State your political affiliation, your societal status and one thing you want the state to do

nationalist, middle class, invest in nuclear fusion

Other urls found in this thread:

none, none, nothing. autocracy for everyone!

well you stated them.

Tradcon. Working class background, aspiring middle. Deregulate the housing market

Independent, poor, end political corruption (aka drain the swamp)

Universal Automationist, middle-upper middle class, living wages.

>aspiring middle class
>deregulate the housing market


Nationalist, upper-middle class, end welfare for immigrants

theres more money in stocks than in housing, I think it would be better for my country and my generation as a whole if the average house price was less than £211,000. average income is £23,556. Thats 8.9 years of work to pay off the house. meanwhile rent is a dead loss to any person besides home owners. Deregulation frees the market whilst allowing redistribution of wealth.

Libertarian, middle class, Death Star

Moderate democrat, middle class, reign in big pharma and insurance company profits and citizen costs

Maybe you need to post on Sup Forums?

Personally I like to see the fusion reactor happen, but currently too many cons are trying to lie for the money. I want to see the solid proof.

Liberal, upper class, ban the internet.

May, please, you're not a goddamn Liberal.

Gay lefty Bavaryan, upper middle class, deportation of fat people and women

Anarcho-fascist, middle class, ???

National futurist
middle class
Send non-whites to Mars so they can finally accomplish something that we haven't already.

bost boibussii

Lower middle class but started my own business
I want government to fuck off with red tape, regulations, and all forms of socialism

I'm only top. I have a dick pic.

then post that

nationalist christian
middle class
orbital kinetic rods

Libertarian, 1%, leave me the fuck alone

You thirsty whore

Nationalist, middle class, remove bagel

what part of Bavaria?

Bump for interest

Middle Class
Invest on autarchy for most of the food resurces

>State your political affiliation
There isn't one I entirely affiliate with.
>your societal status
Eternal NEET, but since I own property I'm probably middle class or something.
>and one thing you want the state to do
Stop existing.

Munich, the only part that matters

W7X is the only good thing Germany has done in the last 50 years.

green peace activists, middle class, kill all the niggers to prevent overpopulation and deforestation

Fucking magnets.

We also landed a man on the Moon in 1969.

Middle class
Remove ALL non-Westerners, except the actual doctors / higher educated.

too far away :(

>We also landed a man on the Moon in 1969.

So true.

True love knows no distance, user!

Social Democrat (with Radical Centrist tendencies), Middle Class, Publicly funded elections



Pan-european nationalist, Middle Class, kick every muslim pig out of europe.

>Pan-european nationalist, Middle Class, kick every muslim pig out of europe.


Of course the swarthy subhuman Greek eroding Germany hates any sense of nationality.

Nationalist libertarian, lower class, and fuck me there's too many options.

Schleich di, Alpenneger!

>Nationalist libertarian
>lower class

What a shocker.

>pan european nationalism
>hating nationality and national identity
pick one

>nationalism is bad
A Deutschbag would say that. Its not your fault, though.

>"I've been found out!"

Some gyros nigger isn't German.

Of course, what can a faggot understand of nationalism?

t. rapebaby of western, southern and central european nations

So this is your """""argument""""" in defense of a self-contradictory position?

free marketeer, lodsemone, leave me alone

Radical centrist, middle class, federalism.

>pan-european nationalism
>self contradictory

ITT - Newfags replying to a datamining thread
sage goes in the options field

What's a nation, user?

Piss off, Merkel

You should know.

Neoreactionary/middle class/invest in nuclear fission power source


no sage doesn’t go into the option field, troll

Conservative, lower-middle class, privatization

You're right, I do. It's an aggregation of persons of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages.
A gyros nigger is as much German as a Morrocan is Italian: not. Yet in your lowscale globalist delusion he would be.

I never said he would be. Morocco is not europe. Therefore moroccans would not be allowed in.

see flag
>social status
wagecuck, engaged to be married, clean, Christian
>what I want the state to do?
collapse and not reform so that man may return to our primal state

Ain't like it makes a difference in the EU or Aus. Already got hit by the whole "Oh haha whoops we were monitoring you" shit from the States.

>behind 17 proxies

>Morocco is not europe.
Greece is not Germany either, and yet here you are shilling for the abolishment of nations while pretending to advocate nationalism.

Communist, intellectual, equity laws



How would a fascist european federation be the '''''''''''''''''''''abolishment of nations'''''''''''''''''''''? I haven't mentioned wanting to erase white european national identity and ethnic identity.


The ITER seems like the only Nuclear fusion reactor that will actually output more energy than it consumes according to the maths and the Moore's Law style progression line. I bet ITER, now we just need a moon base to mine that Helium Isotope on the surface of the moon.
pic related

>blue collar
>federal government should stop playing god on social issues, leave that to the states while the federal govt works on putting America first through economic development

I'm a völkischer entrepreneur but I'm ok some public investments in large scientific projects like fusion or deep drilling or space stations or deep sea explorations.

Space colonies.

Ancap, Lower-Middle Class, stop existing

Unsure. In between natcap and lolbertarin, upper middle class, fight in a race war

Constitutional Nationalist, upper middle/upper class, deport illegals and communists



Middle Class
Reform the IC

no party, middle class, own an aviary

Nationalist. Newly grad, service industry. Mars colony.

every country should be nationalist, why would you not want to have a strong sense of pride in your own country. They do not have to be totalitarian leftist style dystopia just because they are nationalists

Islamic socialism, underclass, space elevator

Something like national ordoliberal / upper middle class / iron-fisted, eugenic control of demography.

>How would a fascist european federation be the '''''''''''''''''''''abolishment of nations'''''''''''''''''''''?
Please don't backtrack just because your retarded position got called out for what it is.

>why would you not want to have a strong sense of pride in your own country
Because he's a gyros nigger - of course he opposes nationalism, it'd be detrimental to him.

We've got an autist here, watch out goys.

not telling
not telling
ban central banking
ban usury
protect the environment

stop it, you two. your bowels will fall out of your bumholes

National Liberalism , middle class , invest in nuclear energy and ban fossil cars(aka turning venezuela , russia , saudi arabia , and iran to shitholes)

HIS bowel will fall out. I only top.


Altright, land rich but working class, more space stuff colonization when?

>be fellow german
>call yourself nationalist
>don't prioritize shutting the boarders

yeah, right
i am not even thinking of myself as nationalistic

libertarian, lower middle class, school vouchers


Now we're back at namecalling. See

We already have those bud

lebertarian-right wing, upper mid-class (probably rich), lower taxes for entrepreneurs and first time businesses