Kira, wherever you are I will find you, and I will uphold true justice!
Death Note Movie
Please don't tell me this is real.
Allah is the one true god and islam is a religion of peace
BLM rally
Why does L look edgier than Kira
Did they change it up so he doesn't use a pseudonym?
I had hopes for this movie but now...
Report Sup Forums trolls
Where did everything go so wrong?
I guess adapting anime into Hollywood movies is the new fad now. Video games didn't really work all that well anyway.
Not casting Malik as L. What the fuck are they doing.
>Casting an egyptian frog as a likable but quirky super detective
No, just no.
Pic related is way better.
fujoshi pls go
Allahu Akbar!
Sup Forums leave
>likeable but quirky
L was a fucking freakazoid looney toon
Literally me.
>White police, wherever you are I will find you, and I will uphold true justice!
Sup Forums always comes up with the best memes
Imagine not liking L, the qtest of all autists
Sup Forums memes are shit
That whole board is like someone mixed the worst traits of Sup Forums and Sup Forums and then told them they were 2010 Sup Forums
Someone get this hothead outta here
Sup Forums hasn't had a good meme in 4 years
>Sup Forums always comes up with the best memes
yare yare daze...
Look out everyone we have a meme expert here!
Sup Forums memes have literally killed two people so I think they're technically superior
What about the plane crash? The one with no survivors
>Sup Forums killed terrorists with internet
>Sup Forums killed an entire planeful of people with baneful meme magic
What did Sup Forums do?
Here's a lewd ISIS-chan, she wants your gross infidel dick to impregnate her and make haram babies!
Just kidding, you're going to get beheaded for those impure thoughts now.
>"I-I-I w-want to be a little girl!!!" (obese neet irl)
It did lay off a police officer, somehow
>Sup Forums memes have literally killed two people
Wait two?
Lemmy and who else?
>L actually going out of hiding and in public (his face is covedere, DN won't work without seeing the full face so this is not Lindon)
Sup Forums killed anime.
Would have loved him as L and Zac Efron as Light
God damn it.....
Go back to tumblr
>Committing Jihad