Subs are out.
I enjoyed the first episode and like how the faces are back. I hope JC Staff keeps it up.
Ooki is my favourite
Subs are out.
I enjoyed the first episode and like how the faces are back. I hope JC Staff keeps it up.
Ooki is my favourite
Lets get this out of the way
Is this yuri?
No. It's Amano.
Makoto is the cutest
Does he end up with anyone?
Not a single fucking show so far this season doesn't have threads filled with just absolute shitposts.
Is just one show too much to ask?
Quit responding to bait. All of you.
QUIT RESPONDING TO BAIT. Do not dignify shitposts with responses otherwise you are just as instrumental in fucking up threads as the actual shitposter.
When does it air on Japanese free channels? Today it was only on ATX
Fuck off
Too bad. He's too cool.
This. Just report and ignore.
Fuck off.
Amanchu and Aria the Avvenire.
What a time to be alive.
Is she autistic?
Teenage yotsuba
So she's autistic then
Why do the character designs look so weird?
They look like Amano's art. I dunno what you're going on about.
Man I cannot wait for future episodes. You just know the anime is only going to get better.
Yeah, me.
The glares are still so powerful
What's going on with Akari's left hand there?
I enjoy the focus on ass. I love how Teko took a picture of both of her old friends' asses and is mirin' it every second.
Waiting for a release with nice typesetting,i always do with sol series.
>he doesn't have pictures of his friends' asses
Its as if you don't want to help them track their squat progress
cute teacher
Teacher is basically Akira with a better body.
They don't look like Aria
Fuck off.
Why is green doing fucking cooking mama faces all the time?
They look like Amanchu, very much so. Aria's art style isn't exactly the same
How new?
It's pac-man disease. It's a serious disability please don't bully.
Pacman X Amanchu crossover incoming.
>Akira with a better body
>better body
Does not compute
It will.
Is it good?
Might as well get this thread on track, instead of the cancer that infected the previous thread.
First episode is out, watch it and see if you like it.
>this season
>thinks the first two weeks isn't always the most shitposted time of a season
This is how you out yourself as a newfag.
You literally cannot get higher test than Akira. Katori is cute but her body cannot compare.
I wonder how far we're going to go with the anime. I don't think we'll get a chance to meet boy teacher, but will we make it as far as brown loli?
Somehow this doesn't seem unintentional at all.
I enjoyed the first episode a lot, just watch it nigga it's only 24min.
I don't think elevens have that as slang.
Brown loli teacher?
No just a regular brown loli.
I love the interaction between these two.
End of vol 5, with the fireworks show, would be a decent place to end, before the new school term
I hope there's a chance of S2
Why contain her hips?
Not really regular loli
Actually shota
Holy shit that felt eternal.
Best sensei of the season?
My preference is for Katori due to her spunky personality.
Then you have good taste in cakes.
I'm going to assume the new adaptation form the aria author will sell enough for a second season.
Look at this smug.
Wait what, seriously? I need to reread those chapters.
The reveal haven't been translated yet
For your own collection
An excellent contribution.
Whats this have to do with Aria?
Just the same manga author?
So many rares in this show!
I think we'll be needing a rare collage every episode.
Yes, but also the same director.
grandma is best girl
So she's literally Yui, right?
I wish she would bless me with this smile every morning.
You fucking memers, that's not think at all.
Cake of the season contender!
I prefer New Alice™ over New Akari™ desu
Hikari has the same VA as Chinatsu in Flying Witch
The butt is pretty firm.
I couldn't care less for the whole "thicc" thing, not even sure where it comes from.
It's connected to her older series, Roman Club, which was about the younger brother of Mato (the teacher in Amanchu)
And she doesn't sound like shit in this role.
I know it might sound a bit autistic but I really like the coloring.
Amanchu is fucking glorious.
I have loved the manga for the longest time.
Amano makes some amazing comfy series.
I hope the music is good for the anime.
I don't think liking colors is autistic
Thanks. I still have to finish Aria. Thankfully it's so comfy I can take it super slow without missing anything.
So I have to read that to get it?
>boring ass characters with boring ass designs
>haha but look haha they make the funny face all the time ahahahaha it's so funny hahahaha
The music is supposed to be by the person that did the YKK OVA music.
>So I have to read that to get it?
>those soft guitar sounds while overlooking the cliffs
Got some serious Aria PTSD there desu
People hated Chinatsu's voice?
I thought she sounded pretty cute,
Butt of the season ?
Yeah I agree. The palette they've chosen for the scenry and characters is nice and matches the coloured art and the atmosphere
Those aren't people.
Sure is Aria uniforms in here
Doesn't every episode of aria feel like that
That stare gets me everytime