>3D is still trash
>2D is decent but it's about the Golden age's flashback
>Episode 03 is an original story by modern Miura
>Tits censored
>literally no memes in this episodes besides the clang clang
Kill yourself.
>Implying Modern Miura is bad
>What rumors?
Pic related
english dub when?
I want Farnese to shout kisama at me.
Would you?
why would they do this?
why would he do this?
tell me why
>mfw "Hai yo" started playing during Guts's escape
This new episode wasn't as bad as the first. But that fucking music that was played when guts was getting whipped made me laugh, it's so out of place.
He looks shockingly masculine here.
Nice meme user.
fucking paintball whips
Hai Forces when
>no memes from this episode
>actually decent animation
>lots of amazing looking 2D parts
>hai yo playing during something else than previews
Are they improving?
Improved from last episode, still needs a lot of work though.
Was gonna drop this but I think I will keep watching to see how car crash awful it gets.
Those CGI close ups look atrocious. Why are they doing this? Can't they just draw it?
The best part of the ep.
>Orginal story in the next episode instead of the horse rape
It's still bad but it was OK for what it is i guess.
>actually decent animation
Shit animation that would be embarrassing even ten years ago
It was only decent because of the source material.
Wait a second. Farnese says she knows Guts was the leader of the Hawks raiders. That didn't happen in the manga did it?
The funny part is that there were drawn close ups up the arse in the same ep.
>mfw guts swung the dragon slayer against the knights and the soundtrack kicked in
That was great
But what if Rape Horse is the apostle and they make him even more fucked up?
>still no rapehorse
>no swordsex
Next episode r-right guys?
>The Black Swordsman was defeated by a tree branch
No, it didn't.
See those ghosts? They're 3D, but they're kinda bearable.
That happened in the manga.
From what I looked up, nope.
The fact no one remembered was what made that one Midland army guy mention that notable.
Next episodes titles is "Night of revelations," same title as the chapter with the rape horse. I don't know if they will cut it or not but there is a high chance because of
A lot better but thats mostly down to the material being adapted. Guts being a smart ass is always fun.
Nice to hear Hirasawa too.
Night of miracles.
I lost it so fucking hard during this
So this was a MAJOR improvment right
Just looked it up myself, this is odd. I don't understand why they would make the change, it doesn't really add anything, in my opinion it makes it worse.
Maybe exposition for animeonlys? I dunno.
>>actually decent animation
>>lots of amazing looking 2D parts
Stay in Sup Forums faggot
>nuMale Sup Forumsermin trying to act like this is in any way an improvement
>actively defending the shit animation and CG
>actively defending the censorship
Literally the only good thing about this episode was Hirasawa's new song.
pic related is everyone looking at Berserk 2016
>Saltfags still mad because they can't whine and bitch about it being insufferable
>Sorry horse
I can't hate it when Guts is like this
Fuck off you movie and anime-only cancerous subhuman
Get cancer and die
At least the helmet thing is still here...
>show Farnese's boobs
>no nipples
>no Guts "begging" Puck to free him
In the manga, there are no two helmets that look the same; Miura loves designing various helmets.
>someone on Sup Forums talking about people being subhuman
You're whining about chinese cartoons, you're already the lowest of the low
I fucking KNEW I didn't recognise this guy from the manga
>Miura original story
>fucked up by incopetent faggots and their shitty CGI
wew lad
Too bad they hace the same mouth
Tain can you do a hat wobble?
>they didnt show her tits
Why the fuck are they keeping Casca "white"? she is clearly Brown in the opening and one of the visual of the anime.
Lack of time, budget?
No wonder he can't lift his sword.
How the fuck did they make a CGI character's face actually look flat
The japanese tend to be really eurphoric when it comes to god related stuff for some reason
""""BUY THE BD""""""
Nah, he's in the manga. It's the apostle Guts kills at Godo's house, well I'm pretty sure it is. Looks like he lives in a manor now.
He's in the manga.
Fuck I thought it was but I wasn't sure.
IE I googled for 5 seconds but couldn't get any images of that apostle so I stopped
>implying Sup Forums isn't accostumed to higher quality CG and animation
Strawman more senpai.
So in this universe Dog-man lives in a mansion and Guts left Godos without any altercation and also found a Behelit somewhere
Her skin doesn't look white, but just lightened. It doesn't have that slight pinkish tint you'd normally have on white skin.
Wasn't this supposed to be airing on 2 channels, 1 censored, 1 not?
Why do I even care?
Why am I even watching this trainwreck?
Can we have a moment of silence for Tonio?
He was a good man.
I will wait another week, see if they have horse scene. If not, I will watch the new D Gray Man instead
Press F to pay respects
>Episode 03 is an original story by modern Miura
Does that mean no rape horse?
>that sword
Man Guts' golden age sword looked a lot cooler than Dragonslayer.
Long, slender swords > slab of irons
RIP Tonio.
Literally a shitty meme scene and the manga would be better without it.
desu it was slightly less shitty thanks to HAAAAAAAAI YOOOO
So the next episode is going to have the possessed dogs + the pig apostle? That's what I've gathered from the preview.
Seems like no rape horse unfortunately.
By the way, what was the point of 100 man fight flashbacks? This wasn't really relevant to this fight, neither was the Griffith's talk.
What's up with Griffith's bedroom eyes?