Will Sayaka and Kyouko be a couple in the next Madoka Magica movie?
Will Sayaka and Kyouko be a couple in the next Madoka Magica movie?
I thought they already were
Sayaka belongs to Kyosuke
Why would a straight girl be a couple with another girl?
That pairing literally came out of nowhere.
Rebellion is a fucking blunder.
They will be a couple, all right
A couple of big fat losers!
>what is episode 9
The beta couple got its moment last movie. There will likely be some acknowledgement, but the movie will be overwhelming MadoHomu, for obvious reasons.
She's bi now. Not thrilled with it either. Just deal with.
No, it was there. The idea was that had their lives not gone to complete shit, they would have been best friends. My issue is the clumsy way they've made Kyouko a love sick puppy in post-series works. Her "confession" scene in Wraith Arc was pathetic. Homura going into monologues about wanting to be by Madoka's side and making her happy make sense. Kyouko doing them for Sayaka do not.
Why do you have no life at all other than shitposting on Sup Forums? Seriously, what is wrong with you? You don't even watch anime, you spend all of your free time harassing people in these threads.
And yes, it is obvious to anyone with a brain that all of these posts are yours. Because you constantly try to do the same things over and over to "hurt" people, or whatever you think you're doing. You made the thread just so you would have a place to post crack. And then pretend that no one has an issue with you spamming crack, let alone spamming it to harass people.
I don't get it. You know you're not fooling anyone. Because people have spelled it out to you many times. Your behavior did not exist at all on this site before you showed up. Thus it's clear it's only you doing it.
Stop bumping blatant shitposting threads. Use sage if you most post.
HomuSaya is OTP
!Akemi, why are you replying to your own posts when you should be hanging yourself or otherwise ending your own life?
You know, it's also obvious who you are because as every single person you pretend to be, you always ignore people who point out what you are doing wrong, and instead "upvote" your own crack shitposting. Because it's not normal to be as autistic as you are. Normally people reply when others address them. So, you pretending to be dozens of people who all refuse to reply to people who tell them off makes it obvious who you are.
HomuKyoko is OTP
Seek professional medical help.
And then kill yourself.
Feel free to skip to step two.
Why do you have to be suck an asshole? What do you even get out of this? You act like a scumbag. People take issue with you. Then you get upset when no one likes you. But that's the thing, people have no reason to like you because you're an asshole.
MamiKyubey is oatsteepee
What is even your goal here? Everyone can tell it's just you being a shithead. So it's not like you're making the people who reply to you look bad. If that's what you think you are doing.
You're only making yourself look pathetic. Because not only can you not even talk. You are pathetically attached to your shitposting threads.
Again, it's obvious who you are for many reasons. But the main one is that you refuse to reply to people and will not actually communicate.
Don't you think you've done this long enough? You you think it's time you stop ruining threads for everyone and let the fandom have productive content producing threads again? It's not fair that you force everyone else in the fandom to lose out.
Yes, we know already.
Still obvious who you are. You're not fooling anyone. Stop bumping your shit threads. Stop being an asshole. Stop breathing.
Seek a medical professional to treat your autism. A real one, not somebody who watched once a TV serie.
You're really upset about that time you got mocked for being so sheltered and ignorant you haven't even watched House. Because you've brought it up more than once.
You saying the words "autism" at people doesn't actually mean it's true. As opposed to people who explain how your behavior is autistic. Such as you not answering what people say directly. Which is a literal symptom of autism.
Seriously, what is it going to take to make you stop. This has gone on for so long. Don't you have anything at all better to do with your life other than be an asshole to people on Sup Forums.
Are you planning to stop any time with in the next ten years? Is this your whole life plan? To shit up Madoka threads and attack people on the internet until you die.
because it's a fetish.
Sayaka was never entirely straight. She was just in love with Kyousuke.
have a (you)
No one wants a "you" or your other meme bull shit. Though, I will gladly take a photo of your death certificate.
She should get a less oblivious love interest.
Girls can't love other girls!!!
No, it'll be Homura and Kyouko.
Sayaka is by far the worst and ugliest meguka and the franchise would be objectively better without her.
Stop posting crack. Go slit your throat. It's the only logical thing you can do considering what a disgusting human being you are.
>haven't even watched House
House is absolute fedora chuuni garbage. I envy anyone who managed to avoid seeing it.
Oh look, you are double posting again. Because you think it's literally impossible for people to see how you are posting twice in under one minute through using a second device/proxy.
Why, just why. Aren't you sick of this yet? Why do you have yo ruin these threads. It makes no sense. There is something wrong with you. You are obsessed with this.
You know what actually is objectively true? That these threads and the world would be a better place if you were never born.
I sure am glad I'm rational and sane enough to understand that spewing literal buzzowrds doesn't amount to making factual arguments. Though, to be fair, tat's a really low bar to set.
>this nigger actually likes house
I'd be okay with a straight, single Kyouko too.
Just not with Sayaka because she's shit.
This right here is the exact moment you went full melt down mode and gave up on talking all together because you realized that everyone hates you. And you know that you are so stupid you can do literally nothing without making yourself look bad. So you just post crack to try and attack people to make yourself feel better.
You posting crack is irrelevant. Everyone hates you. You are the problem. You just think that crack is what makes people "mad". It's not.
Oh, okay. You are !Akemi. I wasn't sure at first. But you just made it clear.
Obvious tells and all. Like you refuse to fault the "other person" for spamming and shitting up the thread.
Says the pathetic faggot. Tell us when you ever get a doctorate, which I doubt you will ever get one.
>61 seconds apart
You messed up your proxy again.
And again, kill yourself. You're so low function you're scared to even talk.
