Really now Sunrise, really? This was the best you could do.
Really now Sunrise, really? This was the best you could do
Man the shitty love triangle at the end came out of nowhere.
muh shading
Not even muh 1000/1000 A+++ shading can make up for this piece of junk
Somebody should write a book about how sunrise always keep fucking their shows half ways in. It's a meme at this point.
Isn't this a meme for anime in general? Japs for some reason can't into endings.
Does 0083 fall into train wreck designation or is it simply too short?
How come 0083 keeps getting threads?
This is like the 3rd or 4th I've seen this week.
Was it re-released?
Or is it just the same user?
>Was it re-released?
It got BDs in Japan recently.
This, I have not watched 0083 since 2004 and I didn't remember it being this bad.
Hell I am going through a bunch of shows I remember fondly and I barely enjoyed them.
Next up 08th MS
It's hampered by the fact that it's a prequel. Had a nice story building up, but it was kind of derailed to set up the groundwork for Zeta Gundam, so it feels unsatisfying overall. At least that's how I remember it.
It's decent, definitely not a trainwreck.
>Next up 08th MS
That you watch for the mech porn, story was never remarkable but the animation and attention to small details was what made it a classic.
Because you didn't pay attention.
That is a possibility, if it's true then the shitty love triangle came out of somewhere but it's still a shitty love triangle.
Gato was the only good part of 0083. Seeing the Federation get fucking blasted hard enough that they had to create the Titans made it worth it.
> Federation get fucking blasted hard enough that they had to create the Titans made it worth it.
This what this idiot believes
>Jamitov's name is literally one letter away from saying Hymen
What did Quattro Bajeena mean by this?
Even the Titans betrayed the Feddies. Every villain in UC plotted to destroy the stagnant mass of corruption and somehow they're the bad guys.
>Even the Titans betrayed the Feddies.
That was their end game from get go. Except their plan being instigate disasters and usurp it from within.
The director died halfway through 08th ms team.
That caused the whole shift towards the Romeo and Juliet plot.
The best sunrise could do was turn a
Go back to episode 1 and see the lenghts they went to for Nina not to see Gato's face.
It's not really a love triangle since all Nina expect from Gato is closure. Watching Uraki suffer is priceless though.
King Gainer was better
By far the worst gundam for me. It squandered so much potential for this retarded cast
So fucking dumb. How did people let that happen.
Like hey maybe we shouldn't change this shit that was already established. Lets just keep it top gun. No we must have a romance plot!
Like couldn't they just tell the new guy no?
That's just retards needing to put the blame on someone. The first half was already pointing at Shiro/Aina being a disaster in the making. First director croaked right before they got properly reunited and avoided the blame. The first half doesn't feel as shit because it focused on the side characters.
>That you watch for the mech porn,
Same thing applies to 0083
It was Hymem's end game. The Titans were created to deal with Zeon uprisings but became a pseudo-Zeon uprising themselves because of him.
The Titans were Jamitov's creation and he was their Supreme Commander.
He couldn't have pulled it off without fooling the Feddies.
> fooling the Feddies.
Well no shit he trolled the shit out of everyone in 0083 and then came out as this "great" savior who came up with this organization.
Tricking them yet again and continuing to do throughout most of Zeta.
I always considered 0083 to be decent if you looked at Gato as the protagonist.
The only good thing about King Gainer was dancing loli. It was garbage.
Turn-A is my favorite Gundam for story; 0083 is my favorite for visual direction.
>new 0083 OVA finally subbed
>it's mostly a powerpoint clip show along with old clips of the main series
Why did I expect anything
It's weird. Some parts have all new animation, but other parts they seemed to have given up on.
Like we get to see some GMs get blown up and shit but a close up of the GP03 attacking literally just a static image.
Look at the shape of Bask's head what the fuck?
> but other parts they seemed to have given up on.
Sounds like classic case of Sunrise