Will Sayaka and Kyouko be a couple in the next Madoka Magica movie?
Will Sayaka and Kyouko be a couple in the next Madoka Magica movie?
I thought they already were
Sayaka belongs to Kyosuke
Why would a straight girl be a couple with another girl?
That pairing literally came out of nowhere.
Rebellion is a fucking blunder.
They will be a couple, all right
A couple of big fat losers!
>what is episode 9
The beta couple got its moment last movie. There will likely be some acknowledgement, but the movie will be overwhelming MadoHomu, for obvious reasons.
She's bi now. Not thrilled with it either. Just deal with.
No, it was there. The idea was that had their lives not gone to complete shit, they would have been best friends. My issue is the clumsy way they've made Kyouko a love sick puppy in post-series works. Her "confession" scene in Wraith Arc was pathetic. Homura going into monologues about wanting to be by Madoka's side and making her happy make sense. Kyouko doing them for Sayaka do not.