There's nothing anyone can even say to you think will make you accept that you are doing something wrong. Because you just don't care. You know you can get away with attacking people as much as you want, so you just keep doing it.
>shit head janitor shows up to protect the scumbag who is blatantly posting crack to attack people
Local shitposter still being being mad at trivial things.
>we'll never have nice Madoka threads again
Fuck this gay earth.
Please, just fucking stop.
It make no sense what you are doing.
All you are doing is making sure that these threads will never be good and that everyone in these threads lose out on the content these threads would otherwise produce had you not spammed them to death and driven everyone away.
>you spamming threads for over a year straight is trivial
Not even close. And it's in no way trivial that you ruin threads. These threads are a public place. Everyone has to share them. You have no right to make everyone wallow in your shit.
If you're going to post crack ships at least do homukyouko.
Sayaka a shit. A SHIT
Both of these posts are yours. And no one at all is fooled by your blatant lying. Because again, your behavior did not exist at all before you showed up.
I don't have any HomuKyouko pictures
>durrrr i wud nevur lie on the internet
You spam HomuKyou crack shit all the time. No one believes you when you say you don't have it. No one believes you when you say things that can't be proven. And that's literally all you do.
Why do you harass people like this. It makes no sense.
Do you have a gun you can shoot yourself in the head with?
I'm telling you the truth I don't have HomuKyouko
>manually renaming something to a face book file name to try and "trigger" people
When are you going to accept that people mocking you and putting you down is not the same as people being "mad".
>I'm telling you the truth
Give anyone at all a single reason to think so.
So, are you ever going to answer my question. Is this really all your life is. You have been doing this over a whole year. Do you really just shitpost and attack people in Madoka/yuri threads until the day you die? Do you not see how ungodly pathetic that is?
I just don't like HomuKyouko, you're gonna have to take my word for it
Why must every friendship turn in a motherfucking relationship with you faggots. Can't their dynamic just be friends.
Considering the fact you are the only one who gets mad at that, we really "wonder" who is more pathetic, you or "him".
There will always be someone who ships them, canon or not.
I have no reason to take your word considering you are a known lair and even if you want to pretend you're not, you're doing nothing but attacking people in this thread, so I nor anyone else have any reason to take your word. Because why would anyone take the word a shithead scumbag.
This is some garbage taste.
All I can think of when I see these pictures is that homu needs a shower. High pressure. And maybe some steel wool or sandpaper to really get rid of the stench.
Considering you are the only person who thinks "telling you off got being a bad person and ruining threads" is the same thing as "being mad", it really is obvious who you are.
Have you ever noticed that on all of the people you pretend to be you do nothing but call people mad but never give a rational reasoning that explains why they are mad. You just know how to present conjecture.
And yes, your taste is shit, even when you are replying to yourself pretending to be different people.
Don't you feel pathetic for being so mindlessly obsessed with the emotional state of random people over the internet? It's totally irrelevant. Even if someone other than you was mad, it wouldn't mean a thing. Because that changes nothing about what they are saying.
>give me a reason to believe your word
>spams more crack and saying say anything at all
What is it going to take to make you stop?
If you stop replying to me I'll stop
That will never happen. Pick someone else.
I will not stop being a good person because you insist on being a bad person.
>please let me have my hug box, im begging you i have to feel like i fit in a belong somewhereeeeee!
I hope you realize that you are flat out you are admitting to post to spite people. Which makes you in the wrong no matter what.
Why do you think replying to you gives you the right to attack people. Your reasoning makes no sense.
Ok you win
Winning at being the most pathetic piece of shit that ever existed? But this title belongs to ACK, oh wait.
>is against degrading love
>is against being unfair and biased
>is against attacking people
>is in favor of giving to the fandom and being productive
>you only care about people not telling you off for your shit behavior and want everyone to coddle you and accept you for the bad person that you are
>you call other people a pieces of shit
I hope you realize the irony.
And like always, there is no "ACK". Get this through your insanely thick head. Everyone hates you. Taking issue with you is not proof of being "ACK". Because it's a trait that everyone has.
Will Madoka threads ever not be concentrated autism?
When the new anime comes out.
Not until we figure out what kind of fan art is allowed.
When are you going to realize there is no "we" on this site. And when you constantly use this word it shows how new you are.
And there is nothing to figure out. It's literally common sense. Low quality art is against the rules as well as something inherently bad. Thus posting it is wrong. It's obvious crack is inherently low quality as it portrays the characters in a negative sense.
>Sup Forums only has a single poster
>he doesn't understand basic vocabulary
The term we implies that there is some type of group. The whole point of being anonymous that you do not be grouped together with others and instead information exists in an of itself as each post is stand alone.
ACK is a mentally challenged retard.
Jesus Christ seek fucking professional help
Mods where are you?
Yes, they can.
Holy shit why not just delete the thread?
Nuked hard.
Might as well.
Sayaka isn't doing anything relevant to the main plot except screw up trying to fight Homu, so might as well work her to get that yurifag yen.
Side material seems to indicate Kyouko is definitely interested, but Sayaka can be oblivious, but I'd be surprised if they don't get together
Girls can, in fact, love girls.
I don't understand why they didn't delete the whole thread.
Because there's still potential for good discussion now the autism war has been killed
There was no reason to bump this shitty thread, m8.
Let it die.
Just not in a sexual way.
Basing a romantic relationship in only that, with no romantic moment between the two persons implicated, is plainly stupid. Take off your yuri googles
It´s useless to cry for what has been lost a long time ago, user. Move on with your life
I was just pointg out that that part in Rebellion wasn't unprecedented as the entire episode 9 had those undertones
They already held hands, what could be next?