Why do we need 100 round magazines

Here's a red pill. With a rate of fire of 700rpm and a reload time 5-9 seconds(we'll call it 7) it takes 15 seconds to empty and reload a 100 round magazine. 9.6 seconds to empty and reload a 30 round magazine and 8 seconds to empty and reload a 10 road magazine.
The data is as follows for a sustained rate of fire.
100rd magazine. 400rpm.
30rd. Magazine. 180rpm
10rd. Magazine. 70rpm.
I believe in compromise. He fired for 10 minutes. Likely he quit firing because the crowd dispersed and ran out of targets or maybe he was exhausted from the reloading. I maintain that if 100rd magazines were not accessible he could have got off half the shots. That means 29 dead. 250 wounded. There is no sporting purpose for 100 round magazines. The United States military does not use 100 Rd magazines as they have no use. Their only use is mag dumps into crowds and mag dumps at the range for fun.
The bottom line is this. If you do not support a ban of magazines with a capacity of greater than 30 rounds which is the standard the military uses, the blood of 28 dead and 250 wounded is on your hands.

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My guess would be so that you can fire one hundred rounds without reloading.

how else am I supposed to provide suppressing fire?

I am a Canadian with an rpal and 8 rifles.

The military uses he m249 lmg for this. They do not use 100 roundmagazines in the ar15

reminder its Bill of Rights
not Bill of Needs

having said that I wouldn't personally own a 100rd mag. they're garbage. 30 round mags are just dandy. and with practice you can reload in under 2 seconds

Actually they're pretty useful for wildhog hunting. Wildhogs dont do anything except eat, kill and destroy. So farmers will hire a helicopter pilot, grab a 100 round AR 15 and go to town on the hogs. ita faster, safer and easier than hunting herds of wildhog on the ground

For when the ebt cards stop working

This thread is not relevant to the civilized world !

its easy as fuck to make 100 round magazine.
weld together 10 10 round magazines and bind the internal springs together.

its also easy as fuck to make a gun, you can walk around the hardware store and make a gun out of shit you literally just picked up off the shelf.

if anyone wants to do a mass killing they will. what next, you want to ban vans and trucks from cities and demand that we bin our knives?
>protip: every male in my region carries a knife.