Holy shit, was this fuckin intense and entertaining. I watched the whole thing in three days. Are other Dezaki works as immersive as this one?
Holy shit, was this fuckin intense and entertaining. I watched the whole thing in three days...
He looks like a moe version of rainhard
She's more badass and interesting than that one-dimensional edgelord.
Yes, other Dezaki works are good too. Ie Naki Ko, Ashita no Joe, Takarajima, Oniisama E...
You watched half of the show by a director known for making ultra dramatic mecha anime.
But no I find only 70s Dezaki and a few things like Lupin specials being that immersive, some works are so full of slow-mo, triple take and impact frames that it's exhausting.
I wish he made a bit weirder works. I think his works are really well made and beautiful but story-wise and thematically none of them exactly fit my preferences.
I actually found the second half more immersive.
So are any other Nagahama works worth checking out?
He died in the middle of RoV so you'd never see his character drama style better than in RoV. Daimos is the last one of the of his mecha shows, it's good but it's still not so special imo, just shows a bit more complex villains and gives them a chunk of sympathy, padded with a lot of formulaic robot stuff. He directed Dokonjo Gaeru before getting attached to mecha which is a big comedy classic in Japan but it's not subbed (either).