presumptive best girl red-twintails wins, yes.

That ending though


pff buahahah

She has the best chance out of the other girls

Aren't all the lolis in this horrible mutants just waiting to transform?

Loli harems are a blast.

>He acts ''''''''''''''''''shocked''''''''''''' and >>>>>>>>surprised when he wakes up with Tina.
Oh yeah how dreadful to wake up with a hot loyal waifu naked in your bed telling you how perfect you are.